Main Forums > In Memoriam

Welcome to the "In Memoriam" Forum


POZ Forum Moderators:
Welcome to the In Memoriam forum.

If you have lost someone special, please use this forum to post your memorials.  We share the loss of those who have gone before us, and this forum is a testament to our loved ones.  The sticky Memorial Directory thread includes an alphabetical list of all memorials.

For further information on the POZ forums, including posting guidelines, please visit the Welcome Thread found in the Living With Hiv forum.

“In one sense there is no death.  The life of a soul on earth lasts beyond their departure.  You will always feel that life touching yours, that voice speaking to you, that spirit looking out of other eyes, talking to you in the familiar things they touched, worked with, loved as familiar friends.  They live on in your life and in the lives of all others who knew them.”

Angelo Patri


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