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Experts recommend statins for all people with HIV aged 40+

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Jim Allen:
No comment about his at the moment. I am still reading. article in full: UK experts recommend statins for all people with HIV aged 40 and over

In Short:

--- Quote ---The British HIV Association (BHIVA) has recommended that everyone living with HIV aged 40 and over should take a statin to reduce their risk of heart disease, even if they do not have raised cholesterol or a high risk of heart disease.

The new guidance, issued this week, is the first in the world to respond to the results of the REPRIVE study, presented at the International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science in July. The study showed that taking pitavastatin daily reduced the risk of a major cardiovascular event such as heart attack, stroke or a clinical intervention to treat a serious heart disorder by 35% in people with HIV. Crucially, the study only recruited people with a low-to-moderate risk of serious heart disease within ten years.
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This is very interesting. I read the whole article.

Interested to see ifs the Statin recommendation make it over to Ireland in due course?

I know my ID consultant has an interest in heart disease within HIV patients.

If it can mean reduced heart disease risk then it must be a good thing?

Jim Allen:

--- Quote from: Loa111 on November 23, 2023, 05:38:56 am ---This is very interesting. I read the whole article.

Interested to see ifs the Statin recommendation make it over to Ireland in due course?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, it will; they already (briefly) mentioned a statin on my last visit. I'll presume now that it  will be an even bigger topic next time.

--- Quote ---If it can mean reduced heart disease risk then it must be a good thing?

--- End quote ---

Yeah, I would hate to have early heart disease, but I need to do a bit more reading on the evidence and the particular statins mentioned before considering them.

Well since I'm in the US it may be a few years before this is at topic with my PC or ID appointment, but may be something I bring up.

I have got into a good fitness routine, improved my diet, and reduced my alcohol intake but as HIV does increase caridovasular issues so having a little help I don't see as a bad thing. 

The part that I want to see more emphasis place on is this

--- Quote ---But as well as recommending statin use, HIV clinics and GPs should also provide advice and signposting on smoking cessation, exercise, diet, weight management and alcohol use, to address other cardiovascular risk factors.
--- End quote ---

With all of the medical benefits of "Exercise" why is a gym membership not part of medical care that is covered under insurance?  Yes, I now many don't go that have a memebership but have it setup in a way that you have to go X time a month to get it covered.  Maybe that is what helps more, or at least helps some, at preventing a heart attach and is better then just popping another pill.

Jim Allen:


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