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(London,Berlin,Dusseldorf, etc) Stem Cell HIV remission cases.

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From the October 17, 2018, edition of POZ, another story on the subject of this thread:

More detail from the October 15, 2018, edition of MedPage Today:

Is there more information about the 6 people who underwent the stem cell transplant?  Were they people who had some type of cancer or leukemia? They say they studied 6 people who had survived 2 years after treatment, did some people die? Did they give them chemo to wipe out their existing immune system? How arduous was the transplant process, and what side effects did they experience? 

Okay, after posting this I noticed the link to the Poz article which addressed most of my questions.

I look forward to reading more articles about this.

maybe it's just me, but if a possibility to send HIV into 'remission' involves non-routine, high-risk highly invasive surgical procedures, I think I'd prefer to just stick with my pill-a-day...

And we won't even mention the prohibitively astronomical cost of this type of treatment, or that finding the right donor is extremely difficult, or the idea that you could possibly do more damage to yourself than when you started out, or that you might have to be on even more expensive anti-rejection medications possibly for the rest of your life?  All of this for a chance to remove the Scarlet H? Power to the researchers because research like this might help us to find the cure...but this is not it...just research into the mechanism. Fight stigma that's the real cure.

I,too, believe that if this procedure were to happen,the risks would be many. Getting "cured" is nice and all,but having a functioning life is the ideal and the arvs are giving us that.


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