wanted you to know about the recent group of posts on aids-write.org
nine juxtaposed interactive interrelated new posts on aids-write.org: macy’s celebrates gay pride in boston by mounting, then removing “most offensive part” of “boston pride” display window (two “gay” mannequins with pecs and nipples showing thru shirts, one wearing a rainbow flag-like beach towel) after an effective pressure campaign is quickly & successfully grandstanded by anti-gay group massResistance, formerly article 8. all sides are pissed at macy’s/federated.
322.1 suite sheet 322.2 overview: two news items from boston 322.3 wingnuts 322.4 brian camenker—wikipedia entry & link 322.5 brian camenker—towleroad entry & link 322.6 boston herald columnist/radio talkshow host marnie eagan blasts camenker & link 322.7 brian canmaker in response & link (massResistenceWatch) 322.8 brian canmaker’s successful campaign: seven things to learn 322.9 cindy beal on brian canmaker’s tactics in 2000 & link