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Author Topic: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health  (Read 10691 times)

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Offline numbersguy82

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Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« on: August 22, 2023, 04:59:40 am »
So I consume a lot of news and articles about improving our mental health. I think my main takeaway from all of them is that it’s less about the specific tasks that we perform, and more about the feelings they evoke in us.

So I thought why not start a topic and share our own personal top 3 things that put us in a better mood? We will learn more about one another, and maybe even get some new ideas to add to our own armories for battling feelings of negativity and depression.

For me:

1) Spending time with my rescue kitty, Charley. She’s not socialized and mostly considers me a roommate instead of companion, but she brings me joy regardless.

2) Sitting down to work on a puzzle. I love having a puzzle going at all times in the corner of my home. If I find myself sleeping too much to being inactive, I’ll just sit down and add a few pieces. Usually that will lead to many many pieces and at the end I feel more accomplished and better about myself.

3) Reading a cozy mystery novel or watching one on streaming. I’m addicted to any mystery that involves an elder person solving a mystery. From Agatha’s Miss Marple or Poirot to Murder, She Wrote and even Midsomer Murders! My recent faves are Harry Wild (starring Jane Seymour), Signora Volpe, Recipes for Love and Murder, Whitstable Pearl, and McDonald & Dodds. I shy away from anything too graphic.

So how do you boost your mood and put a smile back on your face???

Offline Jim

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2023, 05:01:44 pm »
Working on my photography, walking (hiking) and sex.
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Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2023, 05:59:03 am »
Working on my photography, walking (hiking) and sex.

As I wrote this yesterday, I actually thought of you and what yours would be. My guesses were:

- Photography
- Trans Pride Parades
- The Red Light District

… so I really wasn’t that far off :)

Offline Towel

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2023, 05:39:18 pm »
Really cool thread idea.

For me, I practice meditation, find improved perspectives on problems, and try to focus on the "good" side of life, like find the good qualities in a person who is not my favorite, or a situation that I'd rather be done with, things like that. I find that these do help.

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2023, 07:10:52 am »
Really cool thread idea.

For me, I practice meditation, find improved perspectives on problems, and try to focus on the "good" side of life, like find the good qualities in a person who is not my favorite, or a situation that I'd rather be done with, things like that. I find that these do help.

It’s interesting, I’ve tried meditating unsuccessfully for years because I thought I had to do it a certain way. It wasn’t until I realized that truly it was more about being still and alone with my thoughts, that I started enjoying it. Now I try and start my mornings with doing just that… while the coffee brews 🤣

Offline Jim

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2023, 07:18:26 am »
As I wrote this yesterday, I actually thought of you and what yours would be. My guesses were:

- Photography
- Trans Pride Parades
- The Red Light District

… so I really wasn’t that far off :)

Sex includes the red light district. As for trans parades, it's not like I'm stalking them 😂
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Offline leatherman

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2023, 09:46:51 am »
only three?!?

for me, some have already been mentioned. books (5 a week), puzzles (40 a year), sex (a lot! One of the perks of marriage. 8) ). I would add yardwork. I often tell my friends if they ever find that I died outside doing yardwork (the same way my dad died) to not be sad as l would have died doing something I love.

But music would have to top the list. Music plays while I do all those activities I listed. Music makes everything better! Life is never better than when my earbuds are pouring sounds into my brain.

What kind of music, you might ask. (but probably didn't. LOL) All kinds. Prince, Pet Shop Boys, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Thompson Twins. Oh sure, those are all old groups now; but those are my favs. However, I listen to everything. Musicals, classical, soundtracks, rock, alt, punk, dance. Anything from the 60s to now. The only thing I can't abide too much of is country. (too many memories of an awful Southern childhood of churches and hillbilly music. LOL) Now that I'm in my 60s (just barely at 61.5), I'm often distressed that my peer group is a bunch of fuddy duddies who can't stand "modern" music; but I'm not some snobby or out-of-touch boomer for heaven's sake! I love a lot of what the "kids" are listening to today.

But my favorite genre is simply anything I can dance too. Larry just takes it in stride as I dance around in the kitchen in my earbuds cooking dinner....or doing laundry, or mowing, or doing chores, or most anything. He knew I was still a club kid when we got married in our 50s. LOL I've told him the stories of how, even when I was close to dying of AIDS, I was going out dancing. Heck, the week before I was hospitalized that second time with PCP, I was out there on the dance floor in my harness and leather pants still grooving.

BTW, I'm listening to the Barbie soundtrack as I'm writing this (fav song Man that I am by Sam Smith). Next up is either going to be some Dua Lipa (so many dance tunes!), or the super smutty Slut Pop EP by Kim Petras (dancey and sexy!)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2023, 10:05:27 am »
Sex includes the red light district. As for trans parades, it's not like I'm stalking them 😂

Sureeeeee it’s just mere coincidence that for 3 monthly meetings in a row you just happened to have attended one 🤣🤣🤣 hey I just love that you are a straight Ally!

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2023, 10:31:31 am »
only three?!?

for me, some have already been mentioned. books (5 a week), puzzles (40 a year), sex (a lot! One of the perks of marriage. 8) ). I would add yardwork. I often tell my friends if they ever find that I died outside doing yardwork (the same way my dad died) to not be sad as l would have died doing something I love.

I feel like I already knew all of these things about you… except maybe your age 😱 what is in the water down there in the Carolinas? You are aging wonderfully- no homo.

As for music, reading thru your list of tastes took me back to being in high school listening to Oasis, Spin Doctors, Counting Crows! That period was so wonderful. Nowadays I primarily listen to country music and anything Luke Bryan or Jordan David.

I can def imagine you twirling around and hopping along to your housework!!!

Offline Dogman

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2023, 05:32:42 pm »
I like to read all your normal posts about doing normal things. I've struggled greatly since my diagnosis ( almost 12 months ago ). I struggle to switch it off and while I haven't had a day off work, have still done what I always did, it's there like a cloud over my head. I read my charts and there's the word, "DISEASE", I said to my doctor, I don't feel sick, I have not been sick, the meds are doing their job, my general metabolic health isn't perfect, but it's not bad. So why am I "DISEASED"? I have a virus in me, one that's been knocked on its ass by the drugs. I'm sure I have other viruses in me. I get anxiety whenever there's a letter from my insurance company, or a new message in my on-line chart. I'm sorry, I'm having another down day - I feel my future has been sabotaged and taken away - when I could have prevented it. I know these are stupid thoughts. Just venting and saying thanks at the same time for your normalcy. 

Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2023, 05:40:46 pm »
I like to read all your normal posts about doing normal things. I've struggled greatly since my diagnosis ( almost 12 months ago ). I struggle to switch it off and while I haven't had a day off work, have still done what I always did, it's there like a cloud over my head. I read my charts and there's the word, "DISEASE", I said to my doctor, I don't feel sick, I have not been sick, the meds are doing their job, my general metabolic health isn't perfect, but it's not bad. So why am I "DISEASED"? I have a virus in me, one that's been knocked on its ass by the drugs. I'm sure I have other viruses in me. I get anxiety whenever there's a letter from my insurance company, or a new message in my on-line chart. I'm sorry, I'm having another down day - I feel my future has been sabotaged and taken away - when I could have prevented it. I know these are stupid thoughts. Just venting and saying thanks at the same time for your normalcy.

Hey now who are you call normal??? Listen in all seriousness I understand exactly what you’re going through. The reason these forums exist is because luckily those who came before us also knew that it takes time, and community, to truly learn to cope with this. You say “diseased” but I’d counter “blessed”- how many other afflictions have such effective treatment available. I know it’s preferable to have no diseases, but if you have to have one, I’d say HIV is not the worst.

Sending you virtual hugs of support, and remember we meet in just over an hour for our virtual support call. Just PM your email address if you’d like to join.

Offline Dogman

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2023, 05:47:18 pm »
Hey now who are you call normal??? Listen in all seriousness I understand exactly what you’re going through. The reason these forums exist is because luckily those who came before us also knew that it takes time, and community, to truly learn to cope with this. You say “diseased” but I’d counter “blessed”- how many other afflictions have such effective treatment available. I know it’s preferable to have no diseases, but if you have to have one, I’d say HIV is not the worst.

Sending you virtual hugs of support, and remember we meet in just over an hour for our virtual support call. Just PM your email address if you’d like to join.

Thank you, and I apologize for transgression of assuming any form of normalcy :)

Offline Towel

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Re: Top 3 things that improve our Mental Health
« Reply #12 on: September 04, 2023, 03:14:15 pm »
It’s interesting, I’ve tried meditating unsuccessfully for years because I thought I had to do it a certain way. It wasn’t until I realized that truly it was more about being still and alone with my thoughts, that I started enjoying it. Now I try and start my mornings with doing just that… while the coffee brews 🤣

Meditation is not something that happens in time.
It happens instantaneously, the moment you decide to let go.
It doesn’t matter if you sit for twenty minutes or two hours, the meditation always occurs in the very first instant you stop insisting that something is missing.

Everything after that is just, 'sitting'.


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