Hi, I have been on Complera since 2017 and always take it right after breakfast because of the 400 calorie requirement to help absorb the medication (as required). I decided that i wanted to try intermittent fasting and start eating at noon, with the exception of bulletproof coffee (MCT oil based). I was wondering, is it enough to have the BPC and a fish oil pill to fulfill the food requirement? In all the literature that i have found, there are number of warnings that a protein shake is not considered enough, but I cannot find anything re BPC. Any insights would be much appreciated (reference to articles too!). Thanks!
I have never heard of bullet proof coffee but if it is not an inconvenience to move taking the pills to lunchtime, I would move the time. Everything I read about Complera when I was taking it stated it had to be a solid meal consisting of food that you chew. With a small content of fat, 12 mg.