I am new to the forum. I guess I'm just looking for community. Three years ago my husband and I adopted our daughter through Child Protectie Services. She was two at the time and was our foster child to start with. We knew at the time before she came to live with us that she was HIV positive. At the time we focused on getting her the right doctors, finding out what we needed to know to care for her, and just all the other issues that come with being new parents. So, we never had that, "O, my God" moment when we "found out;" we just always knew. So I guess I put off feeling the grief that might coming with knowing that a loved one is HIV positive. She is doing great, she's never been sick and is growing and doing all the things a 5yr does...I guess recently I've been feeling some saddness that I'd put off feeling.
Hi, revjenn!
This part of the forums is still pretty new, so I am hoping the 'loved ones' segment of the community will bloom further as word gets out. Meantime, I welcome you here! Your little girl is so very lucky to have you and your husband.
Hi Jenn, and welcome to AIDSmeds!
I have such a deep admiration for parents who adopt HIV+ children. She is indeed lucky to have you for a Mom! Are there any support groups for parents/friends of People living with HIV in your area?
Hulloos! I'm so glad you posted here. Welcome. Please feel free to share stories of your daughter -- the cute, weird, wonderful things that 5-year-olds say and do -- or even a picture if you're comfortable with that. We'd love to hear more about her as well as you and your husband.
Andy Velez:
Dear Rev,
Welcome! I'm glad you have found your way to our site.
Have you found there to be any particular difficulties for you to deal with in relation to your daughter's status? And what kind of support have you had for any needs? Is your daughter in school now?
You don't by any means have to limit your comments to only HIV, so just tell us anything you'd like to.
It's wonderful to know you have created such a loving family together.