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Author Topic: Are grapefruit ok?  (Read 2632 times)

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Offline Bucklandbury

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Are grapefruit ok?
« on: September 21, 2024, 04:11:01 pm »
I take Biktarvy. My ID doc never told me I couldn't eat them per se, but I see that here it is suggested eating them can raise BIK levels.

What is the case?

I like to eat one a day.


« Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 04:15:56 pm by Jim Allen »

Offline Jim

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Re: Are grapefruit ok?
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2024, 04:18:22 pm »

Are you taking this daily grapefruit at the same time as your HIV meds or a few hours difference? Has your VL remained suppressed and other labs remained okay so far?

How are you otherwise doing? Have not heard from you in a while, hope things are going well.
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Offline Bucklandbury

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Re: Are grapefruit ok?
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2024, 04:29:17 pm »
I take my BIK first thing in the AM, so between 5 AM ET and maybe 8 AM ET on the weekends. I just ate a whole ruby red grapefruit and one-quarter of the peel. It is 4:24 PM ET.

BIK is the only med I take. But, of course, it is three meds as you know.


I still have the neuropathy; I have more gut fat (my weight has gone up); and my scalp sores do not heal and are probably seb derm. I have given up now on the scalp sores healing (have had them for years and they have gotten more numerous).

I have been undetectable since around May 2021. I was diagnosed March 10, 2021. My T cells then were 60, and my viral load was 1.5 million copies/mL; last time they checked (July 25, 2024), my T cells were at 438, and I was still undetectable (I have never had a blip since):

I fear what is happening at the cellular level more due to the reservoirs and mitochondrial fuckery from the ARV, but what can I do? Nothing.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2024, 04:35:04 pm by Bucklandbury »

Offline Jim

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Re: Are grapefruit ok?
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2024, 04:35:21 pm »
I still have the neuropathy; I have more gut fat (my weight has gone up); and my scalp sores do not heal and are probably seb derm. I have given up now on the scalp sores healing (have had them for years and they have gotten more numerous).

I'm sorry to hear that, as for neuropathy, I'm still having that issue here as well but part is managed by meds and the rest is getting used to it, took years. Do hope things improve for you. Hugs.

I have been undetectable since around May 2021. I was diagnosed Marc 10, 2021. My T cells then were 60; last time they checked, they were at 438 on July 25, 2024:

Excellent result and so it seems the grapefruit isn't causing an issue. That "minor" interaction warning is a theoretical concern.
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Offline Tonny2

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Re: Are grapefruit ok?
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2024, 09:04:35 pm »

                  ojo.         Hello there!… I usually take my medications with food and not other medication. I know that grape juice interacts.s with heart and blood pressure medication and it might interact with antiretrovirals, and just to make sure I always like I said before I take my medication’ss with food that I know there is not a warning off possible interreaction just to be safe because I have history of resistance. Check with your doctor to make sure.

I am sorry about your neuropathy but just let me tell you that it is here to stay with you. That medication to help you deal with it. Period I guess according to what you said call me you don’t have many years taking medication so your neuropathy was caused by HIV self. Living with neuropathy since I think 1996 and I tried kind of medication but not work for me. I learned to live with the pain and my neuropathy has gotten so bad that I have food and drop toe, very painful and now due to the drop to toe i’m having problems with  bunion, oh man!, also very painful. Maybe you should talk to your doctor about the long-term consequences of living with Neuropathy… wishing you the best… Hugs


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