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So HIV loses its infectivity in the blood the moment somebody drinks Water from the bottle( before putting in the fridge and before ı drink it)and coldness of the Water and refrigerator doesnt have any effect  on hiv longer survival because it isnt alreafy viable anymore and ı can't ne infected with HIV for this reason.Can I say  I dont need any HIV test for this incident
although all your hypotheticals mean nothing different than what you already posted, let me clear up your confusion about HIV transmission
* Condomless intercourse & a minute (theoretical) HIV risk if you give a blowjob.
* Sharing drugs rigs (Syringes)
* Blood products/ transfusions (Rare nowadays in most nations thanks to screening)

That's it.
Jim already posted the only ways you could get infected by HIV. That's because once outside the body changes in temperature, humidity, etc. cause HIV to degrade and die. Transmission by condomless sex is because HIV isn't exposed outside the bodies of the couple. Transmission by injection needle is because the blood in the syringe isn't exposed to air, although changes in temperature will start degrading HIV quickly. Transmission by blood products is because the blood is in a sealed bag before being injected straight into a body.

Each of these transmission methods is because blood or semen is injected straight into someone else without being exposed to air and/or temperature, humidity changes.

In your situation, the moment someone's blood or semen left their body, HIV was destroyed. Even if that someone was infected with HIV, that blood or semen would not have been a potential infection risk to anyone else. As Jim often says, move on with your life. Only unprotected vaginal/anal sex or sharing injection needles is a risk of HiV.
hello.I want to ask some    questions   and   want to learn  more  about hiv survivality in refrigerator.I had  written  another  post about this  subject  two  months   ago  and    ı   still  have  some  doubts which  make  me  very unhappy      and    anxious  about  hiv   infection   by  this   way.  I drank  water  from  a  plastic   water bottle which  didnt belong  to   me    and was in  the refrigerator   for   one  hour or  forty  minutes.I  am  aftaid  that ıt  might  have blood  on its  mouth   under  the cap because  ıt   wasnt   mine and   owned to    somebody   else   whom ı  dont know at  all  and   ı   mixed   my bottle   with   hers . I   want to  clarify  three   things  about my   old post.   1.Can hıv  stay    infectious in    blood   on the   mouth of   a water   bottle which was   closed  with a  water  cap  in  the fridge?                 
 2.Does cold environment   like inside  fridge keep   it  viable  on  the  mouth of  a  plastic  water  bottle ?     
3.And can ı  be  infected    with  hiv ıf    my   lip  which    had a   wound   on  it contact with  the water  from  this   bottle?                                                           
 4.I  drank   water  from this bottle   by   pouring  on  a  glass .Can  drinking  this    way   make   the   virus  dilluted ıf  there is  any    viable one   on the   bottle.
5.Do  ı  need  to   test   over   this incident ?
6.Does  hiv    virus  die once  ıt   is  outside  the  confines of the body no matter  what    the condition   is  (except   drug rigs .   sexual contact    and   blood transfusion).Thank you  very    much for   the  great   help   that   you   have   been   giving. 

AIDS Activism / World Aids Day 2024
« Last post by Jim Allen on Yesterday at 04:12:48 am »
I'm not sure if any of you have plans for today?

This year, I'll be visiting the AIDS memorial where there will be a ceremony in the afternoon.

POZ.com quick guide to activities, memorials, statistics, social media posts and more. https://www.poz.com/article/world-aids-day-2024

2023 Globally:
  • An estimated 39.9 million people were living with HIV
  • 630 000 [500 000–820 000] people died from HIV-related causes
  • 86% [69–>98%] of people living with HIV knew their status.
  • 77% [61–89%] of people living with HIV were receiving ART.
  • 72% [65–80%] of people living with HIV had suppressed viral loads.

2023 EU & WHO European Region.
  • 112 883 HIV diagnoses were reported, including 24 731 from the EU.
  • Late HIV diagnoses (CD4 < 350 cells), 52.4%, EU 52.7%
  • AIDS diagnoses 7878, EU 2690
  • AIDS-related deaths 2775, EU 663*
*Data was affected by under-reporting due to the challenges in many countries in linking to death registries.

Source: WHO & ECDC

Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on November 30, 2024, 11:21:51 am »

           ojo.           Thanks for replying, Michael and yes, I remember 30 years ago. I thought that I was spending my last Christmas my last New Year’s because I was told that I would leave two more years and I’m still here celebrating each day as was going to be the last day of my life meaning that I live every day at the fullest even with my Health restrictions. Life is good even with an HIV diagnosis. Thanks again for replying… Hugs.

PS. i’m sorry for my typos
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by leatherman on November 29, 2024, 08:19:31 pm »
Happy 30th hiversary!!!

So many holidays to celebrate this time of year certainly brighten things up. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years and an Hiversary! You can't beat not dying and outliving AIDS for a grand celebration.
« Last post by Tonny2 on November 29, 2024, 07:24:39 pm »

               ojo.          Hola para todos los que nos leen!… Sólo para hacerles saber que hoy 29 de noviembre estoy celebrando 30 años de vivir en tiempo extra ya que hace 30 años fui diagnosticado coincida con sólo 20 soldados y hoy en día estoy en detectarle desde en enero del 2007 con el mismo tratamiento y mis más recientes exámenes indican que tengo 700 y pico soldados así que, la esperanza muere al último y a seguir adelante. Háganse el examen para que mientras más pronto si salen positivos inician tratamiento de inmediato aunque ahora los medicamentos afortunadamente son mucho más efectivos que los de hace 30 años… Recuerden que si se portan mal me inviten y si se van de fiesta no olviden ponerse el gorrito… Abrazos
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from blood draw?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 29, 2024, 04:38:21 pm »
Please don't post about needles/sharps again, if you do, I'll consider it excessive and issue a ban to encourage you to talk to a therapist.

Thank you.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from blood draw?
« Last post by Jim Allen on November 29, 2024, 04:33:59 pm »

Because this is 2024, not 1984.

Your concerns lack any of the basic simultaneously required biological and environmental conditions for HIV transmission. It's not a low risk, that's just a CYA (cover your ass) answer by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about, you had no HIV risk whatsoever from this event.

Your concern is about accidental needle pricks with discarded syringes in a lift, and discarded needles as these have not resulted in a single confirmed case of someone acquiring HIV in 40+ years, the same goes for being randomly stabbed with one whilst going about your business. The reasons why include the lack of volume of fluids as it is less than a drop that can be suspended by the sharp and introduced in this manner and, it has been exposed to the environment at the top of the sharp/needle meaning the receptors needed to infect degrade leaving HIV unable to infect, this concern also lacks a few other conditions. 

See if you are injecting drugs that would be different due to how they are (re)used and the volume of fluids containing HIV that are kept within a vacuum, so they are not exposed to the environment that fluid is (re)-injected within a very short time directly into the bloodstream.

Now, I have not yet mentioned this but I will, the next issue is that this problem did not happen, it's in your head. I don't believe you bumped into a transparent bag being carried about with used needles, and,  even if that part did happen, you certainly did not get stabbed by a used needle in that lift, because unlike getting a qualified nurse to do it in controlled conditions, randomly getting stuck by a needle standing and around fucking hurts, so you would have clearly known about it.

Your issue isn't HIV and you don't need HIV testing over these issues, it might be an emotional/mental health problem that you should consider talking to a qualified therapist about.

I wish I could help you but I can't and unlike whoever you spoke to, I am unwilling to pretend this is an HIV concern. Your problems are not HIV related.
Do I Have HIV? / Re: HIV risk from blood draw?
« Last post by mercinyc on November 29, 2024, 04:01:36 pm »
Hi Jim,
Could you explain why there would be no risk scientifically if the needles had blood on their tips? I went to the doctor today and he told me to test today for baseline and at 6 weeks with a 4th generation test which has worsened my fears. He did say it was low risk however.
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