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Author Topic: Any issues with your pharmacy??? then having a bad day....  (Read 2177 times)

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Offline BubbaPat

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Any issues with your pharmacy??? then having a bad day....
« on: October 03, 2024, 02:20:33 pm »
I'm putting this in Off Topic as I don't feel it is super important.

I've had the fortune of adding ADHD meds to my regiment.  My pharmacy, in the Gayborhood, is where I like to go since they shouldn't be too surprised by HIV meds.  However, they've been having an issue with the stock of medication and it's not entirely them, maybe how they place orders, but I don't blame them for being out.
What I DO blame them for is lying to me and yelling at me.  I called on one because it stated "Insurance Issue" on the App/Website and was told it wasn't insurance but the fact they "couldn't order because it's out from the supplier."  That didn't make sense.  I realize it may be out but can't you still order it?  So i called back the next day to see about it because now the App/Website said "In Process".  The young man explained it to me, told me I shouldn't have been yelled at and that the person miss spoke.  They could order, it may not come in.  At this point, I called and left a message for my Dr as well as sent him an email asking what we could do.  A few days later, I checked the App/Website and it's no longer listed.  When I called, I was told that my Doctor had called and cancelled it.  I reached out to my Dr because he hasn't responded yet and asked him what was going on?  He responded that he HAD NOT cancelled the prescription and would send it in again. 

At this point, I've been off my meds for weeks and am feeling the mental pull so I decide to go to the gym with my husband since he's been doing great loosing weight while was finding it.  We get to them gym and I find that my membership has been cancelled.  Since my husband has this on autopay and has for the last 24 years, I was surprised.  The nice young man showed us his screen where it showed that they had called and I hung up as well as my account being delinquent.  NOTE... the billing has never changed.  The poor guy behind the counter was at a loss and trying to be nice.  I just looked at my husband and told him I couldn't deal with it at the moment and told him to call me when he was done and I'd come pick him up.

I sat in the car for hour and cried off and on.  Played games on my phone and read my Kindle app. Just felt like a real crappy day.  If good vanish, I would.

Any pharmacy assistance would be nice.  Just needed to vent for a second and throw this out in the universe. 
If you have a pharmacy suggestion, I'd love to hear it.  If you too have ADHD and want to vent, I'm in as well.

Bubba hugs y'all.
Bubba hugs!

Offline Jim

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Re: Any issues with your pharmacy??? then having a bad day....
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2024, 05:14:53 pm »
Sorry to hear this and appreciate its frustrating. I wish could help as I've been having ongoing issues with pharmacists here. Blood pressure meds, Pregabalin, Intuniv and Risperidone.

So during COVID, they changed from paper scripts to electronic systems and since then it's been a pain, long story short last month after driving between the doctor's office and the pharmacy four times in one day I lost the plot and told them both they will kill someone and to give me a paper script now so I could check it and hold onto and to stop fucking about.

Two months ago into a six-month script for Risperidone, they claimed I had finished the six months leaving me without and even the doctor confirmed they had only given me a six-month script two months ago.

Before that the pharmacist tried to give me 3mg pills of Intuniv and when I said no the script is and has been for years the same, a 2 mg pill morning dose & 1 mg pill evening dose, the smart ass 12-year-old pharmacist told me "2+1=3" and I had to explain to him why that's not the case and to stop trying to be smart, give the drugs ordered before he fucks someone up.

Issues started in 2020 with, and now it's a monthly problem with them, orders lost, cancelled when they are not, mixing up the dosages, losing the prescriptions, asking stupid questions... The above was just two examples.

I think COVID seriously fucked up the pharmacist's brains in this country and they now somehow think they are doctors.

Anyhow, feel your pain, don't have a solution for you.


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