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Author Topic: Trying to find support  (Read 11355 times)

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Offline TimFL1983

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Trying to find support
« on: October 12, 2023, 06:35:36 pm »
Hi there, my name is Tim. I am new to this forum and new to forum's in general. I am trying to learn how to post and reply. Hoping this forum is what I need right now. I have been trying to find some support online and have been hitting brick walls.

About me. I live in Florida, I got sick in January 2023 with Covid. I ended up with a large growth under my right axilla. Long story short I had been sick for the past three years on and off with weird illnesses and symptoms. Doctor's couldn't figure out what was going on with me the past three years, they kept looking into autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. So back to January 2023. I ended up going to the ER and got admitted during my stay they ran tons of test and found that I had a necrotic lymph node in the right axilla and there was also an infection. They ended up going surgery to remove the lymph node there and clean the area. During my stay I found out that the infectious disease doctor that saw me the ER ended up doing an HIV test because of the symptoms that I was having and some of the results that appeared. I found out that I actually was HIV positive and my count was 183 at the time. After surgery, numerous antibiotics I was feeling much better. They helped me to make an appointment with a local ID doctor in which I went and started on Biktarvey. I was physically feeling so much better than I had in a while.

The problem though I am having is my mental health. I have suffered with depression/anxiety for years and have been on one antidepressant for it that has got me through. But since my DX it has got bad, life circumstances, family, and horrible fatigue. There is so much going on in my life right now. I am going to just start there and write more later. Thanks for reading.


Offline numbersguy82

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Re: Trying to find support
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2023, 06:55:31 pm »
Welcome Tim! I’m sorry to hear about your rollercoaster ups and downs so far in 2023. I’m hoping you find some sense of normalcy and routine as you finish it out. You’re in luck as far as support goes. We have a bi-weekly peer support call every other Friday. It’s virtual (google meet) but you can join without audio or video if you prefer. Tomm’s meeting has a topic of “Mental Health and remaining positive while being positive”

After your third post here you are able to PM. If you are interested in the meeting, please PM your email address and I’ll add you to the meeting link.

I hope to see you then- Alan

Offline Allthefeelings

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Re: Trying to find support
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2023, 02:51:06 pm »
Hi there Tim. I was diagnosed in a relatively similar way back in 2022. It takes time to clear your head and move forward. I just moved to Florida myself and know that there’s a lot of great support here. Please feel free to message me if you ever need to talk.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: Trying to find support
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2023, 04:03:42 pm »

         ojo.          @tmfl, we are here for you whenever you feel alone , also, you need to participate  on the forum so you can be part of the benefit of being able to send private message to anyone on here, you just need two more posts to get it. We all know how you are feeling and we understand you. It takes time but there’s life after an hiv dx…get in touch with us, we all have shoulders for you to lean on…comprende?, hugs

Offline Dogman

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Re: Trying to find support
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2023, 11:55:01 am »
Hi There, I was diagnosed a year ago, and while I've never had mental issues, this diagnosis has done a number on me mentally. It has gotten better, albeit slowly, you will too. This forum has been a great comfort and support. Hang in there.


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