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Author Topic: Advice on Disclosure...  (Read 11405 times)

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Offline newbie92

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Advice on Disclosure...
« on: December 14, 2017, 03:51:46 pm »
Hey there everyone,
In March of 2018 it will be 4 years since I have been diagnosed with HIV.
Honestly, I’m okay. I feel the same way, physically, before I was diagnosed. My mother just recently went to do a life insurance policy on me but of course she checked the “no” box for having HIV. Of course, when I sign those papers so they are able to retrieve my medical information it will be denied.

Unfortunately, I still have yet to disclose my status to my mother.
I am her youngest and I’m a heterosexual female and I’m not sure what she will think of me... I don’t usually tell her what’s going on in my life because I really think should would not give supportive words of wisdom.

I need some help here. I want to tell her after the holidays. How long did you guys wait to disclose your status to your parents and how did you tell them?

Offline Surrendertothis

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Re: Advice on Disclosure...
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2017, 11:59:44 pm »
Luckily I was able to tell my mom right away. Her and I are very close and I was living with her at the time so there was no way I could hide it. I do not think I will ever tell my father though. We are not as close and I just don’t feel comforted telling him. I also have a teenage son and I don’t know if and when I will tell him. I hope you were able to lean on someone for support.

Offline dallas nk

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Re: Advice on Disclosure...
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2018, 06:14:52 pm »
I told my mother soon after I found out. She and I was close as well but my reason for telling her was fear. Fear that I would I would need her to raise my kids if the virus took me out. I regret telling her so soon after diagnosis only because she annoying sends video links to me about naturally “healing” hiv😂 but I don’t regret telling her. She has been a major support.
09/20/2016-diagnosed cd4 41 cd%5.8 VL 34990
11/2016-post-poned treatment while awaiting to qualify for ARV study- cd4 29 cd%? VL?
12/2016-started treatment (Triumeq) this late because found out didn't qualify for research study
1/24/2017- cd4 233 cd%15 VL<40
4/27/2017 cd4 206 cd%18 VL <40
07/24/2017 cd4 227 cd%20.6 VL <40
10/31/2017 cd4 191 cd%23.9 VL 70
12/7/2017 cd4 248 cd%22.5 VL <40
1/30/2018 cd4 220 cd%27.5 VL <40
4/17/2018 cd4 295 cd%29.5 VL <40
8/9/2018 cd4 310 cd%31 VL <40
11/15/2018 cd4 293 cd%32.6 VL <40
02/12/2019 cd4 347 cd%31.5 VL <40
10/09/2019 cd4 380 cd%31.7 VL<40
01/30/2020 cd4 337 cd%37.4 VL 70(started Biktarvy)
06/05/2020 cd4 306 cd%38.3 VL 20
07/31/2020 cd4 235 cd%39.2 VL 20
08/28/2020 cd4 248 cd%31 VL <40
12/02/2020 cd4 329 cd%36.5 VL 160


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