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Taking 300mg 3tc and 50mg dtg as separate tablets


Hello good people
Kindly guide me on my recent decision to take 300mg 3tc and 50 mg dtg as separate tablets
I am tired of TDF, decided to make stop taking TDF, only taking 3tc and dtg
Any body with experience on taking them this way
I'm worried abt if this okay

Jim Allen:
So if I understand correctly your concern is taking separate tablets not switching from triple therapy to dual treatment.

You have been on ART for 23 years, I am sure there are several separate drugs you took during that time that later on became or are part of a single fixed-dose pill option today.

If you take 50 mg Dolutegravir and 300 mg Lamivudine as a single fixed-dose pill or as two separate pills it's the same active ingredients and will work the same. What did your doctor say about the change? I hope the switch works for you and keep us posted on how you get on.


            ojo.         Hello there!… Well, I guess you are taking Dovato just two pills. What does the doctor have to say about it?. Would you having trouble with tenofovir?… Good luck and please keep us posted… Hugs


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