Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Nutrition & HIV

High-Octane Fuel For Your Cells!!

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         ojo.         Hola Lorenzo!… I used Serostim too. I remember when I started using the regular dose 6mg per injection I got nasty pain on my
Articulations, L (joints), did DOCTOR adjusted the dose to 5 mg and I was OK but I don’t think that it help me too much either so I decided to stop it. Also, it was so expensive but thankfully my insurance covered it. I was taking the supplements in combination with, the  Serostim. do you know what help me for my wasting syndrome?, Marinol,
It made me eat so much that aesthetic gaining my weight back, although to tell you the truth, I never went back to my weight before I got aids. But t anyway, everybody’s different, but I still think that it might be expensive Pee, my humble opinion and my own experience… Thanks for sharing anyway… Hugs


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