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Autor Tema: Just how painful are facial injections?  (Leído 13071 veces)

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Desconectado etherize

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Just how painful are facial injections?
« en: Noviembre 13, 2015, 02:30:37 pm »
After many many years of HIV/AIDS, I'm finally seriously considering a facial filler.  My insurance (Kaiser) will pay for Sculptra, I think.

I've avoided it for all these years because I have a VERY low pain threshold and I hate needles in general.  But I had to switch meds during cancer treatment, and my best options at the time were AZT/3TC and Isentress.  My already wasted face became virtually skeletal thanks to AZT, and I've become a recluse in part due to how I look.

This month I finally switched to a regimen that doesn't contain AZT, but apparently IF (a big IF) that does reverse any lipoatrophy, it could be many years before the results are even visible.  :'(

During cancer treatment, I did manage to inject myself every day with ... I can't remember what, but it was a superthin needle injected into the prodigious fat (thanks HIV) of my stomach. 

So, can anybody give me a clue as to how painful the actual injections might be -- like on a scale from paper cut to kidney stone ... ?  ;)

Seriously, any help is much appreciated.  Thanks!
HIV+ since 1982, AIDS dx 1995

Current HIV meds:  3TC, Prezistra, Norvir, Isentress

Breast cancer: 2011

Desconectado Jeff G

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Re: Just how painful are facial injections?
« Respuesta #1 en: Noviembre 13, 2015, 03:15:29 pm »
I don’t remember feeling much of any discomfort at all .  Best of luck !
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Desconectado Wade

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Re: Just how painful are facial injections?
« Respuesta #2 en: Noviembre 13, 2015, 08:47:34 pm »
Hi , I had injections back in 2002 It was New Fill ,which is now known as Sculptra.
If I remember correctly they used a topical numbing agent.
The pain was very minimal ( paper cut ).
My face has filled in slowly over the years , only to droop as I aged ....LOl
Go for it you will feel much better about yourself, especially if Kaiser is paying !
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Desconectado etherize

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Re: Just how painful are facial injections?
« Respuesta #3 en: Noviembre 21, 2015, 11:46:38 pm »
Thanks for the replies, guys! :)
HIV+ since 1982, AIDS dx 1995

Current HIV meds:  3TC, Prezistra, Norvir, Isentress

Breast cancer: 2011

Desconectado Coloradomike

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Re: Just how painful are facial injections?
« Respuesta #4 en: Noviembre 29, 2015, 02:30:25 pm »
Hey-  Im new to the site and this is my first post/reply.  Please forgive and advise if I break any rules.  I've undergone 3 rounds of sculptra injections in 2015.  They are painful but they do apply a topical numbing agent that that helps with the pain.  Honestly, for me, the results were well worth the pain!!  Several people have commented on how much better I look.   Just a heads up-   The maker of sculptra has an HIV assistance program.  My doctors office filled out the paperwork and got the ball rolling for me.  The sculptra was donated by the manufacture to me.  What a blessing.  The doctors office just charged me $250.00 for the injection fee.  $250.00 for each round of injections.  I submitted claims for the injection fees to AETNA, my Medicare PPO.  They denied them as cosmetic.  I did further research and found out that Medicare now covers sculptra for HIV patients WITH depression issues.  (And who isn't depressed when your face dosent look the way it use to).   I contacted Medicare directly and they informed AETNA that this is a covered benefit for me due to my HIV condition and that the claims need to be honored/paid.  If your on Medicare, submit your sculptra claims for reimbursement and insist they be paid due to your HIV condition.  If your Medicare provider declines them, complain to Medicare directly.   I hope this information helps.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!  :)   Side note-  I'm gonna try to place my first post in how I can find a doctor in the Denver or Co Speings area that will prescribe Egrifta or Serostim for my HIV lipo issues.   If y'all don't see it, can someone help me by telling me what I'm doing wrong?  (How to post a new thread)

Desconectado Jeff G

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Re: Just how painful are facial injections?
« Respuesta #5 en: Noviembre 29, 2015, 02:52:12 pm »
Hey-  Im new to the site and this is my first post/reply.  Please forgive and advise if I break any rules.  I've undergone 3 rounds of sculptra injections in 2015.  They are painful but they do apply a topical numbing agent that that helps with the pain.  Honestly, for me, the results were well worth the pain!!  Several people have commented on how much better I look.   Just a heads up-   The maker of sculptra has an HIV assistance program.  My doctors office filled out the paperwork and got the ball rolling for me.  The sculptra was donated by the manufacture to me.  What a blessing.  The doctors office just charged me $250.00 for the injection fee.  $250.00 for each round of injections.  I submitted claims for the injection fees to AETNA, my Medicare PPO.  They denied them as cosmetic.  I did further research and found out that Medicare now covers sculptra for HIV patients WITH depression issues.  (And who isn't depressed when your face dosent look the way it use to).   I contacted Medicare directly and they informed AETNA that this is a covered benefit for me due to my HIV condition and that the claims need to be honored/paid.  If your on Medicare, submit your sculptra claims for reimbursement and insist they be paid due to your HIV condition.  If your Medicare provider declines them, complain to Medicare directly.   I hope this information helps.  YOU CAN DO THIS!!  :)   Side note-  I'm gonna try to place my first post in how I can find a doctor in the Denver or Co Speings area that will prescribe Egrifta or Serostim for my HIV lipo issues.   If y'all don't see it, can someone help me by telling me what I'm doing wrong?  (How to post a new thread)

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