Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Mental Health & HIV

We need to discuss this more.


Mental Health & HIV is a section of the forum that isn't getting enough attention. It's a major topic, yet we don't even see a monthly post, so moving forward I will give this section more attention and care.


          ojo.           I think you are right Jim, usually I don’t read that forum but, if I would have read it before, I would have known that our friend miss Philicia was having trouble with mental issues before he passed away. We used to ““talk “via p.m. about other issues, but I never knew that he was stealing with mental issues that at the end made him take a dramatic and I guess painful decision… I promise I would read more, the mental health forum so I can give a hand to other members who are telling with these issues… I must confess that sometimes I feel down because of my pain, anyway,… Hugs


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