POZ Community Forums

HIV Prevention and Testing => Do I Have HIV? => Topic started by: MarzMex72 on October 27, 2010, 10:36:16 pm

Title: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on October 27, 2010, 10:36:16 pm
 :-\ Hello, in have been a follower of then forum for a while but had a few concerns and needed an honest risk assessment. first situation is as follows. Earlier in the year  i was at Borders with my Little 8 year old.She picked up a toy flute from a toy bin put it in her mouth and started to use it. There had been another little girl in the area literally about a minute before. I'm concerned that the other kid used it just before her and might have had blood in her mouth. My daughter tends to have occasional problems with bleeding gums because she is losing her baby teeth. Is this worth worrying about and getting her tested? Now to my concern for myself... I was watching porn at a friend of mine's casa. i had been a little buzzed. I pulled out my penis and he began to stroke it a few times for literally around a minute and a half. He stopped and i finished myself off about ten minutes later. When i got home i felt a stinging on the bottom of my shaft. i went to the restroom and found that my skin was RAW and cut open about the size of a pencil eraser it was not bleeding but if i squeezed i could have draw blood from the little blood spot in the center of the wound! My concern is that my friend might have had precum on his hand when he stroked me. I can't be certain when exactly i cut it open during the masterbating session. Now I'm really scared and seeking your expert advice. is this worth freaking out over since i had an open almost bleeding friction cut !!!like said it was severely broken and almost bleeding, Thanks, Guys.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on October 27, 2010, 10:56:21 pm
None of the concerns you are presenting are in anyway risks for HIV transmission. Zero risk. No need for testing.

Just keep it simple. HIV is not transmitted from environmental surfaces. Period.

As far as sexual transmission is concerned, the only confirmed risks are through unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse. Use condoms consistently for those activities and you will be well and effectively protected.
It really is that simple. So stop with all of this totally unnecessary drama.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on November 05, 2010, 06:37:54 pm
  >:( Thanks Andy for the quick response. I had  another concern that happened this past weekend. A friend of mine came to visit me.  I performed oral sex on her not overly concerned about that. i sucked and bit on her nipples. she said that i had cut her skin open in several places. she joked around "that if i tasted her blood?". i didn't find that funny in any way shape or form.I tend to have bleeding gums and did taste something sweet during the session. So i'm concerned about infection after possibly tasting and or having some blood in my mouth. Also please help me to understand why fluids exposed to an open would on someone's finger wouldn't be a risk from my previous question. i eagerly await your response and answers to hopefully ease my mind. thanks.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on November 05, 2010, 06:42:48 pm
Again no risk.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on November 05, 2010, 06:57:24 pm
None of the concerns you are presenting are in anyway risks for HIV transmission. Zero risk. No need for testing.

Just keep it simple. HIV is not transmitted from environmental surfaces. Period.

As far as sexual transmission is concerned, the only confirmed risks are through unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse. Use condoms consistently for those activities and you will be well and effectively protected.
It really is that simple. So stop with all of this totally unnecessary drama.

In addition to the above which I have said to you previously, your saliva has over a dozen elements and proteins which very effectively prevent the transmission of viable HIV.

HIV is a fragile virus. It is not easily transmitted. Did you have a big, fresh and openly bleeding finger wound into which copious amounts of blood were pouring? I don't think so. And even if that unlikely event happened the risk would still be theoretical. It just isn't that easy to transmit HIV outside of unprotected intercourse.

Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on November 05, 2010, 07:41:48 pm
Actually guys it was someone transfering precum to a fresh wound on my penis. But i know the answer will be the same. ROD, would it have to be a large amount of blood in my mouth with large bleeding cuts to infect me in the nipple biting incident because like i said i have frequent bleeding gums. THANKS again for all that you guys do. I also read the medhelp forums and i know how respected you are Rod. My gratitude goes out to you, Andy and everyone else who helps to ease minds with the facts on this site.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on November 05, 2010, 10:13:00 pm
There was absolutely no risk to you in the bleeding nipple incident. Zero risk. Get on with your life.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on November 24, 2010, 07:31:23 pm
Hey people, after thinking about the last incident i wrote about, i had some more quick questions. I remembered that before perfoming oral on my friend she had a tampon in her underware. i didn't notice any spotting on it. granted i was a little buzzed and there was poor lighting. if she had recently finished or started her period would the possiblity of small amounts of menstrual blood make a remote risk a real risk ? also she came in mouth and quite a bit. i know that most fliuds aren't very infectious but would her ejaculation really make it a risk since like i said she had an orgasm in my mouth. eagerly awaiting some answers.Thanks again.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Ann on November 24, 2010, 08:27:59 pm

None of your additional details change your risk assessment. You had NO risk. Going down on a woman isn't a risk - end of story.

Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on January 19, 2011, 11:00:34 pm
Happy New Year Guys and lady. I had a quick question about a potential risk. I was at work and asked to borrow a co-worker's car lighter to light my cig. he handed it to me, i grabbed it as i was talking and wasn't paying attention and put the handle of the lighter in my mouth! my concern was that he was eating and likes to picks his teeth with his fingers. I'm think he might have transfered some blood on the handle which i then mouthed briefly for about 5 seconds as i realized it wasn't my cig. al of this took place in a matter or seconds between him grabing it and me stupidly putting it in my mouth. i'm worried because it touched the wet mucous membrane in my mouth. Opinions please,Thanks.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: anniebc on January 19, 2011, 11:10:33 pm
This is a no risk situation, if you took the time to read the lessons here on how HIV is and is not transmitted you wouldn't be here asking these kinds of questions...go back and read some of the replies you have already had, especially this one:

Saliva has over a dozen elements and proteins which very effectively prevent the transmission of viable HIV.
Seriously you need to educate yourself otherwise you are going to stress out over every little incident you think may have put you at risk.

Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on January 20, 2011, 08:55:58 am
Marz, in an ongoing way you need to use the information which has been given to you as you continue on your way. If you do that you wouldn't be coming back here repeatedly about incidents which have nothing in anyway to do with HIV.

I am also going to warn you that if you continue to return here about what if and nonsensical non-risks, you are going to find yourself getting a Time Out from this site for at least 28 days.

Protecting yourself from HIV transmission is not a complicated matter. HIV is not passed from environmental objects and surfaces. You ought to know that by now.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on February 15, 2011, 07:41:46 pm
thanks for the responses. Andy and Jan. I read other forums and sites and some of the information you see really gets your head spinning. I try to share the info i was given here with others. My OCD gets the best of me, i guess. Is there any relevant info regarding the survival of the virus outside the body ? i tried the CDC website but it seems pretty general. Thanks,again.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on February 15, 2011, 09:41:48 pm
If you continue to search the web you are going to unquestionably find fuel to feed your doubts and fears.

As far as HIV is concerned you don't have to get into the life of HIV outside of the body. Keep it simple. As long as you always use condoms for vaginal and anal intercourse you will be well protected from the sexual transmission of HIV. It really is just that simple.

Stop feeding your anxiety by getting caught up in other details. Doing that is not good for your health.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: jkinatl2 on February 15, 2011, 09:42:51 pm
How long does HIV remain infectious outside the body? Depends on the fluid, the surface, temperature, other environmental factors. the information seems general because the question is pretty broad.

We do theorize that an arterial spray from someone with a high viral load could possibly infect a healthcare worker if it sprays directly into the eye, but I have found very little convincing literature to suggest that has happened.

As a matter of fact, HIV positive children pose no risk to other children in a playground situation, despite scraped knees, bloody noses,, and fistfights. HIv requires direct and immediate contact with the appropriate white blood cells and/or dendritic cells, and this simply does not happen in what we call "casual contact."

For decades, family members have taken care of persons with advanced AIDS, including home IV infusion, cleaning up bloody feces, and in the case of hemophiliacs, blood. Were HIV easy to spread, this would result in a statistical clumping of HIV infections that has, over the thirty-odd years of the pandemic, simply not been recorded.

You mention that you have OCD. If you have been diagnosed, I really urge you to keep up with your talk therapy and medications. Your mind can think its way into a panic, and come up with scenario after scenario (such as the absurd lighter-in-the-mouth thing) and this site cannot address that. We are largely unpaid volunteers, and trust me, this site can become very toxic for persons with OCD.

Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on February 15, 2011, 09:53:31 pm
you are absolutely correct. I have been diagnosed with panic disorder. that's part of the reason i did ask about the lighter incident. but, like i mentioned before you read so many different sources all the information tends to make your mind go in a bunch of different directions.Thank You both for answering me,again. I really do appreciate you taking the time out of your lives to help me.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on August 03, 2011, 04:02:15 pm
Hello, experts. I am back with a concern regarding my daughter that happened. Last friday we were walking home from McDonald's, my daughter likes to wear beach sandals. As she was walking she said something pricked her foot. I told her to stop and i immediately checked near her sandal and in the area near us. i kicked bushes and checked along the fence line of the abandoned house we were in front of. i did not find anything that could have poked her. She did not bleed but whatever it was definitely was hard enough to feel. I decided to let it go, but have started to second guess myself. there was thick grass and bushes so i could have missed something in my search. If she was pricked by a used needle what was her risk ? it was a hot LA day around 90 degrees, i read some of the responses regarding previous questions about used needle sticks but must admit admit I have a hard time understanding how left over blood inside the bore wouldn't be a risk? especially considering how many unknown variables are in the mix. I recently saw a post on the body about a little girl who poked her finger and bled with a discarded needle and Dr.Bob said the risk was "extremely remote" and to test mainly for peace of mind. i feel really bad since the window for PEP had long passed. PLEASE help to understand the risk, i get that blood on the outside would be inactive, and  checked an abstract on pub med about this and how no one tested positive from a needle stick in the streets, granted that was a limited study. i have read that blood residue in the needle can stay active for days even a month!! so is the average person who steps on or gets poked by a used needle on the streets fucked ??? Do you recommend testing ??? Thanks Guys....
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on August 03, 2011, 04:52:22 pm
No, I do not recommend testing. This is all in the domain of what ifs and HIV jitters. You are worrying needlessly. Again.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on March 14, 2012, 02:23:45 pm
Hello, forum exerts. I'm back with some concerns that i need help with. My girlfriend's son was bitten on the hand at school yesterday. We checked his hand( near the wrist) but did not see any large open obvious wound. He is dark complected so i was thinking that maybe i might have missed a possible small opening like a scrape. I have read reports of bites resulting in infection with and without the presence of blood in the biters mouth but all seemingly with severe( however that's determined) open bleeding wounds. Is this worth getting him tested over??? Also, her son put his hand in his mouth while playing with my son and grabbed my son's nostrils. Would my son be at risk if his saliva was mixed with blood on his fingers?? My girl also wipes her son's nose and butt (not at the same time) and then frequently cleans out her nose or rubs her eyes without wiping her fingers. she also does this after touching all sorts of things over the course of her day. she also has bad cuticles if she wipes his nose or butt with cuts would i be at risk since we have unprotected sex??? ( we were tested well after her last incident of unprotected sex-6months)
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on March 14, 2012, 02:29:58 pm
Your g/f son was never at risk of contracting HIV. Saliva is not infectious for HIV and contains over a dozen different enzymes and proteins that inhibits HIV transmission.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on March 14, 2012, 02:41:54 pm
Thank you for responding Rod. I know about saliva but was obviously concerned about blood mixed with it. I tracked down several cases in which this happened, including one you mentioned on another forum. Please help me to understand when this scenario would be an actual risk??? Also worst case scenario what about the risk to my son/kids if  blood tainted saliva gets in their nose or eyes?? Not trying to argue just understand and ease my troubled mind. No offense by the way. Thanks again for the time and work you do. your'e awesome.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on March 14, 2012, 02:51:27 pm
Thank you for responding Rod. I know about saliva but was obviously concerned about blood mixed with it. I tracked down several cases in which this happened, including one you mentioned on another forum. Please help me to understand when this scenario would be an actual risk??? Also worst case scenario what about the risk to my son/kids if  blood tainted saliva gets in their nose or eyes?? Not trying to argue just understand and ease my troubled mind. No offense by the way. Thanks again for the time and work you do. your'e awesome.
You read about it on the net and neither are verified documented cases and if were at all possible after 30 years there would be more than two.

HIV is transmitted by;
Unprotected penetrative anal and/or vaginal sex
Sharing works with other IV drug abusers
Mother to child

I suggest you read the lessons on transmission or seek professional help for your HIV phobias.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on March 14, 2012, 07:56:04 pm
You are worrying needlessly yet again. As you have a history for quite some time of doing since you came to this site almost two years ago.

HIV is a fragile virus and it is not transmitted in the manner you're concerned about. Frankly we are not going to embark on another round of worried what ifs with you. Biting among children is a pretty common occurence. We would have known long before today if it was a for real risk for HIV transmission. It isn't.

Let it go and get on with your life. And stop passing these kinds of unnecesarry worries on to your family.  Really.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on July 30, 2012, 06:10:07 pm
 SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION !!!Hello, guys. I'm back though i wish it was under better circumstances. Broke up with my ex, we had unprotected sex twice(one after the other) she claimed that she didn't  have unprotected sex with anyone else and i have little reason to doubt her. I know i have to be sure. This past weekend(we both had been drinking) i had protected sex with a girl i don't know all that well. she didn't want me to use condoms so that got me concerned. After i sex she masturbated herself, i got excited and vigorously started jacking off. When i told her i was going to cum she jumped off the bed(she was fingering herself) and grabbed my penis-running her hand over my urethra and grabbed my shaft and started jacking me off(2?) minutes till i came in her mouth. I could feel the burning on my shaft(i didnt use lube) when i was jacking off but after i came it was burning more. i went to the restroom to check and i had a skin break/middle of my shaft, pea sized- rubbed raw,broken but not quite bleeding out. i was afraid to squeeze it because it would have easily bled. I know she had fresh fluid on her hands though it wasnt dripping, the grabbing and wanking happened so fast she surely didnt have a chance to wipe her hands. i know most cases are garden variety masturbation but in mine i had an open break (that had already started to scab over the next day) so you see where i'm going with this. Also i needed help understanding the risks for my kids. I have SEVERE bleeding gums. to where my gums will visibly bleed out for minutes at a time often spontaneously. My saliva is often bright pink !!! would this effect inactivation of the virus at all? i have read that small specs of blood tinged spit are not a realistic risk( the body)but my spit is often bright pink, and that HIV isn't airbourne. but if that's true why are eye splashes in even small droplets amounts risky for infection??(according to verified reports, not hard obvious splashes mind you) It's impossible to totally protect my kids it seems. I have plenty of examples today of where some specs of spit may have came into play. I also worried about the bloody specs being transferred to their body via THEIR hands, for example my mouth was bleeding today i was cleaning the restroom. my son burst in the restroom i shouted at him to get out and wait but he came in anyway and peed i was worried because i was talking right at him and he did touch his member(uncut) to pee. Or i talk into the wind when driving and something will hit them. my daughter poked me with a pen through my shirt then immediately after her and my other son started fighting over it and thus poking themselves on their hands and fingers wrestling for it !!!I didn't see any obvious blood on it but it really did poke my skin. i also often get scratched by household objects and my kids follow right behind me if they get scratched right after would they be at risk since virtually no time had passed? should i use the no obvious blood rule when coming across theses common situations(the objects) sorry for the long winded post. it's just that their is so much gray area when it comes to everyday potential exposures involving your loved ones. Thanks again, people. You have NO IDEA how much this forum has meant to me.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on July 30, 2012, 06:29:16 pm
You never had a risk of contracting HIV.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on July 30, 2012, 06:41:56 pm
thanks Rod, even in light of the actual skin break( looking at after i'm shocked it wasn't bleeding out)and direct fluid contact via her hand?? and what about my risk for my kids. It's seems like an impossible task trying to keep them safe especially in light of my severe dental issues.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on July 30, 2012, 06:45:16 pm
HIV is unable to reproduce outside its living host (unlike many bacteria or fungi, which may do so under suitable conditions), except under laboratory conditions; therefore, it does not spread or maintain infectiousness outside its host.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on July 30, 2012, 06:57:02 pm
Thanks, again. Anyone else have anything to add specifically in regard to the my kids' safety. I understand outside the body under most circumstances but i'm talking about what they say on another well known HIV site- "direct and immediate contact". Honestly if i was a single man, childless man i probably not be stressing out over this past your first response of no risk.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: RapidRod on July 30, 2012, 07:21:09 pm
Take the time to read the posting guidelines. You can find them at the top of the page that says, "Welcome-Read before posting."
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Ann on July 31, 2012, 04:10:11 am

Do you have any idea how insulting your worries are? There is no excuse for the level of hiv ignorance you are displaying particularly as you've been a member here for over a year and a half. Have you not understood a single thing you've read here? 

Do you have any idea how many hiv positive people have children - hiv negative children - children who remain hiv negative because hiv is simply NOT transmitted in ANY of the ways you are fretting about.

If you were hiv positive, the ONLY way you, as a man, could transmit your virus to your children is if you were having unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse with them or sharing drug injecting equipment with them. If you're engaging in either of those activities with your children, you should not have unsupervised access, if any access, to them.

You did not have a risk for hiv infection when you got wanked off by a woman who had vaginal fluids on her hands and it doesn't matter that you had a friction sore on your dick. Re-read your entire thread - we've already been here to this wanking place with you. In fact, that's why we insist that people keep all their stuff in one thread - so we don't have to keep repeating ourselves.

It sounds to me like you have an hiv phobia and you're never going to listen to the science of hiv transmission until you address the emotional aspects of your fears. This is not the place for you to do that - we cannot help you with that here. You need to find yourself a therapist to address this problem.

Don't think we're going to indulge you this time around and keep answering your questions about this NO RISK incident. You'll quickly be given a time out.

Please consider yourself warned!!!

Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: MarzMex72 on July 31, 2012, 09:34:04 pm
ANN, i do apologize to you, you of all the great people on here is the last one i would want to offend in any way(NO offense to anyone else). I was hoping that you as a parent would address my concerns( i know Andy is too). Thank you for taking the time out of your life to respond to me. Really, no BS. I am sorry. I know i need help thanks, again. Best to all of your taking your time out for me.
Title: Re: Need the Help Of the experts ANDY, ANN and ROD.
Post by: Andy Velez on August 01, 2012, 10:22:06 am
HIV is not your problem. Period.

If you can't let go of your latest unfounded fears then get some professional help. We can't help you with that in this setting.

But I can tell you if you return again with all of your what ifs you are going to find yourself getting a Time Out from the site. Consider yourself warned.