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Maturation Inhibitor PA-457 will be used in combination with HAART this month

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That is what I have just read in a spanish website. The original article is mexican:


shame i cant read spanish.... :(

can anyone translay this info on p457

I prefer not to use one of those horrible automatic translations. So here goes a summary:
PA-457 from panacos is the first of a new family of tools against HIV infection. Reduces viral load in a 90% used as monotherapy. This same month trials will comence in combination with current antirretrovirals. If succesfull it will be in the market by 2009...
...PA-457 works in a completely different way: inactivating the formation of the caspid or the cone in the interior of the virus. A shell that protects the viral ARN from any external attack...looking through the microscope scientists could see how this works: HIv has a protein called Gag wich is cut into small pieces that form the caspid. PA-457 adheres to it preventing the protein gag from being cut properly and, instead of forming a protective cone, the caspid ends up being like a ball full of holes leaving the viral ARN unprotected. The virus is released from the host cell but its unable to infect other cells. Its a "dead" virus.
Another important fact is that PA-457 molecule only adheres to the gag protein after it has been formed preventing the formation of the caspid.
The trial will start with 48 patients with resistance issues combining their failing therapies with PA-457 or a placebo.
Panacos scientists are very excited but Allaway, reminds us there are still many steps to follow before it reaches the market and not before 2009.
This medication showed a 10% decrease in Viral load after a few hours of the first dose in humans.
It also showed a great antiviral activity in the animal model SCDI. It reduced viral load in mouses up to a 90%.
Pharmacinegetic tests in people were positive. Oral doses above 250 mg were well tolerated. In doses above 50 mg it mantained efective levels even after 24, which is something very desirable in these type of meds.
My transalation is not very good but the original is poorly writen and contents a bit untidy and messed up.
The study has been published in june´s Journal of Virology. A less tecnical version is available in "New Scientist"

Thanks heaps for the heads up and the translation Juan.



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