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« Last post by Tonny2 on Yesterday at 03:35:15 pm »


                  ojo.              Hola a todos los que nos leen!!… Antes que toda feliz Año Nuevo para todo el mundo y a seguir adelante tomándonos nuestro medicamento como ser se ordenó para seguir celebrando muchos años nuevos. Como mucho y ustedes que han ido mi historia, ya voy mejor dicho, este es mi 30 aniversario desde mi diagnóstico la que significa que es celebrado 30 años nuevos más en mi vida cuando me habían dicho después de mi diagnóstico que sólo viviría dos años más, claro aquellos serán otros tiempos, todos estábamos aprendiendo como lidiar con este virus, desafortunadamente mucha gente murió luchando mientras que otras murieron por tirar la toalla que también está bien si ese fue su decisión. Hoy en día es más fácil vivir con este diagnóstico aunque hay muchos estigma pero es lo que hay y lo que nos tenemos que adaptar así que hay que seguir adelante con sus vidas y planes a futuro e inclusive aquellos que quieren ser padres pueden serlos sin contagiar a sus mujeres ni al producto.

Les cuento que yo inicié el año con una cita con el cirujano que me operó mi Ojo pero he decidido cancelarla porque creo que ya no hay nada que hacer por el dolor que siento. Tardé muchos años en decidirme sacarme el ojo por esta misma razón de qué seguiría teniendo el dolor y así fue pero es lo que hay, habrá que adaptarse a un dolor más en mi vida. Espero que ya no tenga más citas con médicos nuevos más que las citas con el infectólogo cada seis meses y la especialista de los huesos por la osteoporosis que me detectaron. Afortunadamente ya terminé en dos años de estar inyectándome diariamente y ahora sólo tomo una pastilla a la semana para reforzar mis huesos, esta cita también es cada seis meses y afortunadamente es en el mismo edificio que veo al infectólogo de hecho, la misma oficina, así que crucemos los dedos para no tener más citas bueno, Tengo una cita con el endodoncista el 27 de enero porque necesito una endodoncia en una de mis vuelas, odio los dentistas. Tengo que hacerlo.

Es una pena que nadie se anime a platicarnos sobre cómo van en sus vidas o que no tengamos nuevos diagnosticados. Estamos aquí para apoyarlos y les recomiendo que si buscan información sobre el VIH aquellos que no están infectados, esto es una fuente de información veráz E información actualizada. Les mando un saludo a todos y aquí estamos por si necesitan un nombre, digo un hombro, dónde recargarse y recibir apoyo… Abrazos

Do I Have HIV? / Re: Receiving handjob with bleeding cut on penis
« Last post by Jim on Yesterday at 01:24:36 pm »

When you created an account with the POZ Forums, you agreed to have only one account. Starting multiple accounts is against the rules of the Forum and will cause you to be banned from our forums.


When you register, you will need to choose a unique user name, or "handle." You will need to provide a working email address, so that if you forget your password, you can request an automated email reminder. You can choose to make your email address hidden or visible to others using a setting in your online profile.

Only one user name is permitted per member. The user name you select upon registering for the Forums should be the user name you remain with throughout your participation in the Forums. Maintaining more than one user name is a violation of these Terms of Membership and is subject to automatic removal from the Forums, locking of the multiple accounts (including the original account), and banning to prevent future registration.
Off Topic Forum / Re: Teenagers
« Last post by Jim on Yesterday at 10:30:06 am »
Or I thought He was just being passive aggressive and being over dramatic trying to make me out to be some kind of selfish monster not wanting to share .     this was years ago   

This, hormonal drama.

I feel your pain Jim.

On of mine will soon be 16, the other is heading to 12 soon too.

I am drained & exhausted with one teenage, and soon to rinse & repeat with the second one within another year or so!

I do wonder is it a penance from above, for me admitting to myself that I enjoyed wanton sex with hot chicks so much that I ended up on this forum!  ;)

Lol 😂. Yeah mine are 15 & 13,  totally get feeling drained and exhausted by them.
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Last post by remo85 on Yesterday at 08:47:32 am »
latin america my friend.
Its not all bad tbh. But sometimes I notice they think we now live to be patients and only that.
I'm like.. I have to continue to live too yknow?
It can eat ones head.

Thanks for writing. Appreciate it.


                 ojo.               @remo85…I’m so sorry for what you went through by taking your medication without water for a year, that’s crazy. What country do you live in?. There are some doctors that are nuts. maybe you need to pay to see a specialist is you and I make sure that you are not going to damage your kidneys. I wish I could help you, but I just told you what my doctor told me and I trust my doctor… I wish you the best… hugs
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Last post by remo85 on Yesterday at 08:45:13 am »
thanks for not telling me to get my business elsewhere.

I'm no there to whine but drs are ignorant and the internet paints it both as good and bad, so imo its best when backed up by experience so I can then make an informed choice.
Off Topic Forum / Re: Teenagers
« Last post by Loa111 on Yesterday at 06:51:02 am »
I feel your pain Jim.

On of mine will soon be 16, the other is heading to 12 soon too.

I am drained & exhausted with one teenage, and soon to rinse & repeat with the second one within another year or so!

I do wonder is it a penance from above, for me admitting to myself that I enjoyed wanton sex with hot chicks so much that I ended up on this forum!  ;)
Living With HIV / Re: Bodybuilding & Biktarvy
« Last post by Loa111 on Yesterday at 06:46:25 am »
I'm poz (obviously) lol  ;) I lift weights & I take Creatine.

Whilst I cannot answer your question on Biktarvy, what I can do instead is tell you what my HIV docs & pharmacists attached to the ID Clinic tell me about my creatine use.

It is important that you tell your medical team, that you are taking creatine, so they can note it on your file.

The issue they have with creatine is that is can inflate creatine readings (kidney function I think) from your blood tests, which may give the docs a false picture of your condition.

So tell them you are using it.

Also the Pharmacist told me, to stop taking the creatine about 10 days before each ID doc appointment (Blood draw day), to allow it to clear from your system, so they can get more accurate info when doing your blood tests.

I myself stop about 2 weeks before each appointment (appt is every 4 months), and soon as I get home from the clinic I start the creatine again immediately the same day.

Other than that, creatine is a wonderful natural supplement, it helps me recover & build natural muscle. 
Off Topic Forum / Re: Teenagers
« Last post by em on January 19, 2025, 10:44:26 pm »
I read this a while ago and thought about a response. I had two teenagers in my house .

this is from a few years back I got some groceries put them away and when I got up the next morning I thought this is going to be a good day I will have orange juice with breakfast that I had bought the day before . It was gone. So I said ot my oldest child " do not drink the juice in one day "  So next grocery store trip I buy orange juice . The next morning it is still there , A few days later it is still there so I ask my oldest why he did not have any juice. He says you told me I could not have any juice ! I said "I told you not to drink the juice in one day " I guess sometimes people hear what they think someone said without hearing what was really said ? Or I thought He was just being passive aggressive and being over dramatic trying to make me out to be some kind of selfish monster not wanting to share .     this was years ago   He still talks to me so it is all good.
Off Topic Forum / Re: Cop Crashes into Car While Watching Porn on Smartphone
« Last post by leatherman on January 19, 2025, 01:14:00 pm »
don't drive and look at your phone
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