Hey guys! I have a question! I read that once a person With hiv gets undetectable can no longer pass the virus To sexual partner! But what about other ways besides sex?? Does this apply for other ways too? Which does does involved sex? Thanx :)
Jim Allen:
Correct, it's Treatment as prevention (TasP)
So a person living with HIV (PLHIV), who is on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and has achieved an undetectable viral load in their blood for at least 6 months, can not sexually pass on HIV. This is also known as Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U)
TaSP also reduces the risk of passing HIV on during childbirth to less than 1%, however, other vectors like Intravenous drug use (sharing syringes) and blood transfusions remains an HIV risk.
Thankfully though blood donations are screened for HIV before use.
Hi Jim :) thanx for the your reply! You mention Drug equipment ,Syringes and blood transfusion! What about blood to blood contact? Via open cuts or wounds? Xx
Hi Jim :) thanx for the your reply! You mention Drug equipment ,Syringes and blood transfusion! What about blood to blood contact? Via open cuts or wounds? Xx
Jim Allen:
Day to day cuts, scrapes, wounds, skin conditions isn't an HIV concern regardless of someone's viral load.