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Author Topic: Rainbow  (Read 9373 times)

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Offline Rainbow

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« on: February 12, 2019, 10:44:37 am »
Jim, You seem somewhat knowledgeable on the subject so I wanted to ask your opinion on a similar case...
My husband was diagnosed with aids, and a brain cryptoccoma in 2017.
His viral load was nearing 300,000 and his CD4 was 28.
Currently, 2019 and he is undetectable. However his CD4 is only around 76.
It's our main focus right now and we are at a loss as to why and how to help :/

Offline Jim

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Re: Rainbow
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2019, 11:13:09 am »

Sorry to hear about your husbands diagnosis, glad on the HIV side that he is on treatment and its suppressed the virus.

How does he feel?

I moved your post btw to this section "Someone I Care About Has HIV". feel free to post or reply in this section with any concerns, questions you might have on HIV or HIV treatment/care and other forum members can reply to you here. Off topic is also open to you, as a HIV Negative member for posts unrelated to HIV.

However his CD4 is only around 76.
It's our main focus right now and we are at a loss as to why and how to help :/

How to help? - Not.

CD4 is not a measurement of health, focusing on it certainly is not helpful mentally for either of you as its basically worrying about something you can't change, and neither does his CD4 count indicate how well those cells are working

Its not the goal of his HIV treatment either, his ART treatment is simply to suppress the virus so it can no longer do uncontrolled damage, and so the bosy can focus on "healing" instead of a loosing battle, CD4 recovery is largely just up to the immune system and patience.

In short nothing else or anything you can think of will increase his CD4 count in any measurable or suitable manner. What he can do is focus on what you can change generally live healthier if he is not doing so already, nothing major just start leading a healthier. Think better food, more exercise, less stress, cutting out bad habits like smoking or drinking etc etc





« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 11:29:25 am by JimDublin »
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Offline Rainbow

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Re: Rainbow
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2019, 12:40:36 pm »
Jim, Thanks for your response  :)  I suppose knowing there's nothing we can do about it could make me feel better lol but it doesn't. The thought that his immune system is so weak and he could get sick so easily weighs on our minds a lot.

He feels ok. Honestly I think he's doing really well considering. The only problems he has is fatigue, muscle weakness/aches, and the memory/cognition problems from his cryptococcoma (brain infection).

I know the medical system doesn't know much about the immune system and I've done my share of research regarding the topic. The best information I've found so far refers to the "lymphatic system" and how it deal with the body's immune system. Thus having a clean lifestyle is the best way to help the immune system.

He doesn't drink or smoke cigarettes (he does use cannabis (vape) tho). He eats a vegan diet (which he's been on for 10 years). I would say he's a very healthy man and is doing really well considering he almost died 1 1/2 ago!  ;D

I'm just on the search for a way to help him raise his CD4! Which is very low I'm told. But no one seems to know why or how to change it. Very frustrating  ::)

I'm looking forward to checking out the other topics on the forum and sharing all the information with my husband!  :D

Thanks again! If you hear anything please do let me know!
Peace in & Love out  :-*

Offline Jim

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Re: Rainbow
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2019, 01:45:04 pm »
I would argue the medical system knows more than ever before and generally more than anyone else on the topic  ;)

Look I'm not telling you that there is no point focusing on something you can't change to make you feel better, I know that sounds crude but I do want you to consider worrying about things outside your control is futile and a waste of energy and time.

Particularly as the numbers your focused on even as low ones are with treated HIV far less relavent.

The reason you can't find an answer in short is because your looking for something that doesn't exist, I'm sure you have seen all the snake oil salesmen along the way.

I'll also say it's only been 1,5 years post being sick and starting treatment for HIV slightly after so it's going to take time for his immune system to heal or make any recovery visable in numbers

The thought that his immune system is so weak and he could get sick so easily weighs on our minds a lot.

Yeah I used to duck when people sneezed, as if it makes any difference . Took me a while to digest that my low CD4'S simply did not mean all that much except for avoiding raw or undercooked foods for a while and taking antibiotics

Have either of you spoken to your doctor about this topic  and having said that have either of you been getting any counselling post dignoisis?

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