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Do I Have HIV? / Re: My penis peeled off during intercourse. Am I at risk of HIV?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 29, 2024, 03:29:15 pm »
The next day you noticed peeled skin and a bruise. Neither is a route for HIV transmission and although there are also other reasons why this is not a risk, this is the end of this story and HIV assessment.

Of course, you had risks for far easier to transmit STIs but that was already a risk regardless of the peeling skin, as some infections (Not HIV) are transmitted primarily by skin-to-skin contact, viral shredding or skin-to-lesion contact, etc., which may infect areas not covered by a condom, such as genital herpes, human papillomavirus [HPV], Chancroid (Haemophilus ducreyi) etc and Mpox I suppose as well as there is always some contact during sex.

No need to panic, move on with your life. Keep using condoms and test yearly for STIs out of standard routine.

Please don't post about this again, thank you!

Do I Have HIV? / Re: My penis peeled off during intercourse. Am I at risk of HIV?
« Last post by supra5 on November 29, 2024, 03:21:20 pm »
Can you tell me why it is not risky? Wouldn't I be at risk if my partner's sexual fluids come into contact with the area where my skin is peeled?
Do I Have HIV? / Re: My penis peeled off during intercourse. Am I at risk of HIV?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 29, 2024, 03:15:52 pm »
Not an HIV risk, relax and move on with your life.

Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks:
Use condoms for anal or easier-acquired correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV and get vaccinated against HPV, Hepatitis A & B.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.

Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.

Kind regards


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As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed.

Do I Have HIV? / My penis peeled off during intercourse. Am I at risk of HIV?
« Last post by supra5 on November 29, 2024, 03:14:28 pm »
I had sex with my partner using a condom. The condom did not break during intercourse. The condom did not cover a single finger's width at the base of my penis. Due to friction, the skin on the last part of my penis peeled off where the condom did not cover it. When I looked, I could see blood under the skin, but there was no active bleeding. I did not notice any active bleeding when removing the condom after intercourse. I noticed the situation a day later and started Pep treatment at the 40th hour. Am I at risk of HIV?
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on November 29, 2024, 01:50:15 pm »

               ojo.            Hello everyone!… November 29, 1994. How could I forget that day if it was a day when I received a diagnosis that changed my life forever. Since then I have gone through a lot of opportunistic infections and on the verge of dying three or four times but, I’m still here, I don’t know why, sharing with all of you my life experience, fighting, and surviving AIDS/HIV. Fortunately, for all new diagnosed new members, getting and advance HIV infections (AIDS) it’s not the same like 30 years ago, time has changed, lucky you. Although getting this diagnosis is still shocking.

I just want to share with you my happy 30th HIVERSARY , Who would have thought I was going to be here sharing with you the story of my life….hugs

PS. in memoriam of our friend numberguy82. we are going to keep supporting and helping in  others ways n Your Honor
Living With HIV / Re: Should i be worried?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 28, 2024, 04:18:49 pm »
Touch of AIDS  ;D. Jim always makes me laugh.

I also had a touch… well it was more like a kick in the ass


Ah sure didn't I have a touch of AIDS myself back in 2018.  8) Indeed all is grand these days.   :)

I can hear the Irish accent while reading this.  ;D

I suppose it would be fair to say that if any of us have Blips that only will be noticed if the Blip coincides with our blood tests clinic appointment time. So therefore many of us could have Blips between visits and not even know it?

Excellent. Yeah so, if they tested me every day for six months, I could nearly guarantee that more than a few times my viral load would be between 50-200.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from blood draw?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 28, 2024, 02:48:25 pm »
Well, there is no such thing as an HIV-infected needle as HIV only infects people.

Anyhow, I read your post three times and I already answered that it's zero HIV risk to you. The worst case scenario is I could have stabbed you on purpose with the syringes used at your office myself and it still would not be an HIV risk to you.

Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from blood draw?
« Last post by mercinyc on November 28, 2024, 02:41:41 pm »
Thanks Jim. Even if the worst case happened and I was pricked by an HIV infected needle?
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from semen in urethra
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 28, 2024, 02:32:50 pm »
So being concrete, even if this other man's semen, who I will assume HIV+ and untreated, got directly onto my glans and urethra from his ejaculation, it would still be 100% safe HIV wise
Can I put this whole episode behind me and stop worrying about infecting myself and my wife from HIV from this very only episode? Can I keep my head clear and trust a negative result when I test in a few weeks, assuming this and only this contact?

Asked and answered already.

Final question, why, would same fluid in same tissue (semen in urethra) be not a transmission vector if someone cums directly in it, but is is with penetrate sex, where body fluids also enter through the urethra?

well, the concerns and activities as described here, in your first and second posts,  lack any of the simultaneously required environmental and biological conditions needed for HIV transmission to occur, and the latter situation of condomless sex meets all of them.

Essentially, HIV is very fragile and the receptors needed to infect corrode easily in contact with certain barriers and outside the confines of the body. In brief, your adult HIV risks are:

* Condomless intercourse & a minute (theoretical) HIV risk if you give a blowjob.
* Sharing drugs rigs (Syringes)
* Blood products/ transfusions (Rare nowadays in most nations thanks to screening)

That's it.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from semen in urethra
« Last post by Confused99 on November 28, 2024, 02:24:26 pm »
Thanks Jim

I totally understand your advise and comments regarding condomless sex, even in closed relationships and I see where you are coming from.

I also understand you cannot warrant I can go ahead and have unprotected sex with her due to many other variables and factors.

So being concrete, even if this other man's semen, who I will assume HIV+ and untreated, got directly onto my glans and urethra from his ejaculation, it would still be 100% safe HIV wise
Can I put this whole episode behind me and stop worrying about infecting myself and my wife from HIV from this very only episode? Can I keep my head clear and trust a negative result when I test in a few weeks, assuming this and only this contact?

Final question, why, would same fluid in same tissue (semen in urethra) be not a transmission vector if someone cums directly in it, but is is with penetrate sex, where body fluids also enter through the urethra?
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