Matty the Damned:
It seems the Second Wave is not over!
You can read the full report here:
But essentially:
UNAIDS 2006 Report finds that 16,000 Australians are Living With HIV/AIDS with 820 cases being reported in 2004;
Unprotected homosexual sex accounts for the majority of new infections;
One in five infections is a result of sharing injecting equipment;
Aboriginal women are 18 times more likely to be HIV+ than non aboriginal women and three times more likely to be positive than aboriginal men.
Australia has a population of about 20 million.
Hey Matty,
This mirrors what is going on in the states and, from what I understand, elsewhere in the world. Minorities are getting hit the hardest and unprotected sex still is the leading cause of transmission.
It's just sad.
I just cannot believe that it is so important to keep stratifying the population around the globe with all these data. Why on earth is it so fucking important to classify the different people that are "More Likely" to be infected, when if the truth were to come out, there are thousands and thousands of STRAIGHT WHITE WOMEN AND MEN who are walking around, infected, but totally clueless because the different governments still want to blame this all on Gays and Black women. What a crock of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We know from the population here on this board that what I am saying is true and I have to think about what is coming in five or ten years when everyone that is infected comes into the emergency rooms all over the planet, all pee-pee hearted, "BECAUSE THEIR GOVERNMENTS DIDN'T TELL THEM THEY WERE AT RISK". As though this virus has a brain and can choose just the right strata of society to infect............
I am exhausted at the global stupidity around this Pandemic and I wish people would just "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I am appalled and I am paying attention!!!
--- Quote from: Moffie65 on June 01, 2006, 09:08:43 am ---there are thousands and thousands of STRAIGHT WHITE WOMEN AND MEN who are walking around, infected, but totally clueless because the different governments still want to blame this all on Gays and Black women. What a crock of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am exhausted at the global stupidity around this Pandemic and I wish people would just "WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
--- End quote ---
here here! it works my last gay nerve!
Matty the Damned:
An update from todays Sydney Morning Herald (paraphrased by MtD):
Figures released by the NSW Deparment of Health showed a 4.1% rise in HIV infections in 2005. Infections rose from 343 to 357. When women are included the result is a 4.7% decline. There was an unusual spike in female positive test results in 2004.
HIV continues to rise in Victoria and Queensland.
Although heterosexual diagnoses are stable in NSW, nationally the total number of such diagnoses went from 7% in 1996 to 23% in 2004.
"What makes us not have an epidemic in the straight community is simply that we keep it contained in the gay community," brayed Stevie Clayton chief executive of the AIDS Council of NSW and self appointed mouthpiece of the AIDS industry in Australia.
That was due mainly to early intervention after HIV arrived in Australia, and clean needle programmes. Australia has a comparatively low infection rate amongst injecting drug users, but Ms Clayton warned that if needle programmes were cut, HIV would "take off".
Despite surveys that show more gay men in Sydney are having risky sex than a decade ago, she said there was little "simple complacency" about HIV among them.
But sometimes things go wrong. "It remains the case that 25 years on, the only sure way to protect yourself from HIV is to use condoms and lube," she sniffed.