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Author Topic: tested positive  (Read 22249 times)

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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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tested positive
« on: March 23, 2024, 07:30:04 pm »
Hey all,

I tested positive four days ago but did not tell anyone.

I flew home from Qatar to Liverpool as I was ill to be with family and ended up in hospital.

When I got my result, in a hospital bed I was alone, thankfully so only I know. I discharged myself and told my family it was a viral infection.

I feel anger, disbelief, and a sense of impending doom.

Really bad.

I am now "Resting up" in a family house for a few weeks before heading to Qatar. I can't enter Qatar again...

My family is happy I am out of the hospital, they bought my story...

Going to lose my job, and place of residence and there is no way I can keep this secret forever, something i am so desperate to do, as there is no workarounds...

This is my current position, fml.

I have a meeting to start treatment in a few days, again secretly, and need to work out how to not go back to Qatar (I rent a house there with all my possessions).

I have to deal with all of this, never mind the actual health implications of having HIV, which Doctors will obviously say is the most important thing. 

Still hoping (delusional) that when I go to get my meds they tell me a false positive.
Writing this helps, which shows talking is the way forward, but I want to be as discreet as possible forever, which I suspect will result in loneliness and isolation.

I went from high flyer to low rider.

Thanks for reading, it's going to be an ultimately chaotic few months, and probably years / life, and I have not even thought about the health implications, dating, social stigma etc. The above is a watered down description of the situation I am in.

Can't sleep, it is proper doom, and gloom. BTW I am straight, which makes it even more traumatic.

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2024, 07:53:02 pm »

I'm sorry to hear that you have been ill and were in hospital, but why did you discharge yourself?

HIV might be an underlying health condition to whatever is making you sick or be unrelated but regardless did they treat it before you left and are you feeling better?

I have a meeting to start treatment in a few days

Sorry to hear about the HIV diagnosis. I'm glad to hear that you will access HIV treatment soon. What was your viral load and CD4 count?

Still hoping (delusional) that when I go to get my meds they tell me a false positive.

I can understand that. I presume that this wasn't just a lab antibodies HIV result and that after the initial testing, they did confirmation testing?

I feel anger, disbelief, and a sense of impending doom.

Yeah, well an HIV diagnosis can be hard to digest, it's going to take time, and I think a lot of people go through a bit of a grieving process.

need to work out how to not go back to Qatar (I rent a house there with all my possessions).

Unfortunately, I don't know if you can stay there, they certainly have restrictions as far as I know. https://www.hivtravel.org/Default.aspx?PageId=143

I presume it's for a job that you are out there?

When I got my result, in a hospital bed I was alone, thankfully so only I know.

They would not have shared the results whilst family/friends are visiting you. I am aware that the NHS is a shitshow but its not that bad ... yet
« Last Edit: March 23, 2024, 07:55:57 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2024, 04:28:20 am »
Thanks for the reply Jim, needed somewhere to express what I am going through.

Every day is going to be incredibly challenging, lost my job, my country of residency, my social life in Qatar, everything.

I am going to have to build over in a new country and not feel the most sociable, for obvious reasons.

I just hope when I get the medicine they allow me to travel pretty soon. 

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2024, 05:05:12 am »
Understand it's rough at the moment and a lot to digest.

I've lived in three different countries, and starting new can be tough even at the best of times. However, ultimately there will be other jobs and places to live.

I just hope when I get the medicine they allow me to travel pretty soon.

Have they advised against travel at the moment?

Again, I'm sorry to hear about the HIV diagnosis. I'm glad to hear that you will access HIV treatment soon.

What was your viral load and CD4 count?
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2024, 05:29:32 am »
I believe I receive my viral load and CD4 count on Wednesday, hoping they will be good as this seems to be caught very early on (tested negative last month and the month before that).

I guess outcome of this test determines and how initial treatment goes determines when I can travel, hoping its asap.

For me, the biggest gut punch is having to leave Qatar and never being able to return, this has life changing implications for me and my career / friends I wont be able to see.

Worst part is, I am sitting in family home pretending to rest and that I have no problems in the World. Unfortunately no alternative, if I disclose to family they will be so upset, I need to be UD before I announce (if I do, which I suspect I will be forced).


Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2024, 05:46:48 am »
Unfortunately no alternative, if I disclose to family they will be so upset, I need to be UD before I announce (if I do, which I suspect I will be forced)

There is no need to share your HIV status with them now or when the viral load is suppressed. It's up to you and if you feel the need to or want that's a different story. If you are going to share prehaps when you have digested the news a bit more might be a good idea.

Anyhow, no point stressing about this or anything to be honest, until you have confirmation results and labs back.

I guess outcome of this test determines and how initial treatment goes determines when I can travel, hoping its asap.

If its just HIV, then from a health perspective, it isn't a barrier to travel. If your CD4 count is very low, they will put you on some antibiotics to help prevent infections. (PCP prophylaxis)

I believe I receive my viral load and CD4 count on Wednesday

Okay, keep us posted on how the appointment goes and the results.

For the moment I'll ask you to only post in this thread. You can ask any questions or raise concerns here and the forum members will try to support you.

Try to take it easy.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 05:53:52 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2024, 06:21:27 am »
Thank you.

They have already done 2 tests and confirmed it in blood, just need the actual results on Wednesday with the counts. Still praying for a false positive but highly unlikely

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2024, 06:50:09 am »
Thank you.

They have already done 2 tests and confirmed it in blood, just need the actual results on Wednesday with the counts. Still praying for a false positive but highly unlikely

You're welcome.

It's just initial stuff, just wait for the results as confirmation.
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2024, 11:03:04 am »

             ojo.            Hi there!!… welcome to the  forums…. I wonder what symptoms you had that make you go to the hospital. You said that you were tested for HIV last month and you were negative. Did you get tested in Qatar?

He’s going to take time for you t
To digest the diagnosis and you will be fine. If indeed, you I recently infected, you will have time to go back to Qatar and take care of all your business there before you start treatment out of the country.

I wonder why you meant when you said that you because you are a straight Teh diagnosis more dramatic, please help me understand it.

Wishing you the best and please keep us posted…hugs

Ps. sorry for the typos.

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2024, 11:28:07 am »

Yes I was tested in Qatar as part of residency programme, fully negative.

I had a really bad flu, headache, sore throat and night terrors and the flu wasnt getting better so I decided to go home see family. It still didnt get better so I went to hospital where I was told.

I know need to start medication asap but might do it after Qatar so I can wrap up loose ends. All very stressful, this has really messed up my life.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2024, 12:34:51 pm »

            ojo.          Thanks for responding. Well, as I set you are going to be fine. You even will have time before starting treatment to take care of your business in Qatar because I think you can not be in that country being HIV positive, right?. Yes, being diagnosed With HIV is a life changing situation. Fortunately, there is hope to get back to live in normal life. Remember that before, years back, getting an HIV diagnosis that death sentence. I wish you the best you are not alone we are here for you. If I can give you an advice , keep your diagnosis to yourself until you learn how to live with HIV. You are going to be fine at the beginning is difficult, but there is life after an HIV diagnosis… Please keep us posted and best of luck… Hugs

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2024, 12:39:36 pm »
Thanks, yeah thats the plan learn to live with it and be UD.

Absolute nightmare, praying on Wednesday they tell me false postiive but no chance.

I will update here..


Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2024, 09:21:15 am »
Spoke to the nurse today and filled her in on all the social problems i am now navigating.

She is great but telling me to focus on number 1, my health.

I had such a fast-paced lifestyle before, traveling the World, and it's frustrating having to wait around until Wednesday for an appointment to get meds and more results.

I also feel slightly fluey again and had night sweats last night, hoping I dont get too physically sick again before meds.

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2024, 11:32:16 am »
Waiting a few days is not the end of the world and HIV is medically easy to manage with access to treatment and, thankfully you have access to both healthcare and the medication needed.

If it's a recent infection then your physical health isn't an immediate concern from an HIV point of view. I would recommend you talk to your GP or the healthcare provider on Wednesday about getting counselling for the mental & emotional toll.

fast-paced lifestyle before, traveling the World

Nothing stopping you from doing this again. I travelled the world, and had a career and a touch of AIDS never stopped me, and you just have HIV.

The only thing with travel is you need to avoid the few nations that don't welcome people living with HIV. Those also tend to be nations with shitty human rights to start with, so avoiding them was never an issue for me but understand it's an adjustment for some. 

Take it easy, stop stressing and see the doc this week.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 11:34:43 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2024, 12:05:48 pm »
Thanks Jim for your reply.

I agree 2 days is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Unfortunately where I need to travel is many of those nations that ban entry or medicine not allowed, so yeah I am really battling mentally here.

Wanted to keep this secret but its getting harder and harder the pressure of colleagues and friends texting me - "when back to Qatar we need to do this, this and this" etc

I cant tell one or it will get out everywhere, not ready for this, the longer it goes on the harder it will be to make up excuses. Just had someone text me going "get blood tests"

Sorry to vent, know there isnt answers here, just needed somewhere to express my concerns and frustrations. Thanks for listenining

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2024, 12:51:13 pm »
Unfortunately where I need to travel is many of those nations that ban entry or medicine not allowed, so yeah I am really battling mentally here.

I presume the need to be in those places is due to your current job, and you will be changing jobs, so there will be no need to be there. The "need" part of this matter has been solved for you. 

It's only a few nations with HIV bans out of the entire planet, and there are plenty of jobs, travel and places to live or be that don't require going to places with human rights violations.

Wanted to keep this secret but its getting harder and harder the pressure of colleagues and friends texting me - "when back to Qatar we need to do this, this and this" etc

I cant tell one or it will get out everywhere, not ready for this, the longer it goes on the harder it will be to make up excuses. Just had someone text me going "get blood tests"

Not telling the entire planet and keeping a secret are different things.

Anyhow, no drama is needed, no need to tell them anything or tell them ever about HIV. I don't understand the pressure to tell... If you must answer these people go with something that's the truth:

"feeling under the weather, seeing the doctor this week, will get back to you next week"

If you start treatment this week, then you can look at the Qatar situation and if you can't stay and the job requirement is to be there, then give up the job, go out there and get your stuff, look for a new job.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 12:55:39 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2024, 01:40:30 pm »
Thanks again for the reply.

It's very complicated as I also have my own business out there etc.

Very a very challenging position, I guess I need to focus on health and not getting any worse, then try to adapt.

Atleast have access to health care and caught very early on.

Tough times

Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2024, 04:04:30 pm »

              ojo.           Hello there!… unfortunately, for you, you are living any country where you will be in trouble living with HIV.. I don’t know what kind of business you have there that you cannot have somewhere else, but I think the most important part of your situation is you can get healthcare and reinvent yourself again. According to you, this is a new infection, so is likely that you can wait a while to start treatment while you decide what to do with your life. Just take it easy right now because stress is good for you health. Hang in there. We are here for you and don’t worry for venting. That’s why we are here for to offer you support, information, and share our experiences  with you. You are going to be fine … please keep us posted… Hugs

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2024, 05:50:35 am »
Yeah I can do it somewhere else, but its a lot more difficult and this dx causes me a lot of issues.

Having nightmares about everyone in Qatar and I cant enter etc

Waking up with really bad sweats.

Really difficult mental game, just gotta put it to back of mind and try to move forward.

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2024, 06:59:10 am »
It sucks but at the end of the day, it's just a job or a company. They come and go, that's normal it's just the reason is a bit unfair in your case, but thankfully you can and will start again somewhere better with new opportunities and challenges.

I would check what the official situation is in regards to HIV considering you may have acquired HIV in Qatar after getting your residency permit.

Make sure to talk to your GP or the healthcare provider on Wednesday about getting counselling for the mental & emotional toll.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 07:04:13 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #20 on: March 26, 2024, 10:24:14 am »
Yeah I can do it somewhere else, but its a lot more difficult and this dx causes me a lot of issues.

Having nightmares about everyone in Qatar and I cant enter etc

Waking up with really bad sweats.

Really difficult mental game, just gotta put it to back of mind and try to move forward.

              ojo.             I’m sorry for what you are going through I know right now it is difficult specially, after year diagnosis. Try to get some professional help to help you understand that this is not the end of the world. Yes, it is going to be difficult to restart having a normal life, but it is doable, you just have my first, digest the diagnosis and then say what you do next. He takes time to get adjusted to a new life in your case. It’s a little bit more difficult because of where you live but, you are in luck, because you can keep making plans  for the future and think when people didn’t have the  same chance, maybe this will help you through  this difficult times. We are here for you… Hugs.

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #21 on: March 26, 2024, 03:50:38 pm »
Thanks for all the kind words and advice / feedback.

Tomorrow I go get my numbers.

Have been lurking hard on multiple forums for last week, which is helpful but also can be quite morbid.

My strategy is to do my utmost (easier said than done) to not let HIV define who I am.

I am hoping i can just take a tablet a day and "forget about HIV".

I just hope I am not underplaying the seriousness of the disease on my life or deluded. I know many here have been 30+ years positive and live perfectly healthy lives. I guess I will know more tomorrow when I see the seriousness of my numbers, will update afterwards. Hoping for low numbers, get my tablets and be able to move on and just come back for check ups and more medication. This is probably wishful thinking, I am hoping i am not being naive.

As for Qatar, I will go back and wrap up loose ends and get out.

Thanks all for listening.

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #22 on: March 26, 2024, 04:15:10 pm »
The numbers are not really going to change or indicate the seriousness.

You start treatment regardless of the numbers, this is to suppress the virus so things will not progress and thus prevent any serious damage or early death from happening.

The exception is if the CD4 numbers are very low. Now they can bounce up and down by 100 a day on their own and they don't indicate overall health but if your initial CD4 count/% is below 200 or 14% antibiotics are used to prevent certain infections until they come up or you maintain a suppressed viral load for a few years.

get my tablets and be able to move on and just come back for check ups and more medication.

Even with AIDS, this is essential this is what you are going to be doing. You would treat whatever AIDS-defining infections you have and then manage HIV as normal.
Go to your clinic visit, they take blood, get your meds and repeat every few months. Prehaps more frequently in the first year and after that every 4-6 months.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 04:19:46 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #23 on: March 26, 2024, 04:30:18 pm »
Try to relax.

You will get results tomorrow and they will discuss what treatment options are available based on several factors and what best suits you, then you will start treatment and have a follow-up appointment date.

Write down questions you might have for the clinic, so you don't forget.

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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #24 on: March 26, 2024, 04:45:44 pm »
Thanks, Jim for your consistent straightforward advice, the work you do on here is invaluable.

Praying CD4 is above 200, hopefully as early days.

Fingers crossed I can get back to my daily routines (travelling) in a few weeks, hoping this isnt unrealistic, but feel free to be pretty honest (i know its hard to comment without the doctors feedback / more data). Obviously Qatar based life needs to end, but doesnt mean travel does?
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 04:54:16 pm by idontknowhowbuthereitis »

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #25 on: March 26, 2024, 05:02:21 pm »
You're welcome.

It's 2024 and HIV, not Ebola. You are not dying from HIV and you don't need to take any additional precautions, you can still travel the world. I travelled the world, as have many people here with HIV and AIDS.

The only thing to do is make sure wherever you are going doesn't have HIV entry restrictions, and that you can bring your meds with you. Treat any OIs before going although that doesn't apply to you.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 05:04:25 pm by Jim Allen »
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Re: tested positive
« Reply #26 on: March 26, 2024, 05:08:59 pm »
The only other travel advice is to pack your meds in hand luggage in the original packaging and bring a cover note from the GP that it's for your personal use to treat a medical condition.

Check the local transmission/disclosure laws before doing anything like sex. Some places have hash laws if you don't disclose and backwards transmission/exposure criminalization.
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2024, 06:25:37 pm »
Thanks again Jim for your response.

The only other travel advice is to pack your meds in hand luggage in the original packaging and bring a cover note from the GP that it's for your personal use to treat a medical condition.

Around Europe easy, no issues at all imo, around Middle East, I hear GP can do a generic letter but the meds would give it away (if ever stopped). Probably get away with it with only 14 etc but this isnt something should discuss online :)

The x2 a month injections ART treatement I have been reading about sound ideal, can make this easier?

Do you have any experience with injections for ART? I hear on NHS this is limited but would be willing to pay, for events like this - doubt they offer this treatment so early on

Check the local transmission/disclosure laws before doing anything like sex. Some places have hash laws if you don't disclose and backwards transmission/exposure criminalization.

Yeah I dont think I could have sex without disclosing, with UD, regardless of jurisdiction and laws. Unfortunately it is the ultimate cock block for one night stands imo  (even more as I sleep with woman and they would be ones I would just meet in bars etc).

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2024, 07:39:52 pm »
Unfortunately it is the ultimate cock block for one night stands imo  (even more as I sleep with woman and they would be ones I would just meet in bars etc).

lol. One night stands, my HIV status has never been an issue and I'm straight. It depends on how you share and your confidence. If I belive the LGBTQ+ member's stories it seems they have a more challenging time.

As for dating, I've had one or two polite "no thank you" but that's about it, after nearly 25 years of living with HIV that's not too bad.

Yeah I dont think I could have sex without disclosing, with UD, regardless of jurisdiction and laws.

I always share my HIV status, although, I still check before travelling.

Around Europe easy, no issues at all imo, around Middle East, I hear GP can do a generic letter but the meds would give it away (if ever stopped). Probably get away with it with only 14 etc but this isnt something should discuss online :)

EU and US are easy, the Middle East is only a problem when going to a nation that you should be going to in the first place. https://www.hivtravel.org/ The same can be said for travelling to any country you shouldn't be and that's a short list.

Custom officers don't care about your HIV status or generally about the pills. When you start doing shady stuff like putting them in bottles that don't match the meds or hiding them, that's when they care and ask questions. 

The x2 a month injections ART treatement I have been reading about sound ideal, can make this easier?

Do you have any experience with injections for ART? I hear on NHS this is limited but would be willing to pay, for events like this - doubt they offer this treatment so early on

So bribing the clinic staff will not help you, it is the NHS. The injections are not something for me, but you can look into this after a while. You would first need a suppressed viral load, without any resistance profile to the drugs. https://www.uhsussex.nhs.uk/resources/long-acting-injectable-hiv-treatment/

« Last Edit: March 26, 2024, 07:43:03 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2024, 08:01:04 pm »

lol. One night stands, my HIV status has never been an issue and I'm straight. It depends on how you share and your confidence. If I belive the LGBTQ+ member's stories it seems they have a more challenging time.

That good to hear, I intend to be super discreet about my condition, so its a risk they tell a friend etc who knows a friend of a friend etc, but will deal with that if it when it comes up.

So bribing the clinic staff will not help you, it is the NHS. The injections are not something for me, but you can look into this after a while. You would first need a suppressed viral load, without any resistance profile to the drugs. https://www.uhsussex.nhs.uk/resources/long-acting-injectable-hiv-treatment/

haha interesting way of putting it.

I dont want to bribe anyone (never say never) but would like the best treatment that suits my fast paced needs.

Although the NHS has been nothing short of fantastic for me in the short time I have had to deal with them, if there was a private but paid version for dealing with HIV medication and recovery I would take it - if you have any recommendations or comments on this, please let me know. (ship abroad medication etc, which I doubt NHS do)

Thanks again for all your support

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2024, 03:39:25 am »
The NHS will not ship meds abroad, they will supply you with enough meds until your next clinic visit. In the first year, you might have clinic appointments more frequently, after that, it's every 4-6 months.

If there were a paid HIV clinic you would not get different meds or labs, it's the UK. Spend that money on general health instead, so quit smoking, drink less, eat healthier (more balanced) & exercise more.

Fast-paced needs, it's 15 seconds out of your day to swallow your meds.

The initial meds will be based on things like resistance profile, other medical needs etc. So you might be offered a one-pill-a-day solution or taking two/three pills, no big deal. https://www.poz.com/drug_charts/hiv-drug-chart

Injectables, the downside is it means more frequent clinic visits, in the UK monthly at first and then every two months and an initial month of taking pills "oral lead-in" to make sure you don't have issues with the meds. However, it might suit your needs better, who knows, something to consider down the line and discuss with the consultant.

I already take pills for blood pressure, neuropathy etc. So an additional pill for HIV makes no difference to me and injectables would just mean more clinic visits, bloods and hassle. 
« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 04:55:23 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Loa111

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2024, 06:45:02 am »
Sorry to hear about your very recent DX. It is a terrible shock to the system & it does take a while to digest, & it does come back to niggle your mind now & then in the earlier months.

However, the good news for you is I've found that after a couple of years (It's nearly 6 years for me since I found out), I do not think about HIV much at all, I just take my 2 pills in the morning & that is it. It feels like it is someone else who has HIV, and not me! And when I found out, I too had as Jim describes it as a "touch of AIDS" too, I was really ill.

I am a totally straight guy too. I found it hard re being straight, as I had all these strange notions of "why me" and "Straight people aren't supposed to get HIV"...what a myth I believed! lol. However, I found this forum & I got great support from everyone here.

When I found out I was Poz, I had to wait 3 weeks to get my numbers (CD4 was 22) & start treatment.  The same as you, I went through my waiting period for my numbers & for treatment to start, trying to convince myself that it would be a "false positive" too. I was going to the church twice a day & praying & lighting candles & all sorts of stuff, visualising I would roll into the clinic & they'd tell me "oh good news, it was just a big mistake"... not the case, I went in there, and found it I had a very Advanced Stage of HIV, which is AIDS which gave me a double-shock & terrified me!

Anyway, today I am fitter & healthier than ever & I am in the gym training hard 6 days a week & in fantastic shape for a guy in this early 50s... people tell me I took less than 40.

I think too, as happened me, that you might experience this too, when you digest this, settle with it & come out the other side... I found I value life more, I reset my priorities & values, it's family & life experiences first now, work comes after than (before I was all about work & biz & stress), overall I am probably happier than before, I really value I came out the other side of being very ill with Aids & a chronic health issue successfully, which has caused me to be more grateful & appreciate the simpler life & I have become less judgemental of people & lots of other things. I am very sure, if I had not become Poz, I would not have made these changes.

Good luck with your numbers today, do let us all know.

You sound smart & well tuned in, so I am sure, once your mind settles a bit, that you will come up with a new plan for business & your career & you will make it work.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 06:47:47 am by Loa111 »

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2024, 09:01:04 am »
Thanks for sharing your story Loa111 and the kind words, we sound very similar!

I just returned from the doctor, I was prescribed Biktarvy and I just took my first table.

Have 3 months supply - a blessing out of this is quick and free access to health care.

My numbers were:
CD4 260
V/L 153000

I was surprised at both, was told it's because its a very new infection. That being said, reading some numbers on the forum I am luck to catch it early.

I just took my first pill and will be monitoring the side effects.

The health care team was very accommodating as is this nurse who regularly checks in on my well-being on the phone.

I will be moving again in less than a month, which isnt ideal from a healthcare perspective but the doctors said they understand that I need to travel and work and will assist with supporting this transition.

I will update on how the meds go first week, this is very therapeutical sharing my experience and getting feedback from others who went through it, and hopefully others who go through this will get something out of my writings.

Still have not disclosed to family or friends, and dont have any immediate plans to.

Offline Loa111

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2024, 10:03:33 am »

I just returned from the doctor, I was prescribed Biktarvy and I just took my first table.

Still have not disclosed to family or friends, and dont have any immediate plans to.

Great to hear you have started treatment. Some people but not everyone, it might take a couple of weeks for the meds to adjust to your body. Nothing major usually and maybe it won't apply to you at all.

When I started my treatment, the original med i was on Genvoya, gave me terrible wind & I could not stop farting, like every 5 mins! It was shocking in a funny way looking back at it.  ;D

Me, I have not told any relatives either nor friends expect for just one whom I trust. Looking at it now, with the success of modern treatment, there is really no need to tell anyone. Just pop a pill daily & get on with your life now.  :)

Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2024, 10:04:28 am »
Glad to hear you started treatment and that the appointment went well.

The numbers are fine. Those numbers can't tell you how long you have had the infection but they are not shockingly bad, and it's fine. The goal is to see the VL drop when you get your next results, it might not be below 200 next time but you should at least see a reduction.

Still have not disclosed to family or friends, and dont have any immediate plans to.

There is no need to share your HIV status with them unless you think you can it might help you?

From a medical point of view, it's just another manageable medical condition and an easy one at that; Take your pills, move on with your life and attend your clinic appointments. Plenty of people have one or more manageable conditions that are more challenging or complex than HIV.

Take it easy.

« Last Edit: March 27, 2024, 10:06:30 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2024, 10:08:38 am »
with the success of modern treatment, there is really no need to tell anyone. Just pop a pill daily & get on with your life now.  :)

Worth repeating.
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Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2024, 02:46:41 pm »
Worth repeating.

Yeah, its good advice and worth repeating! I don't want the sympathy, to worry anyone or the stigma from uneducated people.

I forgot to mention there was also some protein in urine which can indicate kidney stuff, but the doctor said not to worry and we will keep an eye on it.

This forum is a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Next appointment in 3 weeks but i requested for 2, which I am hoping will be accepted and happen. Feel bad with my demanding schedule, but they are very accommodating.

For me, I am trying to mentally come to terms with me in my head that you cant let HIV define you or hold you back. Yes should slow down and focus on health, but letting it dominate your life is a no go. Easier said than done, its still early days and certainly learnt a lesson I am not invincible.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #37 on: March 27, 2024, 08:32:49 pm »

              Ojo.       Hello there!… I thought you were going to take care of business first in Qatar before starting three men but well I guess you ain’t going back to Qatar. Wishing you the best and you are taken a good treatment. Just remember that in order to suppress the virus You had to be disciplining taking your medication as prescribed and have a positive attitude. No pun intended. Wishing you the best and please keep us posted… Hugs.

Offline idontknowhowbuthereitis

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2024, 07:04:59 am »
thanks for the reply!

Once I received the medicine I just wanted to take it asap really.

The sooner its started the sooner at UD.

Had my best sleep ever last night since getting the DX, feel incredibly sorry for anyone who can not get the medicine.

Lets see what the coming weeks and months brings, shall update!

Offline Tonny2

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Re: tested positive
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2024, 11:47:37 am »

            Iojo.           Hello there!… Well, you will see that you medication will start suppressing the virus and, according to you, if it is a new infection, you would be undetectable and your next lab’s Results and year soldiers will increase, yes, take the medication as prescribed. Good luck… Hugs. By the way, I’m glad that you are feeling more relaxed.


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