Conflicting advice on taking pysillium husks with arvs
I've been experimenting with different approaches to my constipation, I am now going to add Psyillium husk capsules or powder etc to my diet,I have read so many conflicting advice online about the timing of taking Psyillium? Some say 2 hrs before arvs or 2 hrs after to avoid risk of non absorption of meds,has anyone got any advice on timing when taking Psyillium or do you air on the side of caution?
Plenty of things need to be avoided, plenty of things that just can't be taken at the same time with other meds, for example, don't take within 1 hour prior or within 2 hours after.
--- Quote ---I am now going to add Psyillium husk capsules or powder etc to my diet,I have read so many conflicting advice online about the timing of taking Psyillium? --- End quote ---
Psyillium and lamivir and nevirapine right? No idea; I normally check whenever taking anything and if in doubt, I double-check with the pharmacist.
I would suggest you best talk to your pharmacist on this one.
Thanks Jim, yes I will take your advice on psyllium and take 1 hr before my meds.