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Author Topic: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫  (Read 11894 times)

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Offline Smokiboy43

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Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« on: February 02, 2024, 06:13:24 pm »
Hi all
I've been living with HIV for a few years now,
It has been one year since I discovered I'm positive. 

So at the start, I was in a bad mood , and now I learned to accept and live with that in peace
I'm on biktavy pills
I would like to know if someone here knows what type of pills to increase my libido I can use ?

I like to go back to my sex life, but I am still scared

Can someone advise on the right pills I can use with my biktavy
And don't harm my treatment

Thanks 😊

Offline Jim Allen

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2024, 06:31:15 pm »

I hate to ask, but do you have any depression or symptoms of depression? How are you feeling besides the low sex drive?

Have you discussed this with your doctor? Have you checked your testosterone levels? I ask as testosterone levels, and HIV can be an issue, and it would certainly be my first thing to check before considering any additional meds. 

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Offline Jim Allen

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2024, 06:33:03 pm »
So at the start, I was in a bad mood

After a few decades you get used to that  ;D
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2024, 07:01:58 pm »

          ojo.            I I agree. with Jim. If the 43 on your profile means that you are 43 years old, that might means you testosterone levels are low plus the HIV factor might be the problem. Talk to your doctor about checking the testostetone levels to discard the possibilities of depression. It takes time to get used to your new normal… hang in there and please keep us posted…hugs

Offline Grasshopper

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2024, 02:27:37 am »

I like to go back to my sex life, but I am still scared

I suspect your libido issues are due to your fears. Adres those first.

Offline Nick_

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2024, 04:49:22 am »

          ojo.            I I agree. with Jim. If the 43 on your profile means that you are 43 years old, that might means you testosterone levels are low plus the HIV factor might be the problem. Talk to your doctor about checking the testostetone levels to discard the possibilities of depression. It takes time to get used to your new normal… hang in there and please keep us posted…hugs

At 46 my testosterone levels are just as good as they were at 30 and the sex drive has never been that strong…so it’s not the age that always counts ;)

Offline Smokiboy43

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2024, 09:26:12 am »

I hate to ask, but do you have any depression or symptoms of depression? How are you feeling besides the low sex drive?

Have you discussed this with your doctor? Have you checked your testosterone levels? I ask as testosterone levels, and HIV can be an issue, and it would certainly be my first thing to check before considering any additional meds.

Hi Jim,
Im not at my normal zone like normative,  I keep worried about all the HIV future issues
I was learn the biktavy pills can cose a heart hattack ,
Also, some other issues, and I keep remembering every day my issue when pills time come.

In general, I feel I probably lost some years from my potential longer life,
But I don't remember most of the days I even have HIV,

Yes, I do feel a limit in my life. We were thinking of moving to another country
And I don't want new expose to my situation, same on big travels, or some countries like dubai.

So if I'm in a bit depression... maybe a bit.

So you think is the reason of my friend being over relax even when he should smile 


Offline Jim Allen

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2024, 10:24:40 am »
Firstly, you are still digesting the diagnosis and adjusting to living with HIV. It's still on your mind, and you are still getting your head around the idea that you can live a long, healthy, and "normal" life.

This can take time, were here to help. Question: do you have any face-to-face peer support? Have you been or considered talking to a therapist?

So you think is the reason of my friend being over relax even when he should smile

It could ...

See, the thing with erectile dysfunction is there are both physical and psychological causes. So if the issue is erectile dysfunction, the first port of call is your healthcare provider so they can rule out certain physical conditions. I would not recommend starting any additional pills without first talking to a healthcare provider.

If the issue has more to do with desire (Lack of interest in sex), this, too, has both physical and psychological causes and depression and stress certainly could be a factor. 

You really should have a conversation with your doctor about any physical issues and also how you are feeling/coping.

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Offline Jim Allen

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2024, 10:32:04 am »
And I don't want new expose to my situation, same on big travels, or some countries like dubai.

Okay, you can't visit Dubai, well, not if you want to bring treatment. However, Dubai is only one place in the world and Dubai isn't the greatest.

For the vast majority of places in the world, HIV isn't a barrier to us visiting. So stop focusing on the few places in the world you can't go and focus on the places you can. I've travelled a lot, it was fun, I got to see the world, and my HIV status has not been an issue.  https://www.hivtravel.org/
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: Anyone can advice ? Im use biktavy and my Lebido need help 😫
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2024, 02:46:17 pm »

          ojo.          Hello there!… well, if your testosterone levels are fine, so we had to go to a different possible reson why your friend doesn’t smile. I agree with grasshopper that you are fearful and also I agree with Jim that you haven’t digest your new normal. Maybe this time to talk to a specialist or healthcare provider. Remember that we are not doctors we share our experiences. You are even worried about getting a heart attack. Yes, because she read that it might be a side effect of your medication. Remember, that information that they give, you says that it could happen, not dice, going to happen…. Wisin You The Best wishes and please keep us posted.

Ps. sorry for the typos. From the lunch time Survivor. Lol.


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