Living With HIV / Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Last post by remo85 on Today at 11:51:31 am »I've recently decided to try using creatine in my routine. Mainly because I've always had some self perception issues around my body type but struggled all this type to build muscle. Honestly, I really want to give it all a try before I turn 40 this year.
But I definitely need supplement help. I was wondering if any of you has knowledge about the interactions it may have with Biktarvy.
I read online that the tenofovir in it might bring risks of kidney damage but i honestly read this about... a lot of stuff...So I'd rather know first hand about any interaction experiences from actual users.
I'm planning on using it only to get started again. 1 pack and then going natural.
Any feedback is highly appreciated.
Have a great weekend.