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Author Topic: lipodystrophy  (Read 13505 times)

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Offline rcwebr

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« on: June 25, 2015, 03:42:44 pm »
Have been poz for 30 years.  for the last 12 years have had lipo mostly in belly and loss of one glute.  go figure.  tried serostim  a few years ago but it did not help so stopped after 6months due to side effects.   My Dr. said to try egrifta.  My company approved it and  it gets delivered tomorrow.   lucky only going to pay 40 bucks a month for it.  Does it really work?  I am already diabetic  so that is under great control.  is egrifta something you have to take forever?  Does the fat come back the same after you stop say after a year or so?
poz 30 years.  full blown as of March 1986 with 72 T-Cells was given 6 months to live in 94 due to 0 T-cells for 4 years..  I'm still here.  now in good health.

Offline Jeff G

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Re: lipodystrophy
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 03:50:22 pm »
Welcome to the forum. I am a diabetic and I have lipo belly and fat around my back and shoulders . My doctors are adamant that engrifta is not indicated for people with diabetes and steadfastly refuse to prescribe it. Please keep us updated and let us know how the drug interacts with your diabetes I don’t think I would ever use engrifta but I am curious about the subject.
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Offline rcwebr

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Re: lipodystrophy
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 12:32:23 pm »
thanks.  yeah.  I am a bit leary,  but I will try it.  i will let you know how it goes.  My General practitioner and my HIV  Dr. say that since I am already on light dose for diabetes, we will just watch and see how the GL  goes.  They will check every 3 months for now.  My A1c is usually under 6.7. and last  one was 5.9 due to the glipizide.
poz 30 years.  full blown as of March 1986 with 72 T-Cells was given 6 months to live in 94 due to 0 T-cells for 4 years..  I'm still here.  now in good health.

Offline OddlyEven

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Re: lipodystrophy
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2016, 08:35:11 pm »
Hey all...I haven't posted here in years. Been living with HIV since 2007. Doing well with my regimen...etc.

But one problem I'm having is somewhere about 5 to 6 years ago I began to gain belly fat. Is this because of my meds? I've recently started trying to watch what I eat and I'm trying to get more exercise. But I need to know if this hopeless due to the meds?

And from what I'm understanding here, you're saying there is a drug that could possibly help with this? Could someone please direct me to the right place so I could get more information about this? Please. :)


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