Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Mental Health & HIV

HIV 2.5 times more likely in patients seeking out Mental Health treatment

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Next Friday’s Peer support call will focus on all things HIV & Mental Health. In doing some research, I came across this fascinating study. I find it unsurprising that individuals with HIV are more likely to seek out mental health treatment. Mainly because we are already thrust into a much more proactive role concerning our physical health.

--- Quote --- The relationship between HIV and mental illness is a complex one. The increased prevalence could be a real increase resulting from people with mental health needs being more at risk of acquiring HIV, or from people with HIV being more likely to develop a mental illness, or a combination of both.
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The full article is located here:

If you want to join our discussion on October 13th at 7pm EST US, please send me a PM for the Google Meet video link. You don’t have to participate with video or even a microphone, but obviously we welcome you regardless.


--- Quote ---The relationship between HIV and mental illness is a complex one. The increased prevalence could be a real increase resulting from people with mental health needs being more at risk of acquiring HIV, or from people with HIV being more likely to develop a mental illness, or a combination of both.

Future work should include examination of risk factors for HIV in people in contact with mental health services so we can think about how to reduce the risk in this group. Additionally, we know that people with mental illness often receive worse physical health care than the general population, so we need to examine whether people with mental illness and HIV get the same standard of HIV care as the rest of the population."

Dr Margaret Heslin, Senior Lecturer in Health Economics and Epidemiology, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King's College London, and First Author
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"The increased prevalence could be a real increase resulting from people with mental health needs being more at risk of acquiring HIV, or from people with HIV being more likely to develop a mental illness, or a combination of both."

I think these are the kinds of misconceptions you can reach when you're only analyzing the data and not questioning patients. This doctor claims already having mental health problems or developing mental health issues are the choices. However, what about people with HIV being offered mental health care more the average person who rarely sees their doctor? Or what about an HIV diagnosis itself being enough for people to seek mental health care? What is the rate of people receiving other potentially terminal diagnoses (like some cancers) seeking/needing mental heath care?

--- Quote ---"we know that people with mental illness often receive worse physical health care than the general population, so we need to examine whether people with mental illness and HIV get the same standard of HIV care as the rest of the population."
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once again, there is another option. People with HIV are receiving a better standard of care and hence are more likely (and more able) to access mental health care.

--- Quote ---In terms of which diagnosis came first, of the 2239 people who both accessed mental health services for the first time and had their HIV diagnosis during the study period, 33% of them had contact with mental health services before the HIV diagnosis, and 67% of them had their HIV diagnosis before coming into contact with mental health services.
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nearly 70% didn't have mental health care contact until AFTER their HIV diagnosis. Once again, this sounds like a "having access to mental health care" issue; and there's no indication about how much of this access is with pre-diagnosis mental health issues and post diagnosis issues.

--- Quote ---A total of 181177 people who had first contact with secondary mental health services
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this is just my little rant: while I'm ok with 4 place numbers not using commas, not using commas for numbers >9999 is annoying.


--- Quote --- once again, there is another option. People with HIV are receiving a better standard of care and hence are more likely (and more able) to access mental health care
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Agreed 1000% … or is that 1,000%  :-X


--- Quote from: numbersguy82 on October 04, 2023, 08:18:37 am ---1,000%  :-X

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Nice. Just like using the oxford comma.
Good boy.  8) ;)


--- Quote from: leatherman on October 04, 2023, 01:30:05 pm ---Nice. Just like using the oxford comma.

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Oh the Oxford comma and I get on swimmingly!!!


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