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Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Bucklandbury on Today at 11:32:58 am »
Michael, I cry every time I read about your past. God damn...

You are the spiritual principal of resilience incarnate.

All my predecessors are the same. Hats off to you all for persevering.
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 06:08:21 pm »

                   ojo               Hola a todos los que me leen!… Pareciera que fue ayer que les mencioné sobre mis citas médicas. Ayer me tocó ver al especialista la córnea y aparentemente todo sigue normal, me reemplazó mi lente de contacto que protege mi córnea y estoy listo para regresar en cuatro meses a A verlo para repetir la historia… También fui a ver a drácula ya que el 1 de abril veré al infectólogo y también han especialista de los huesos. Hoy me llegaron los resultados de Laboratorio y mis soldados están en 798, el CD cuatro porcentaje está en 36 y mi carga Vidal salió 30 en vez de -20 aunque no me preocupa porque ya anteriormente me ha salido 30. He estado tomando el mismo tratamiento desde el 2007 o sea ya 18 años y todavía sigue funcionando a pesar de qué tengo historias de resistencia. Seguiré tomándome mis ocho pastillas al día, afortunados aquellos que toman sólo una pastilla en día y por favor no se quejen que habemos gente en peores condiciones. Ja ja ja… Recuerden que la fórmula para seguir viviendo una vida normal es tomarnos nuestro medicamento como se nos recetóy mantener una vida positiva y ya que ahora que somos positivos tenemos que ser más positivos ante la propia vida… Abrazos y recuerden que si se portan mal me invitan y no olviden ponerse el gorrito si se van de fiesta
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:58:52 pm »
Just had my latest 6 monthly check up.

Still taking Kocitaf. Undetectable viral load, 1190 cd4 count at 49.9%, a new record for me. Diabetes under control, Creatinine slightly elevated but far from any concern. Dr was happy that my overall Cholesterol had dropped to 209, just out of range and then she turned the page and saw the Triglycerine level at 340 and didn't miss a beat when she prescribed a statin as soon as she the number. I did ask her if she thought it was the TAF as I have read it can affect lipids but she said no. She did ask if I wanted to switch to Dovato but I am still not 100% convinced about the two drug regimes.
I will see what the next 6 months brings and may make the switch just to drop the TAF.


                   ojo.          Hello there!… Congratulations!. I wish I had those numbers… Hugs
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:55:53 pm »

Sleeping much better, thanks! It was most probably hot weather!
My recent results UD and CD4 308 (after 11 weeks up from 238). Not sure if I should celebrate tbh. Was hoping for a bigger jump but hey you're such an inspiration so hopefully it will get better.

               ojo.           Hello there!… Happy to hear that somebody is sleeping well. You have to celebrate that your medication is working, keeping you undetectable. Like Jim mentioned, don’t worry for the cd4 and go out and celebrate you being UD…what’s your cd4% and, any changes from the previous one?… Hugs
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:46:23 pm »

                    ojo.              Hello everyone!… Well, yesterday I saw the cornea specialist and every thing looks well., he replaced my bandage contact lens and I’m good for another four months before I go back to see him and replace the contact lens that I wear in my good eye (I just had tunnel vision and I see everything blurry) as you can call that a good eye.LOL… then I went downstairs to see Dracula because April 1 I will have my ID doctor appointment and bone specialist. I just got my bloodwork results.: CD4 798, CD4% 34 and VL 30… I have been taking the same treatment for 18 years and I guess for a guy with a history of resistance I’m still doing pretty good. I will keep taking my  eight pills a day  that are keeping me alive, still… I just want to keep sharing with all of you my history. There is life after an HIV/AIDS diagnosis… Hugs         
Living With HIV / Re: "HOPE DIES LAST"
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:26:56 pm »

              @leatherman…yes, lots of similarities, one more, I also had to drive one hour to see my ID doctor and Dracula, you know what I live, and I go to the Cleveland Clinic for treatment…
Living With HIV / Re: Who qualifies as a long-term survivor
« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 05:22:27 pm »

                ojo.             Hello everyone!… Long time survivor maybe my mother who has been fighting HIV with me since the beginning, seeing me suffering, being with me in the hospital, seeing me, shivering, and embracing me to try to stop the shivering, trembling that I was feeling, even that I was covered with lots of blankets, when I was getting home care, and I told the nurse that I couldn’t breathe when I was getting I’VE treatment so she went downstairs and told my mom that I was dying, when my mother was healing my vasculitis wounds, when she was wearing in the waiting room at the hospital when I was having my stem put in wish he took forever because I was just as a guinea pig for a bunch of students, cardiologist, and my mother desperate because nobody would come out to say anything to her, and she be by herself in the waiting room. I can keep going on and on, so I think that my mother to serves to be called a long time survivor too… Just a thought… Hugs

Ps. i’m sorry for my typos.
Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by Bucklandbury on Yesterday at 05:01:16 pm »
Michael, I cry every time I read about your past. God damn...

You are the spiritual principal of resilience incarnate.
Off Topic Forum / Re: Healthcare's encounters with the courts
« Last post by Jim on Yesterday at 12:53:06 pm »

A weekly roundup of healthcare's encounters with the courts

by Kristina Fiore, Director of Enterprise & Investigative Reporting, MedPage Today
February 6, 2025

Former MetroHealth CEO Airica Steed, MD, sued the Cleveland-area hospital system, accusing it of discrimination, harassment, and a toxic work environment. (WKYC)

An international panel of neonatal and pediatric specialists have raised doubts about the evidence used to convict Lucy Letby, the British nurse who was found guilty of murdering seven babies and trying to kill seven others. (New York Times)

Days after a New York doctor was charged for prescribing abortion pills to a pregnant minor in Louisiana, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) signed a bill to shield the identities of doctors who prescribe abortion medications. (AP)

A lawsuit alleges that a surgical sponge was left inside a patient after a cancer surgery at a Northwestern Medicine hospital. (NBC Chicago)

A French surgeon accused of abusing hundreds of young patients often while they were under anesthesia -- will go on trial this month. (BBC News)

Louisiana surgeon Bahman "Ben" Sabbaghian, MD, has been indicted after multiple patients accused him of inappropriate behavior. (KPLC)

Maryland primary care physician Syed Haque, MD, was arrested on charges of rape, sex offense, and assault after a female patient reported that she was inappropriately touched under the guise of pelvic and breast exams. (WMAR)

An Arkansas nurse is accused of using a dead man's name to purchase oxycodone pills at pharmacies. (FOX News)

Several people in Las Vegas reportedly became sick after receiving injections in an unlicensed doctor's office. (8 News Now)

Alabama physician Sarah Kathleen Cumbest Mullican, MD, pleaded guilty in a crash that killed her 10-year-old daughter while she was fleeing police. (AL.com)

Living With HIV / Re: vampires
« Last post by leatherman on February 06, 2025, 07:40:02 pm »
get a bit of a treat out of it.
that set me up for a trip down memory lane.

It's 1993, I'm very sick; my partner is much sicker. He's in a clinical trial; I'm about to quit taking AZT because I couldn't deal with monotherapy anymore. Since the future was grim, I made sure to take small happinesses where I could find it. After every doctor visit, I treated myself to a bag of my favorites candies (either cherry sours, lemonheads, or candied fruit slices) and a computer magazine (either WIRED, or something about javascript or Netscape Navigator. LOL). Our finances were practically non-existent after living with AIDS for several years; but I always scraped together enough for my after-appointment treat.

These days, with AIDS a long way in the rearview mirror, my husband (#3 for those of you counting, and the only one that's stayed alive longer than 10 yrs - even if just barely after the scare with his open heart surgery last Oct) and we treat ourselves after our doctor appointment by stopping somewhere to eat out (Burger King, Jersey Mike's or Showmars) on the hour long trip back home.

If you can't treat yourself every once in a while for simply staying alive until your doctor appointment, then when can you treat yourself? :D :D
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