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Author Topic: 16 years is a good run.  (Read 12124 times)

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Offline J.R.E.

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16 years is a good run.
« on: November 19, 2019, 06:28:28 pm »

I was admitted to the hospital last night at 7:00, due to the fact that I thought I was having a heart attack. Its been 16 years since my last admission to a hospital.

I was watching TV at about  6:00 last night, when suddenly, I started experiencing, a lot of chest pain.  Along with the chest pain, I also had back pain, Rapid shallow breathing, my skin was getting clammy, and a headache came on very quickly. I really thought I was going to stroke out. My left arm was NOT numb.

I started monitoring my blood pressure, watching it steadily go up. It finally got to about 160 over 101.  This is when Ed drove me to the hospital, which thankfully is fairly close to where we live. This was not the VA hospital , but community hospital.

I was immediately admitted, and released at 10:00 this morning. They did quite a few tests on me.  This is a segment of the messaging I placed to my cardiologist and primary Doctors in the VA healthcare system.


I am writing to let you know, that on 11/18/19 ( Monday),  I had some sort of incident occur, that felt like I was having a Heart Attack.  This occurred at about 6:00 pm, while watching TV.  I was laying in bed at the time.

I had a good amount of pain, above the abdomen, and in the center of the chest.  I also had a bit of back pain, and at least two times within 20 minutes of each, I felt nauseous, and my skin was clammy. The doctor ruled out indigestion, as I had lunch much earlier in the day.

I decided to go to Mease Countryside Hospital emergency room, in Safety Harbor.  I had three sets of labs done 6 hours apart, a chest Xray,  and an CT scan of the abdominal, chest, and pelvic areas.

After arriving at the emergency room,  It took about 2 1/2 hours, before most of the pain and discomfort had virtually gone away. They took labs at approx 8:00 pm, 3:00 am, and again at 7:00 am. I was released from the hospital at around 10:00am Tuesday Morning.

The lab results, showed nothing out of range, and were good. I believe the chest Xray showed negative as well as the CT scan. The tests they did was "Cardiac Markers",

Tropinin ( normal), and  PC Tropinin( Normal)The CT scan ( Angio Chst / abd/ Pelvic and  W/cont, post proc. all showed normal.

They ruled out a heart attack or valve issue.  They asked me to follow up with you and my primary care doctor at the Palm Harbor clinic, so that you are aware of the situation, and to see if an earlier appointment is necessary, then my scheduled appointments in February and June of 2020.

As of now,  I have no issues going on, And I feel fine, as if nothing happened ! If you think that an earlier appointment is needed,  Please let me know...


This was a scary situation for me. I never felt anything like that, and it came on so quickly.  :o

Ray--( Feeling much better )

Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe.

 UPDATED 1/1/25
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of October, 1st 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @538 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3007 (within range)


Offline harleymc

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2019, 02:51:29 am »
Sorry you had such a horrible scare.

Very glad you are ok.

Hugs and tugs

Offline leatherman

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2019, 05:58:10 am »
oh my goodness! I'm sorry you had to go to the hospital but am glad that you got out - and that you are feeling better too! Hopefully you'll get some answers and find out what the heck was going on.

but maybe you don't want to count that as being back in the hospital.  ;) :D  Oddly enough it was 16 years after my last stay in the hospital (aids/pcp) that I ended up in the ER when I had a terrible allergic reaction (to pineapple of all things) and nearly died. (Thank god for the quick paramedics that got me to the hospital!) Since I wasn't admitted and only stayed for 7 hours, I decided that that incidence did not count as a "hospital stay" just an "ER visit". ;) You weren't in the hospital but a little over 12 hours so maybe you can count this trip as just an "ER visit" too. ;)

best wishes for good health and no more incidents of whatever that was
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline J.R.E.

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2019, 04:57:37 pm »

 Since I wasn't admitted and only stayed for 7 hours, I decided that that incidence did not count as a "hospital stay" just an "ER visit". ;) You weren't in the hospital but a little over 12 hours so maybe you can count this trip as just an "ER visit" too. ;)

Yes !!,   I was very curious about that as well.  Seeing that I am in the VA healthcare system,  From everything I read,  The VA will take care of the emergency room costs.

I was in the emergency section from 7:00 PM until they placed me in a room at 3:00 in the morning. Was released at 10:00 am.

My medicare part A,  should take care of 80 % ( I believe) of  cost.  I am also below the 250 % of poverty level. 

The hospital states that they would write off other costs, because of that. Like to see how it all works out.  ::)

But time will tell.  Whatever billings,  should arriving in the mail soon. Their good at that !  :o  I had no co-pay for the emergency room.

Anyway,. I've contacted My VA primary Doctor,  and my VA cardiologist called me yesterday,  and I am now set up for an ECHO cardiogram,  EKG, and A follow up visit with the doctor,   this coming Tuesday.

I went back to the hospital yesterday, and got my information/ Dr. Remarks,.. released and printed out to give to my cardiologist.

I am doing fine, since all this happened !

Thanks Harley and Mike for your wishes !! Take care guys !  8)

« Last Edit: November 21, 2019, 05:08:23 pm by J.R.E. »
Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe.

 UPDATED 1/1/25
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of October, 1st 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @538 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3007 (within range)


Offline J.R.E.

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2019, 05:11:30 pm »

Ed just reminded me that it was 250 % of the federal poverty level not 275%.  I made the correction in my previous post. for the hospital that would be less than 30,000 per year for one person. So I am well below that ! I have the website to fill out the form if the need arises.

Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe.

 UPDATED 1/1/25
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of October, 1st 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @538 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3007 (within range)


Offline aztecan

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2019, 10:16:00 pm »
Hey Ray,
Sorry to be late to the party, so to speak, but I am glad you came through this in one piece.


"May your life preach more loudly than your lips."
~ William Ellery Channing (Unitarian Minister)

Offline em

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #6 on: December 20, 2019, 08:15:42 am »
You use the VA

did you take advantage of the education benefits and job placement  and training after military separation .

any stories from the good old days ? to tell . or is this the wrong place to do such things ?

did you get a medical  evaluation physical after separation form duty . telling all of the aches and pains and damage the hard life of military service can inflict on the individual who served . the military through the VA pays amounts for this damage and injures caused during service. I am sure you know this already just trying to make conversation .

all the best to you


Offline J.R.E.

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Re: 16 years is a good run.
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2019, 11:14:25 am »
You use the VA

did you take advantage of the education benefits and job placement  and training after military separation .


Yes I did.  Right after I got out in 1973,  I used the benefits and started training for Machinists Apprentice.  That worked out well, and landed me work in two different Machine shops, in the area of where I lived. I made parts for Boeing.  I also worked in another shop making electrical motor shafts, of all sizes from 4 inches long to 4 feet long.

I think we were all medically evaluated upon discharge, I didn't have any medical issues while in the military, or after.  Everything was fine.

Take care---Ray
Current Meds ; Viramune / Epzicom Eliquis, Diltiazem. Pravastatin 80mg, Ezetimibe.

 UPDATED 1/1/25
 Tested positive in 1985,.. In October of 2003, My t-cell count was 16, Viral load was over 500,000, Percentage at that time was 5%. I started on  HAART on October 24th, 2003.

 UPDATED: As of October, 1st 2024,Viral load Undetectable.
CD 4 @538 /  CD4 % @ 18 %

Lymphocytes,total-3007 (within range)



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