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Author Topic: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?  (Read 9785 times)

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Offline HIV Care

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Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« on: March 30, 2017, 05:12:19 pm »
This story I have shared with the world for over a year now. It starts with a question that many people in this world I’m quite sure could not fathom. This story has reached worldwide media resources as well as many individuals throughout the world via social media. Anytime I share this story I never fail to realize the extent of evil a single human can inflict upon society. At the same time, I reflect on the strength and integrity of a friend of mine.  A woman I know named (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) from the State of Texas whom also became a victim of predatory HIV sexual assault.

After discovering the truth of my nightmare I survived I ask myself this simple question; who else has unknowingly been made a victim of Predatory HIV Sexual Assault and Paternity Fraud? Illinois HIV law in 1997 did NOT require BY LAW a mother to inform the assumed Father of a POSITIVE result for HIV that had come about during MANDATORY prenatal testing. Even with extreme health risk involved of the Father being at risk of being exposed to HIV, and even further, unknowingly and possibly contracting the disease. The mother of the child was ONLY encouraged by doctors to inform the father. This opened the door for many women to “hide” their HIV-positive status from their sexual partners or needle-sharing partners. :o

With that being understood, in 1996 (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) became pregnant. She had her first son and its of question whether the assumed father to this child fell victim not only to Sexual Predatory HIV assault but also became a victim of paternity fraud as well.

Let me explain – AND even further let me explain what happened to me. I met (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) in 2002 and began an ongoing sexual relationship. She did not disclose her HIV-positive status to me. Eventually, we moved in together. Our unprotected sexual relationship continued. (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) was on birth control. She told me I had nothing to worry about – little did I know. (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) and I separated on 2 occasions between 2002 and early 2007. On neither occasion did she inform me of her positive HIV status before separating. This is where she not only put me at risk but society as well. During both separations, I engaged in sexual relations with other women after unknowingly being intentionally exposed to HIV by (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR).

On Fathers Day in 2007 I received a phone call from (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) around noon. She called me and told me she was 2 or 3 months pregnant and informed me I was the father. Unbeknownst to me at the time (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) was also engaging in an unprotected sexual relationship with another man by the name of (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR)… In 2007-2008 the Illinois HIV disclosure laws changed. As of January 1, 2008 it was NOW mandatory by Illinois law for a pregnant woman who is p+ositive for HIV to disclose her HIV status OR her prenatal testing results to the father or assumed father of the child to be born.

One week after the phone call i received on Fathers Day I received a phone call from the nurse at (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) gynecologist's office. The nurse verified I was who I was supposed to be on the phone then handed the phone to (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR). (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) then informed me some testing had been done and one of those tests were for HIV. As she began to talk she informed me she was positive for HIV. Three days later I found myself at a local infectious disease clinic in Peoria, Illinois. It's my belief that (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) had fully intended to infect me however this wasn’t the case.

Nonetheless, within the next seven days, I returned to the same clinic with Sarah in support of her. I had collected as much information as I could possibly collect and sitting with the same infectious disease nurse I refuted (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) positive status. How could she be positive and me not be positive? That nurse who unbeknownst to me was very familiar with Sarah quickly changed her tone with me. That nurse, (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR), said: “listen the results are confirmed and if you want to sit here and listen that’s fine, otherwise you can leave now.” (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) went on to say, “I am concerned that there is a man out there intentionally infecting woman and getting them pregnant.” On that day those words went in one ear and out the other…

My test results had come back negative for HIV. Furthermore, after having 5 HIV tests ran to date it has been determined that I am immune to the particular strain or variety of HIV that (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) carries and has been intentionally spreading.

It wasn’t until 2016 that information was relayed to me regarding (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) first pregnancy in 1997 with her first son (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR) (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR), according to her medical records from 1997, was on Antiviral medications for HIV mandated by law that a pregnant woman take. You don’t take cold medicine when you don’t have a cold …

A criminal complaint was filed with the Peoria County Sheriffs dept. That complaint was forwarded to the Peoria County States attorneys office. Unfortunately, the statute of limitations had run out for Class 3 felonious sexual assault charges to be filed on (NAME REDACTED BY POZ-FORUM MODERATOR). However, as the States attorney explained, Civil Sexual Assault charges could be followed up by that complaint.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2018, 05:08:13 pm by JimDublin »

Offline Ptrk3

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Re: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2017, 06:18:24 pm »
I have removed the name of the woman from Texas to whom you refer in your opening paragraph in order to protect her privacy.

I have no idea why someone would seek to potentially infect another person with the HIV:  such a conscious action is immoral, unethical, and, in many jurisdictions throughout the world a criminal offense that also may subject the perpetrator to civil sanctions/suits, depending on the unique facts of each individual case and the relevant controlling civil and/or criminal law.

But, unfortunately, there are people who exist who seek to bring various harms to people, not just through the "intentional" spreading of disease, but though many other irrational acts based on a desire for power, greed, cruelty, etc.  The world can be an ugly place, sometimes.

People are cruel.  People are selfish.  People lie.  They steal.  They cheat.  They kill.  The list goes on and on.

People are also loving, compassionate, and selfless.  They work hard and lead decent and honorable lives.  This list goes on and on, too.

Your story, though, is also one reason that people need to understand that they have to take proper precautions when engaging in potential risky sexual activities that could expose them to a potentially deadly virus.

This is not to blame the victim, but to illustrate that unless a couple is in a monogamous sexual relationship and it has been firmly established that both partners are HIV negative (there may be other variations of this these days, but you get my point), one should presume that any potential sexual partner is HIV positive (remember, there are also people out there who simply do not know that they are HIV positive--not just a [thankfully] tiny number of people who may wish to inflict intentional harm) and take the proper safer-sex precautions to protect themselves if and when they engage in risky sexual activities that could expose them to potential HIV infection.

I'm glad to read that you were not infected as a result of the incident(s) you describe in your post and wish you the best as you move forward with your life.
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Offline Almost2late

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Re: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2017, 08:35:30 pm »
"HIV PREDATOR HUNTER?", really? why would you pick a name like this?
The name is full of stigmatism and hate imo.
And something just doesn't seem right with this story.

Offline Jim

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Re: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2017, 02:45:03 am »

Look I am glad you are okay.

It does show and I agree with Patrick that you should presume that any potential sexual partner is HIV positive and protect yourself, always following safer sex guidelines. Having unprotected intercourse is accepting a risk as its a known transmission risk.

Anyhow not sure we can help you here as this is a support forum for people living with HIV and you are not living with HIV.

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Offline HIV Care

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Re: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2017, 04:26:52 am »
I understand the stigma aspect of HIV and how the world has pumped it full of demeaning and degrading attributes.  I am a member of X. We can change that with education awareness and proactive testing on a consistent basis.  The x in Texas is all about bringing to light that people with HIV are not alien animals or demons of sex.  The world has created that image.  Yes I do not have HIV but that doesn't change any of the realities of my life.  I want to bring awareness to the world around me.  My reality and the sharing of it might help even just one person to not make an irrational promiscuous decision.  Where I live at the number of HIV case has more than doubled within the last year and a half.  If I'm not mistaken Illinois is ranked 10 on the list of most HIV cases. There is no reason that should be happening if people are not only getting HIV tests on a regular basis but also practicing safe sex.  I sure dint want to be an outcast here but i wanted to share my story and the reality of my nightmare.  I'm a ruined person. Lost everything.  Simply the fact that I have exposed (2) predatory HIV individuals has put me in a very dangerous position.  Its not fun.  I live in fear but I know that the awareness I am bringing is a reality that I'm hoping someone somewhere can absorb and it will save them from being the victim of a Sexual Predator. 
« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 04:43:27 am by JimDublin »

Offline Jim

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Re: Why do some people intentionally spread HIV ?
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2017, 04:52:20 am »
Well thank you for sharing.  I am not sure how we can help you are this is a support forum for people living with HIV. 

Your participation here is very limited and in short restricted to asking safer sex questions if you have them for yourself.

As its not the place to name and shame or promote services and/or hate we have removed the names and details from your posts and changed your username as we do not condone that here, however the rest of your post has been left as is.

So all I can do is wish you luck and hope that instead of allowing this to consume you that you can move forward in life. What happened has happened, you made an error and can choose to pardon the pun move on in a positive manner with your life.

You had unprotected intercourse and should not allow that to define you or rule your thoughts and efforts going forward.

To agree to have unprotected intercourse is accepting the possibility of being infected with a sexually transmitted infection. Sex with a condom lasts only a matter of minutes, but hiv is forever.

Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse, correctly and consistently, every time, no exceptions.

Keep in mind that some sexual practices which may be described as ‘safe’ in terms of HIV transmission might still pose a risk for transmission of other STI's, so please do get fully tested regularly and at least yearly for all STI's including but not limited to HIV and test more frequently if unprotected intercourse occurs

Also note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms and the only way of knowing is by testing.

More information on HIV Basics, PEP, TaSP and Transmission can be found through the links in my signature to our POZ pages, this includes information on HIV Testing

Kind regards

« Last Edit: March 31, 2017, 04:58:47 am by JimDublin »
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