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Author Topic: Psychedelics and other drugs  (Read 12010 times)

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Offline curiousfortruth

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Psychedelics and other drugs
« on: November 12, 2023, 07:05:22 pm »
Hi POZ!  I was recently diagnosed and put on Biktarvy. I have some lifestyle questions:

- Can I still do psychedelics and other "illicit" drugs while taking Biktarvy? I wouldn't be using these in a party manner as much as using them to heal my mental space and spirit. This diagnosis has been a wake up call that I have some compulsions and behaviors that don't serve me.

- I live a life of travel. I've currently found a location that I can buy whatever supply of meds that I want at a decent price, but I'd also like to find other countries where I can similarly purchase Biktarvy out of pocket. Can someone direct me to a resource where I can find different HIV specialists and pharmacies in different countries? Is there even such a resource?

- I have mainly heterosexual sex. I feel like the stigma of HIV is more accepted and understood in the LGBTQ community. If U=U, can I just keep this as my secret and not share it with future short-term partners? I plan to use protection majority of the time...

- I'm doing research and saw that, for example, St. Johns wart is a big no no while on Biktarvy and so are Calcium, Magnesium supplements; as well as other Rx that interact with Biktarvy. Where can I find the exhaustive list of things that negatively impact Biktarvys effectiveness?

Thank you in advance!!

Offline Loa111

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2023, 06:09:01 am »

- I have mainly heterosexual sex. I feel like the stigma of HIV is more accepted and understood in the LGBTQ community.

- I'm doing research and saw that, for example, St. Johns wart is a big no no while on Biktarvy and so are Calcium, Magnesium supplements; as well as other Rx that interact with Biktarvy. Where can I find the exhaustive list of things that negatively impact Biktarvys effectiveness?

I'm 100% heterosexual, and I feel that same stigma myself, that the LGBTQ community is more accepting of HIV & understand it better than the Heterosexual world, probably because of the 1980s history of HIV & how it devastated that community. Any how I am sure from reading post on here that the gay community still have a lot of stigma to face too.

I cannot comment on specific drugs or situations because I just do not know, other than  repeating what I have been told my by ID Doctor & the pharmacist at the ID Clinic, to not take St Johns Wort, and to leave a minimum of 6 hours between taking my HIV meds and any sort of vitamin supplements.

Here is my go to drug interactions checker that I use from the University of Liverpool which is good...

Offline Jim

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2023, 06:57:45 am »
- Can I still do psychedelics and other "illicit" drugs while taking Biktarvy? I wouldn't be using these in a party manner as much as using them to heal my mental space and spirit. This diagnosis has been a wake up call that I have some compulsions and behaviors that don't serve me.

Illicit drugs. Well, it depends on what, but the concerns would include potential drug interactions, immune suppression, damage and additional stress on organs next to HIV meds, and finally, the risk of missing dosages of your HIV meds.

Aidsmap has a half-decent article on this https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/interactions-between-hiv-treatment-and-recreational-drugs

I wouldn't be using these in a party manner as much as using them to heal my mental space and spirit.

Bit vague... but if it is mental/emotional health, prehaps talk to a psychiatrist, get therapy, and support and if medication is needed, at least it will be prescribed by someone who can check for interactions.

Here is my go to drug interactions checker that I use from the University of Liverpool which is good...

This is good advice. I double-check anything before taking it for interactions, I use drugs.com myself.

I'm doing research and saw that, for example, St. Johns wart is a big no no while on Biktarvy and so are Calcium, Magnesium supplements; as well as other Rx that interact with Biktarvy. Where can I find the exhaustive list of things that negatively impact Biktarvys effectiveness?

an exhaustive list. I can't see that happening as things keep changing, interaction checkers that are kept up to date are prehaps the closest. 

Use the interaction checker before you take any meds or supplements and talk to your pharmacist. Not just today but whenever you take any new drug or additional supplement. These are your best resources combined, and check the package insert for a table of the main interactions known today, page 12: https://www.gilead.com/-/media/files/pdfs/medicines/hiv/biktarvy/biktarvy_pi.pdf

I have mainly heterosexual sex. I feel like the stigma of HIV is more accepted and understood in the LGBTQ community. If U=U, can I just keep this as my secret and not share it with future short-term partners? I plan to use protection majority of the time...

Outside of prehaps once or twice in 24 years when women politely said "No, thank you", living with HIV has never been an issue or a barrier to getting laid. I have found women are willing to listen and learn or are already educated on the topic and this was before they even came up with the cute U=U slogon.

I don't know about the LGBTQ+ community, but over the years, I have listened to them complain, and it sounds compared to my experince like they experince much greater stigma issues when it comes to dating & sex.

If U=U, can I just keep this as my secret and not share it with future short-term partners?

Of course, you could. However, if they find out afterwards and it's in a state or nation where that is a crime you could end up behind bars. Personally, I have always told them upfront not because of the law but simply to avoid any potential drama if they find out afterwards.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2023, 07:04:42 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline Jim

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2023, 07:02:00 am »
I was recently diagnosed and put on Biktarvy

Great, so how is it going? What are your labs (VL/CD4) like? Are you taking any antibiotics?
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Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2023, 10:07:55 am »
Hello :)

I was recently diagnosed and put on Biktarvy. I was already interested (and have previously done) psychedelics, particularly to go deep and heal things within myself. This diagnosis has really been a wake up call that there are certain behaviors and compulsions that don't serve me.

Can poz people on meds take psychedelics (mushrooms, ayahuasca, ketamine & mdma assisted therapy, etc) without interfering with the effectiveness? What about other "illicit" drugs?

Additionally, how do I know what supplements (ex: creatine) I can take? And what other foods/drugs/chemicals I need to avoid? This has made me slightly paranoid about anything I put in my body.

Offline Jim

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2023, 10:48:47 am »
Merged these two threads.

@OP how are you feeling? What are your labs (VL/CD4) like? Are you taking any antibiotics?

Additionally, how do I know what supplements (ex: creatine) I can take? And what other foods/drugs/chemicals I need to avoid? This has made me slightly paranoid about anything I put in my body.

No need to be paranoid. Like anyone taking medication always check with the interaction checker and with your pharmacist/doctor whenever taking any additional drugs or supplements. There is also the package insert, link provided in the thread above that outlines some basics in a table for you.

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Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2023, 09:06:29 am »
I'm 100% heterosexual, and I feel that same stigma myself, that the LGBTQ community is more accepting of HIV & understand it better than the Heterosexual world, probably because of the 1980s history of HIV & how it devastated that community. Any how I am sure from reading post on here that the gay community still have a lot of stigma to face too.

I cannot comment on specific drugs or situations because I just do not know, other than  repeating what I have been told my by ID Doctor & the pharmacist at the ID Clinic, to not take St Johns Wort, and to leave a minimum of 6 hours between taking my HIV meds and any sort of vitamin supplements.

Here is my go to drug interactions checker that I use from the University of Liverpool which is good...

Thank you for the response and the resource!

Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2023, 09:12:37 am »
Illicit drugs. Well, it depends on what, but the concerns would include potential drug interactions, immune suppression, damage and additional stress on organs next to HIV meds, and finally, the risk of missing dosages of your HIV meds.

Aidsmap has a half-decent article on this https://www.aidsmap.com/about-hiv/interactions-between-hiv-treatment-and-recreational-drugs

From my research so far, it seems like most (if not all) the psychedelics don't interact negatively with ART

Outside of prehaps once or twice in 24 years when women politely said "No, thank you", living with HIV has never been an issue or a barrier to getting laid. I have found women are willing to listen and learn or are already educated on the topic and this was before they even came up with the cute U=U slogon.

I don't know about the LGBTQ+ community, but over the years, I have listened to them complain, and it sounds compared to my experince like they experince much greater stigma issues when it comes to dating & sex.

Of course, you could. However, if they find out afterwards and it's in a state or nation where that is a crime you could end up behind bars. Personally, I have always told them upfront not because of the law but simply to avoid any potential drama if they find out afterwards

When do you typically talk about it? It feels like a pretty awkward thing to bring up in the heat of the moment!

Do you know the states/nations that it's a crime? Or a website to find this out (I'll google it, too). 
This is also true if you are U=U?

« Last Edit: November 17, 2023, 10:34:27 am by Jim Allen »

Offline Jim

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2023, 11:00:47 am »
So, how are you feeling? What are your labs (VL/CD4) like? Are you taking any antibiotics?

When do you typically talk about it? It feels like a pretty awkward thing to bring up in the heat of the moment!

When I talk about it, well before having sex, it is only awkward at first; it just takes some practice, and you get used to it, and you will find a way to say it that works best for you. I tend to be direct, "BTW, I have HIV, but thanks to medication, I can't sexually pass it on".

The reason I share my HIV status has nothing to do with the law; I tell them to avoid any drama down the line should I meet them again.

Do you know the states/nations that it's a crime? Or a website to find this out (I'll google it, too).
This is also true if you are U=U?

In some places, even with a suppressed viral load, it's a crime, and laws differ per nation/state, etc. Some have laws that only criminalize transmissions, whereas others have so-called disclosure laws or exposure laws; in some nations, you have laws that are not HIV-specific but are used for prosecution.

You can find some information here:

As for travelling and entry into another country, this link might be useful:

From my research so far, it seems like most (if not all) the psychedelics don't interact negatively with ART

It's not the only concern, same as with alcohol, but ultimately, all we can say here is to talk to your pharmacist before taking something.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2023, 11:34:11 am by Jim Allen »
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Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2023, 11:49:36 am »
So, how are you feeling? What are your labs (VL/CD4) like? Are you taking any antibiotics?

Thanks for asking. I feel good other than this has been taking quite a bit of mental energy learning (and sometimes worrying) about the lifestyle changes. Particularly because I don't live a traditional lifestyle of living in one place.

I will DM you that info.

When I talk about it, well before having sex, it is only awkward at first; it just takes some practice, and you get used to it, and you will find a way to say it that works best for you. I tend to be direct, "BTW, I have HIV, but thanks to medication, I can't sexually pass it on".

The reason I share my HIV status has nothing to do with the law; I tell them to avoid any drama down the line should I meet them again.

When do you typically bring this up? On a date before any physical interaction?

I'm scared of someone publicly exposing me on social media or something...

In some places, even with a suppressed viral load, it's a crime, and laws differ per nation/state, etc. Some have laws that only criminalize transmissions, whereas others have so-called disclosure laws or exposure laws; in some nations, you have laws that are not HIV-specific but are used for prosecution.

You can find some information here:

As for travelling and entry into another country, this link might be useful:

Awesome resources, thanks

It's not the only concern, same as with alcohol, but ultimately, all we can say here is to talk to your pharmacist before taking something.

Unfortunately they are not trained on psychedelics. They will always lean towards saying no.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 11:58:06 am by curiousfortruth »

Offline Jim

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2023, 12:59:04 pm »
I will DM you that info.

Perfect, email me.

When do you typically bring this up? On a date before any physical interaction?

If dating, then before we even date. But if it's more a one-night stand situation then before we go home or to the hotel room.
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Offline curiousfortruth

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Re: Psychedelics and other drugs
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2023, 07:07:26 pm »
Perfect, email me.

If dating, then before we even date. But if it's more a one-night stand situation then before we go home or to the hotel room.

Sent you an email, thanks.


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