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Author Topic: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies  (Read 12323 times)

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Offline BubbaPat

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Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« on: October 26, 2021, 04:34:37 am »
So.. I come here when I'm feeling blue... which has been a LOT lately.  I tell myself, people are on here that are just like me and need support.  Yet...when I look at a Post's stats... I see TONS AND TONS of views and a few to NO responses.

I realize I'm not alway happy and I wish I didn't exist.. BUT shouldn't we all try just a little??  i mean a simple message of HANG IN THERE but be better than nothing.

Every time I see a person's post get over a 1000 looks and 0 replies... I wonder... What are WE doing here?  Shouldn't we be supportive and not just a voyeur?  We are all here together, right?

Some days just a person's kind words can help.  It may not cure but feels better when we know we are not alone.

Bubba hugs y'all. 
Bubba hugs!

Offline Jim

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2021, 04:54:41 am »

There are many aspects to why this happens, mental health itself has a stigma attached to it, but on a forum level, some people can't comment and just read, others only visit when they need support, not to offer it and that is fine.  I know mental health aspects also get mixed in and discussed in treatment threads etc where emotional support is offered.

Anyhow, agree with you that threads should not go unanswered and sometimes a simple, hang in there, or message that we're here for people can mean a lot.

Thanks for raising the topic.

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Offline Bucklandbury

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2021, 05:03:11 am »
Every time I see a person's post get over a 1000 looks and 0 replies... I wonder... What are WE doing here?  Shouldn't we be supportive and not just a voyeur?  We are all here together, right?

Hey, Bubba. I hear you. I am here, but I am new so I hang back a little bit.

Offline floridartist

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2024, 06:25:32 am »
The good  post topic has long gone to the past, I suppose its been 4 years from the post topic,  hiv with the mental health and stigma?  Maybe I'm over the years for the support group, there is no one left to turn to, my people are gone, seems it's for me and my cat to work things out in the maze, is there a virtual online mental health HIV support group? Being everything is far away for me, the world has become crowded and noisy, as time gone to the past many have  passed on , I'm still here, without a diagnosis from a " doctor" Ill except i am solated,  now im an introvert with anxiety,  that's because I don't like noise and the hurry of the world,  I hope to find a virtual online support group with my people, otherwise,  it's just me and my cat left to find a way and coping skills on our own, I'll admit, over time, slowly, one by one, I have gone away, I have left and set myself in a world behind a locked gate to be a Stewart of a forest , it's a beautiful forested jail by myself, I wonder how long this can go on, alone, Isolated, nontrusting of others, iv become adapted to it,  its startingvtobwear on me though, a virtual support might help open up the thick chain of the locked gate. That's where I'm at, you can move the post/topic, I don't mind, hiv, may 6th 1986
I don't know what to paint  🎨

Offline Dbm12

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2024, 09:03:30 am »
I've been hoping just to find a friend to share experiences and be able to vent freely. I've felt alone in my diagnoses since I found out in 2021 and feel like I've slowly been cutting off piece of myself to the world as well. If you're ever looking for a penpal to make navigating the world feel a little less lonely, I am too.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2024, 10:32:22 am »

                ojo.          Hello everyone! Lips wow, I’m here for all of you. Is you need someone to talk to PETER feel free to PM me, Maybe talking to someone will make you feel better, I don’t know anything about mental health, but I can share with you what I do to keep going after 30 years of living with AIDS/HIV even though, I must confess, I also have my down moments due to my limitations… Hanging in there, Hugs to all love you, specially for my Bubba sunshine

Offline leatherman

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2024, 04:26:59 pm »
Dbm12fl and foridartist:
For the last year we held zoom peer support meetings twice a month. Unfortuntately, only a few people dropped in so we moved back to holding just one monthly friendly get-together. While we mostly chat among friends at the monthly virtual gathering, we almost always end up talking HIV, meds, and peer support. Feel free to come visit with us next year.

Monthly Virtual Gathering

Of course, anytime you want you could start a new topic here in the forums and there a number of us who will happily drop in and "chat" with you.

As to an "online mental health HIV support group", floridartist, could you explain a bit more about what you're looking for? This is, in part, a "HIV support group" and quite often that includes some "mental health support" thrown in too. Of course, we're not offering official medical mental health support as we're not licensed psychiatrists or medical doctors. We're just people living with HIV and I like to think that makes us pretty good at HIV peer support.  ;) :D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline floridartist

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2024, 07:22:55 am »
Hello, I think the monthly virtural group you seemed to put together will be a,good starting point once I work out how to open it up and get in the meeting, thank you for the link , even though I had an appointment on the Saturday of the virtual meeting, I am still interested, feel free to send another meeting link and I'll attempt to get in and meet people. Thank you very much.
I don't know what to paint  🎨

Offline leatherman

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Re: Posts in Mental Health with Views but NO Replies
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2024, 08:20:48 pm »
we haven't set the date for the next meeting, but I'll keep you in the loop and get your named added to the list. ;) :D
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"


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