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Author Topic: Travelling to Germany & HIV meds  (Read 9808 times)

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Offline BalkanLad

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Travelling to Germany & HIV meds
« on: March 05, 2024, 06:19:51 pm »
Hi everyone! Though I suppose this isn't the right place to ask, you're the main group of peeps I know so I thought you'd be the best to ask. I got offered a week-long student exchange in Germany in June (in reality my American professor signed me up without asking). Everything is paid for and it is a great opportunity, but it would mean travelling with strangers by plane, which means security checks, customs checking my bags and asking questions, questions I'm not sure how to answer, especially on the Balkan side of things, in front of my professor and everyone else. What's my strategy here if there even is one? I have time to tell her no, but I need to assess the options, the risks and the benefits. Any thoughts?
25 Dec 2023 | Started ART

Offline Jim

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Re: Travelling to Germany & HIV meds
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2024, 06:51:03 pm »
security checks, customs checking my bags and asking questions, questions I'm not sure how to answer

You are overthinking this. Thank your professor and enjoy the week in Germany.

Keep your meds in your hand luggage in their original packaging, and bring a letter/note from your GP stating that the meds are for personal use and treatment of a manageable condition.

Even when my bags are selected for an additional search (rarely) it is not like they pull the meds out in front of everyone and shout "What is X drug for?" I travel to Germany at least once a year and never have had an issue, I also travel 3-4 times a year for decades to other places and it's never been an issue.

Just got back from Spain, and I had HIV meds, pain meds, blood pressure meds, and shit meds, in my bag, they don't care! The only time I ever got asked was in the US and that was my fault, long story and it wasn't done in front of everyone, I simply told them it was prescription medication and they looked and left it at that.

travelling with strangers by plane

I've never had strangers randomly going through my bag on the plane and if they did i think my concerns would not be about my meds.


Relax and enjoy the trip. Drink a beer, have sex and get an STI.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2024, 07:27:50 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline BalkanLad

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Re: Travelling to Germany & HIV meds
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2024, 07:17:39 am »
Go raibh maith agat, Jim! Not sure I'll take you up on the STI offer though, getting lice once and this is plenty😂
25 Dec 2023 | Started ART

Offline Jim

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Re: Travelling to Germany & HIV meds
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2024, 07:58:11 am »
Though I suppose this isn't the right place to ask

That's okay. I moved it, happens all the time.

Go raibh maith agat, Jim! Not sure I'll take you up on the STI offer though, getting lice once and this is plenty😂

You're welcome. Enjoy and live a little. 
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: Travelling to Germany & HIV meds
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2024, 09:54:00 pm »

          ojo.        Hello there!…I also have traveled nice smash ass Jim, and I haven’t had any problems at all in any country that I have visited not even coming back to the US even though I always carry my little “ pharmacy” because I use a lot of medication even I carry an ice pad for the medication that I had to keep cold. When I went to Argentine custom officers wear more concerned about the back of M&Ms that I took down there, then my little. “ pharmacy,.” (my laptop suit case it’s when I carry all my medications, no laptop)… I wish Jim invited me to Spain. I could be his translator maybe next time… Go ahead to your trip to Germany, enjoy and don’t worry about your medication. Well, I don’t know how many valves or medications you carry, but as Jim said, get a prescription from your doctor. Here in the United States, usually or less, all my medication’s bottles have labels on them, so no need for a prescription.… Wishing you the best, please keep us posted and hugs


Forgive my typos.


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