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Author Topic: Do Drs still use term wasting? Could i have it or severe lypoatrophy?  (Read 12940 times)

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Offline gulfcoastFL

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Hello, asking this because I haven't heard one use it in years. Back in'96 I remember my own Dr.concerned, I got better.  In the last 12 months I've been struggling to stay at 152-154 lbs. For a lot years I managed to stay right at 165#. Maybe several months back I dropped lbs with a 3-4 mo period. No explanation from Dr. Said eat more protein. I mentioned Oxandrin he didn't see that as useful or maybe drs. Find it more harmful?  Took it years ago.  He volunteered up 10mg Marinol to help with non-existant appetite.
 The wasting or lypoatrophy question come to mind question kind of loss I've had...
Seems like in a short amount of time the couch (laying on at night, TV time) I had a more difficult time getting comfortable, I really can't. I lay on my side, I guess not enough fat (or muscle) and even my buns lying against the back couch cushion not so comfortable with butt really gone.
  Sleep has stopped being the respite it once was.  I just find it impossible to get that "perfect" comfy position or just plain comfortable.
  Sitting,  dining chair, Lzboy,  seat in vehicle I cannot stay in a seat that long.

I've lived with this for 23 years now. If a Dr. Said wasting I might have a better idea where I am in this AIDS journey.  But if all is just to many years of the fat re-distribution then I have to accept this body. 

Pardon for misspells or rambling,  Any thoughts would be appreciated.  :-)
"We all think and feel differently as the years go by"  Thank you, Grey Gardens.

Offline Wade

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Hi Karl ,
I'm no expert ,but I've had fat redistribution myself.
At one point I lost most of the fat in my entire body, mostly my arms , legs,
ass and face. Some has come back slowly over the years.
Then there are fat deposits in some areas that I wish I could rearrange
And distribute where I would like it. would love to have my bubble butt
back again, but that ain't happening. LOL  ,Sounds like body changes my friend.
Nice to meet you Karl ,Wade
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Offline gulfcoastFL

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Thnx Wade 8)
Big belly, buffalo hump I don't care about.  Loss of fat in legs and butt
Has making it very uncomfortable to get the each day. Dr. Suggested "more
Protein".  I explained... Fat loss is the problem!  23 years of this and dealing
With drs. I let it go.
   Cape Cod is where exactly?  I've been reading the NE of the country, particularly
Around Ptown has much better HIV/aids services. I'm in FL and help is becoming
Increasingly more difficult.  Just wondering if a person is on ssdi and needs help
What might be best place (this side of country) to live.

I veered there a little, pardon ;-)
Thanks for the response,
"We all think and feel differently as the years go by"  Thank you, Grey Gardens.

Offline Wade

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Hey Karl ,
Cape Cod is a piece of land that juts off the southern
Part of Massachusetts , P town is at the end , I am not far.
Best , Wade
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