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Author Topic: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children  (Read 11996 times)

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Offline sasmhan

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Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« on: December 24, 2020, 01:01:37 am »
Hi all ,
I'm a 26 year old lady in Sri lanka. Recently me and my husband and my little son 2 years old. diagnosed with HIV I'm really scared. I don't know where to turn my life is devastated.Please anyone here who went through my situation any advise please.knowing my family status we are going down hill.I'm realy scared about my little baby will he able to live please answer someone.
I havent sleep for two days now crying and crying all day thinking about my son.
Please anyone here to help me?

Offline Bobsy

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2020, 07:39:08 pm »
Hi, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. Have all 3 of you been tested? I had children before I contracted HIV but there are many people who were born with it and years on are living healthy happy lives.

I understand that you must be worried, particularly about your son and it can be a lot to get your head round. How is he currently and also yourself and your husband?  Medication is very effective in suppressing the virus and allowing the immune system to recover. Have you been seen at a clinic or hospital and had blood tests done? Once you have results for viral load and CD4 these will form a baseline from which to start treatment.

Offline c430

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2021, 08:56:18 am »

I was born with hiv and have been living just fine. I am now 35 about to be 36 next month. I was also able to have two beautiful children who are Not hiv positive. I hope this can shine some light on your fears and see that he will have a wonderful life. ❤️

Offline sasmhan

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2021, 10:08:29 pm »
Hi all
Last Oct 14. 2020 I had a needlestick injury while I was trying to clean the place.(I don' t know who has used that needle)
I work in a community club where we provide HIV rapid test for free. But I refused to take PEP(I know it is silly)
one month later I had a sore throat and mild fever for 2 days. Again after a week had sore throat and white stuff in my mouth it can wipe out with brushing(still have it). I tested for HIV and other STIs all came back negative. At 94 days(12week) after the needlstick injury I tested again using Ag/Ab test done by lab not rapid. All came back negative. Should I repeat my testing at 16 week or 24 week or can I conlude  my testing? I'm really worried
Please answer can I move on with my life.

Offline Jim

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 12:16:37 am »

I've merged your post into one thread and, you're banned, permanently.

Fakers always get caught out sooner or later, already had you on my watch and checklist but you made it easy for me, I did not even have to start questioning your posts or sending you PM's.

You don't have HIV and shouldn't be lying to our members or posting here. I don't believe a word you are saying about the recent needlestick injury either and if you did have one work it out at your clinic.

Now, I don't harbour ill towards you and, I hope you can find whatever professional psychological support is needed to help you through this.

Best, Jim

Hi all ,
I'm a 26 year old lady in Sri lanka. Recently me and my husband and my little son 2 years old. diagnosed with HIV I'm really scared. I don't know where to turn my life is devastated.Please anyone here who went through my situation any advise please.knowing my family status we are going down hill.I'm realy scared about my little baby will he able to live please answer someone.
I havent sleep for two days now crying and crying all day thinking about my son.
Please anyone here to help me?

Hi all
Last Oct 14. 2020 I had a needlestick injury while I was trying to clean the place.(I don' t know who has used that needle)
I work in a community club where we provide HIV rapid test for free. But I refused to take PEP(I know it is silly)
one month later I had a sore throat and mild fever for 2 days. Again after a week had sore throat and white stuff in my mouth it can wipe out with brushing(still have it). I tested for HIV and other STIs all came back negative. At 94 days(12week) after the needlstick injury I tested again using Ag/Ab test done by lab not rapid. All came back negative. Should I repeat my testing at 16 week or 24 week or can I conlude  my testing? I'm really worried
Please answer can I move on with my life.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2021, 12:28:28 am by Jim Allen »
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP

Offline Bobsy

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2021, 01:35:18 pm »
Cheers Jim, I had wondered after they didn’t reply.

Offline Jim

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Re: Anyobe here with Hiv positive children
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2021, 12:18:04 pm »
You're welcome and, I apologize to you and, the members on the thread this happened.

I normally proactively engage with new posters to be supportive and also to weed out the fakers.

Best, Jim
HIV 101 - Everything you need to know
HIV 101
Read more about Testing here:
HIV Testing
Read about Treatment-as-Prevention (TasP) here:
You can read about HIV prevention here:
HIV prevention
Read about PEP and PrEP here
PEP and PrEP


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