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Off Topic Forums => Off Topic Forum => Topic started by: aupointillimite on April 21, 2007, 12:52:41 am

Title: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: aupointillimite on April 21, 2007, 12:52:41 am
I want it.  I'm pretty damn near-sighted... have been doing glasses and contacts for years and years... I'd like to get the laser cornea reshaping thing done. 

I was informed today that my grandmother has said that she'll cover the cost of it.

I've known a couple people who have had the surgery and say it's the best thing they've ever done, etc.  Has anyone here gotten it?
Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: Ann on April 21, 2007, 07:50:49 am
Hi Benj,

I seem to remember a thread about Lasik - but unfortunately, I think it was in the old forum. I do remember that one of the conclusions of the thread was that it is safe for people with hiv.

Personally, I'm a bit squeemish where my eyes are concerned, so I wouldn't do it myself. From what I understand it's a very successful proceedure though, but do plenty of research before you make a decision.

Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: cmhjeff on April 21, 2007, 07:58:07 am
Benj - Jeffrey had Lasik 4 or 5 years ago. He's very happy with not wearing contacts or glasses. After my vision therapy is over in July I may consider it for myself. I the paper this week TLC Laser Eye Centers advertised a bladeless, all lase method.

Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: Peter6836 on April 21, 2007, 08:00:53 am
My former wife, and my oldest son both had it done. They are very happy with the results. My son wore contacts most of the time but he went into the army and quickly tired of what they call BC glasses. The military paid for his lasik and he could not be happier with result. If grandma is going to pay the cost it would be well worth your while.Go for it.
On a side note I am not sure why my overly tattooed, pierced, alternative style, and thinking son ended up in the military. It was one of the oddities of life. Thank God he is out and back to his sweet and wonderful self. Albeit without glasses now.
Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: DingoBoi on April 21, 2007, 11:00:37 am
keep in mind that not everybody CAN have this don't as their eyes are laser impervious.  Usually these are very evil people. 

You may qualify  ::)
Title: I've had lasik surgery
Post by: megasept on April 21, 2007, 02:05:19 pm
I want it.  I'm pretty damn nearsighted... have been doing glasses and contacts for years and years... I'd like to get the laser cornea reshaping thing done. 
Has anyone here gotten it?

Yes. On both eyes. There are 3 different procedures, and you diagnosis determines the best, not the place pushing one or another technology. Go get your eyes dilated and get tested and diagnosed. I went to a famous university eye clinic, not the cheapest place buying billboard space. Besides, Grandma's paying.  ;)

No more  8) . Much better eyesight in general. Go for it. Any questions, PM me.

 8)  -megasept

Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: Blixer on April 21, 2007, 04:44:14 pm
I had it done the in Sept. 05 and have been very pleased with it. I had the bladeless type done at TLC.  The procedure was just as they described it.  I walked out being able to see.  I had worn glasses since I was about 10 and was extremely nearsighted.  I have had a bit of regression in the right eye but that has actually been okay because it allows me to read very well with the right eye and see distance fine with the left eye.  (I'm at that age where the focus starts to be an issue).  So that was kind of an unintended added benefit for me.  I did have some significant halo effect right after the surgery but that has passed.  Overall, I'm extremely glad I did it.  I had 20/400 in one eye before the surgery and 20/600 in the other eye.  The thickness of your cornea is one factor that determines if you are a candidate.  But they do a very thorough eye exam up front.

I'd say go for it!  It is so nice to look at the clock at night and be able to see it.  It is so nice to roll out of bed and be able to see the world.
Title: Re: Has anyone had lasik surgery?
Post by: fondeveau on April 24, 2007, 04:44:38 pm
Best thing I ever did - I went from not being able to see an E as large as an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper to 20/20 vision.  I'm so love lasers know that I'm have laser hair removal!