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Author Topic: Tested positive 2/12/24  (Read 8980 times)

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Offline Heynow

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Tested positive 2/12/24
« on: March 02, 2024, 02:37:34 am »
Hello all,

First of all, I’m very thankful for this forum and the encouragement and information it provides.  Although I’m bummed I contracted HIV, I guess there is a silver lining in every situation because it has increased my will to live.  With therapy, a few interpersonal supporters and this forum, I will overcome.

Cd4 was 144 and viral load was 29400.  I started taking Biktarvy 50/200/25 two days after diagnosis when I was able to see the Infectious Disease Doctor.  No side effects and everything has gone well so far except a little difficulty falling asleep but could just be anxiety.  I go back for a checkup and bloodwork on 3/14/24.

The hardest part so far is I told my ex-wife and she is very nervous for our two girls to stay at my house.  I’m pretty sure this will pass but can anyone provide any recommendations on how I put her at ease on nearly the zero percent possibility of transmission through casual contact?

Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Love you all and I have your backs.

Online Jim

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Re: Tested positive 2/12/24
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2024, 04:36:32 am »

I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis, but I'm glad you have started treatment.

except a little difficulty falling asleep but could just be anxiety.

You have a follow-up appointment pretty soon, but in the meantime, if you are taking the meds in the evening or afternoon, instead you could try taking them in the mornings, and see if that makes a difference.

The hardest part so far is I told my ex-wife and she is very nervous for our two girls to stay at my house.  I’m pretty sure this will pass but can anyone provide any recommendations on how I put her at ease on nearly the zero percent possibility of transmission through casual contact?

Causal contact isn't an HIV risk, not nearly zero, it is zero, end of story.

Now to answer the question, this is what I would be doing, firstly talk to a lawyer today and document everything including that HIV is why she might restrict some access to the kids. However, don't take any legal action yet, just talk to the lawyer, get advice and document stuff and hope legal action will not needed.

Again explain to the ex there is no HIV risk to the children and, if that doesn't help you could talk to your ID doctor and explain the situation of the ex being worried about you being in contact with the kids and ask if they could be happy for you to bring her along during your next clinic visit, so they can help reassure her that causal contact with the kids isn't an HIV risk.

These would be my next steps.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2024, 05:12:25 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: Tested positive 2/12/24
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2024, 08:06:55 pm »

Hello there!… I’m sorry to read that you have to deal with your ex-wife, ignorance understandable she doesn’t know anything about HIV so, let’s educate her. As Jim just said, if possible take her with you to your next doctor’s appointment so she can hear the information from the horse’s mouth. And show her this forums where she can learn about your condition. I think that, for you was a shock to find out about your diagnosis and it applies to her too. . So, I said it before, let give her the tools so she can understand that is OK for you. To Be around with your family.… Please keep us posted, and I wish you the best. Nobody said that living with hiv was easy but, just one more stone on the road..…hugs


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