ojo. Hello everyone!… I hope and everybody’s doing well.
I just want to share with you that living with HIV when you share it with your family is something that affects of the family. And there are other illnesses in the family that also becomes affect all the family, including myself. I want to share with you as some of you might now already about my sisters breast cancer. I turned almost 20 months after dealing with this terrible situation, thankfully everything went well with the chemical and radiotherapy that last Monday after her breast reconstruction was done and today she was given the OK, finally, to end this terrible episode in her life. Now she has to recover for the surgery physically and mentally for four weeks in her summer house in playa Del Carmen in the Riviera Maya would it be nice for all of us to one day our doctors tell us, OK guys, no more pills you are down with HIV infection go and celebrate!. It is what it is, we will keep hoping for that situation… I just wanna let you guys know that I feel so proud of my sister because she was a very strong lady and she was always smiling, even though losing all her hair which now looks even nicer that has grown back up and we are hoping that damn cancer never comes back… Hugs
Ps. unfortunately, my cousin passed away. she dealt with her column cancer that metastasize to her liver and pancreas for a long time. Make sure rest in peace.
It's good that your sister is doing well with all her issues. I wish her a good recovery!
And I'm sorry to hear that your cousin lost the battle to cancer. R.I.P.
ojo. Thanks Michael For taking the time to read my post and especially for replying to it and for caring…hugs
ojo. Hello everyone!… I saw my cornea specialist yesterday to replace my contact lens. He seems like everything is stable in my eye. I keep reading 20/150, but in real life I feel like my vision is lower. But it is what it is.
I just got the bill for my bionic eye which is just like a big contact lens, piece of plastic, where they paint my Irish and pupil. When I got it done, they told me that he might cost like $4000, I was amazed when I saw the bill, $8000 OMG!! I wonder how many people like to have fed with that money.. I don’t have any out-of-pocket expenses because my insurance paid for it, but still, it is a lot of money… well, I just wanted to let you know how I am doing, the pain in my blind eye is still there, but it is what it is like I said before, I will learn to live with it. I don’t want more surgeries… Hugs.
ojo. Hello everyone!… November 29, 1994. How could I forget that day if it was a day when I received a diagnosis that changed my life forever. Since then I have gone through a lot of opportunistic infections and on the verge of dying three or four times but, I’m still here, I don’t know why, sharing with all of you my life experience, fighting, and surviving AIDS/HIV. Fortunately, for all new diagnosed new members, getting and advance HIV infections (AIDS) it’s not the same like 30 years ago, time has changed, lucky you. Although getting this diagnosis is still shocking.
I just want to share with you my happy 30th HIVERSARY , Who would have thought I was going to be here sharing with you the story of my life….hugs
PS. in memoriam of our friend numberguy82. we are going to keep supporting and helping in others ways n Your Honor