"It is a miracle that I can walk at all."--Patsy Stone
Great! You're doing better at walking than I am at mastering this eensy keyboard.
I am not familiar with your condition, but at my hospital Rehab unit, they are trying this treatment (which they tout as new but seems like common sense to me) where they restrict the active side of stroke patients. i.e. they put the good arm in a sling and make them use their affected limb. Have you heard anything about that?
Once you're walkin', then you can resume Truckin'! 8)
WOW! WOW! WOW! Jeff, you really are coming on by leaps and bounds! It's fantastic to hear and I'm really happy for you. Keep up the good work! :-*
Sounds like you are doing great! ;D I look forward to your therapy updates. You are truly an amazing person!
Keep up the good work!
Hey Jeff, power on buddy!
Hi Jeff
You have an amazing attitude, a zest for life and a strength that will see you through...way to go, keep up the good work..but don't over do it.