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Author Topic: Newly diagnosed and a lot of questions  (Read 11096 times)

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Offline puppyluv

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Newly diagnosed and a lot of questions
« on: September 14, 2020, 09:44:10 am »
Hello everyone. I got diagnosed 2 weeks ago today and started Biktarvy the same day. Although this has been probably the saddest and toughest part of my life, everyday gets better. Now that I’m getting past the initial shock I have some questions so that I can try to live my life as normally as possible that maybe you guys can help me out with:

I was having unprotected vaginal sex with my boyfriend for about 3 months before this. He just tested negative which is great but I also don’t understand how that’s possible. But I am wondering if we want to have sex again, do we need to wait until I am undetectable even if we use a condom? Or would a condom protect him sufficiently in the meantime? Also should he take PReP until I’m undetectable or even after or is that more for people who won’t use condoms and aren’t in a monogamous relationship ? Everything online seems to tell you that condoms might work, only if used correctly but I just want to know the reality from people living with it. Thanks 

Offline Jim Allen

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Re: Newly diagnosed and a lot of questions
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2020, 10:17:27 am »

Welcome to the forum, I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis but glad to hear you have started treatment.

I've moved your post here as your questions relate to HIV prevention and more senior members answer prevention question here. I'll open a secoundary thread for you in the "I Just tested positive" as introduction thread.

I am wondering if we want to have sex again, do we need to wait until I am undetectable even if we use a condom? Or would a condom protect him sufficiently in the meantime?

So once your viral load has been UD for 6+ months, sexually passing on HIV is not an issue. See https://forums.poz.com/index.php?topic=71864.0

Regarding condoms, HIV can't transmit through an intact latex or polyurethane condom. However, incorrect or inconsistent usage is an issue to its effectiveness, and condoms effectiveness against STI's as whole variers depending on how the STI is transmitted, they do reduce the risks.

If you choose to have sex before being UD for 6+ months, you could choose less risky activities but if you do have intercourse use condoms.

Also should he take PReP until I’m undetectable or even after or is that more for people who won’t use condoms and aren’t in a monogamous relationship ?

PrEP is for anyone who wants an additional layer of protection/prevention against HIV.

I was having unprotected vaginal sex with my boyfriend for about 3 months before this. He just tested negative which is great but I also don’t understand how that’s possible.

HIV is difficult to transmit even when the conditions are correct and, as your BF is the insertive partner he would be at less risk compared to being a receptive partner during intercourse. However, it's sill a risk and if you have had recent condomless intercourse he should work with his healthcare provider to ensure he has tested conclusively negative.

Best, Jim


During the last 15 years, the European Commission has financed several research projects aimed at studying, (directly or indirectly), the use of condoms as a preventive measure against sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS. These projects were carried out not only in Europe, but also in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where the burden of the HIV epidemic is at its highest. All the studies concluded that the male condom was an effective way of preventing the transmission of HIV, with an efficacy close to 100% when the condom is used appropriately.

« Last Edit: September 14, 2020, 10:25:46 am by Jim Allen »
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