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Author Topic: So I just messed my life up  (Read 19900 times)

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Offline Ruined Life

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So I just messed my life up
« on: April 20, 2024, 12:35:30 pm »
I am currently living with this and am struggling to cope as its my fault.
Background is a happy heterosexual relationship of a 9 and half years, 8 year old daughter. We are always together, never apart, work and live together. We were 24/7.
Didn't want it to end.

Felt like I had a lack of sex and fantasy in the relationship in the last 2 years so I went and got it during a bad patch and........
Slept with a female prostitute and now have HIV.
I told her straight away, diagnosed in March and contracted in October. She is safe.
She can not leave the family home as there is a housing shortage so we have to deal with each other on a daily basis whilst she frantically tries to move out.
We see every part of our lives being ripped apart, selling our belongings, publishing everything on facebook. (apart from my HIV). The pain it is causing our friends and family is terrible.
We are untangling our entwined lives...
I am not looking for sympathy but advice. Does this get easier.
Iv cheated once in my life and its bad enough but adding to it with HIV i do feel hard done by.
I loved my partner but let her down, thats terrible and show what type of person I have become.
She told me she could of gotten over the cheating but not the disease.
She has been great stopping me killing myself and making sure im ok but she is having to hide her feelings and it killing her. It shows what type of woman i am losing.
I have been writing suicide notes and letters about my day, but they all end sad.
They are mostly about my partner and what I am losing. I do not blame her.

Does this get better? I assume thats down to me. We have a very small circle of friend and go the same place. We see each other daily at work. I have a good job but now feel i have to leave. I can not watch her daily.   

Offline Tonny2

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2024, 01:22:47 pm »

                   ojo.           Hello there!… I’m sorry about your dx, and I’m sorry about your family dilemma. Speaking about the HIV diagnosis it will get easier but about your relationship if she loves you, take her with you to the ID Doctor so he/she can explain to her what HIV is and maybe she will understand and stay with you. I hope somebody else will chime in and can give you a better advice. English is my second language, and I can’t express myself as it were my native language. You are not alone as what a living with  hiv is, Information and support. Speaking of it when medication as you taking and how are your numbers?… Wishing you the best and we are here for you.… Hugs

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2024, 05:55:17 pm »

Sorry to hear about how much pain you are in but you are not alone.  Also sad to hear your wifes issue isn't the cheating but having a partner with an easily manageable condition.

Read your post a few times... Appreciate right now a lot is going on, grieving the end of a relationship and digesting an HIV diagnosis at once can easily feel overwhelming at times. Things do get better, relationships do sadly end, it's part of life and HIV isn't the end of the world.

However, don't give up the job, you need an income, and although painful at the moment I think quitting and being out of work or starting a new job will only compound matters. Don't engage in disruptive behaviour at home or online, I know you mentioned Facebook, don't! And as horrible as it sounds talk to a lawyer sooner rather than later, divorce always sucks but best to get legal advice early.

Talk to your HIV healthcare provider and make sure they are aware of the feelings you have been experiencing. Certain HIV meds can make depression and suicidal thoughts worse so it's really necessary that they know. If you feel you are going to hurt yourself go to the hospital today!

What meds are you on and how are your labs? CD4/VL?
« Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 06:02:11 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2024, 04:03:39 am »
Unfortunately for me.
Me and my partner are over.
The problem was it was a shock for us all and she couldn't stop loving me straight away.
We carried on as normal. Sleeping in our bed, going out, shopping, cuddling. Hair and neck stroking whilst watching netflix, We even went on Holiday to a 5* hotel. Nothing changed.

But at every possible moment she would remind me she is leaving.
Every time she did I would cry.
I told her I will hold on to hope that she is just moving to setup a new life then invite me.

She never told me no, just that we were over.
I think she needed it to remain as normal as possible until she goes.

I used to say she is "killing me with love" and using this time to get over me.

We had a massive argument after going to a BBQ two days ago, I told her I couldn't go to but I would if she needed me to.

I felt like a leper. Didn't want to touch anything or shake anyone's hands.
It was horrible.
Felt nervous and awkward.

I slipped into an alternative reality after a while and for a moment forgot we are not together and started to relax.

It all came crashing down when I walked in on her talking to someone about needing help to call for an apartment as she needs to leave me.

It broke me, I had to leave. Crying. I told her I had to go and she should stay but she didn't want to so we all left.
Horrible, I must have looked pathetic.

She was angry with me but what did she expect after doing that?
After needing me to be there. asking me to come, she didn't need to say it out loud and not there.

At home that night it all went wrong, screaming and shouting at each other, glass thrown at me and cutting my leg.

She told me that she knew 2 weeks ago we would never be together again and was sick of hiding her feelings to protect me.
She said she was done with me and was going to text my bother saying she can not care for me anymore with my mental health but stopped herself.

I was so angry that she was letting confess my love and holding on to hope when she could have just let me go.

I know I did this but she could have just said there is no hope and I could have tried to change my mind set.

We have a lawyer booked to go over everything.

At the start we had agreed to always be there for each other and I will help her every step of the way with everything. Taking her shopping, family days out together and i'll take our daughter to school everyday and drop her off. Also stay with me a 3 nights a week.
We just can not be together anymore.

I used to say "It feels to us like an unwritten law that we cannot be together and we still love each other so it will all work out".

She now told me she wants nothing from me just to see our daughter.

In the end I broke her and our family also my life and I cannot ask for help as I did this.   

 As of 10/4 my CD4 is 225 and VL is 385

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2024, 04:36:53 am »
Hate to say it but your wife and the situation sounds toxic to me and you are torturing yourself but going alone with pretending things are normal, going to BBQ and even vacation with her, stop it!

Anyhow, sorry to hear about your struggles.

What HIV meds are you on? Have you spoken to your doctor about your mental health and have you considered seeing a therapist? Might be worth seeing your own lawyer separately before seeing one together.

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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2024, 05:03:57 am »
Im on Biktarvy, dont feel any side affects so far.
Also have to take
1 x antihistamine daily
1 x omeprazole daily
1 x Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole every other day

Things will stop in time and once she is gone the real struggle will begin.
She is trying to do everything herself now but also has got friends involved to help her.

Iv been to 1 mental health group so far, i live in Spain.
The doctors treat this like its just the norm. They have been great.
I feel my letters are helping me, I kept saying to my brother, once thing are written or said they are out my head.
I am trying self healing first but will always seek help when needed.
My brother has been great and giving me list of reason to stay around.

As bad as it sounds a main concern is she can move on and I cannot. She is a very attractive woman and always get attention.

She has been hard done by so why shouldn't she move on and have fun. I know its the last thing on her mind but its the first on mine.

These are petty things that I must not dwell on and need to get out my head.
Work is going to be the worst as I am the boss.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 05:37:28 am by Ruined Life »

Offline Tonny2

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2024, 12:42:39 pm »

          ojo.              Gola tio!, lamento mucho tu situacion but I guess you are right, you ruined your marriage, if you are her boss you have to behave like a boss, she is the one that has to leave her job I think…well about what I know about hiv, you are taking a good medication, I wish I could take one pill a day. You are going to fine it takes some time to get used to being hiv + but it’s not the end of the world, my mantea is that there are others with worse condition, trust me…about what’s going to happen and n 30 of taking meds,nobody knows although I’ve been taking meds for 29 years and very toxic meds, I haven’t grown a third eye, which it would help me because I just got rid of one, my pipi is still small, lol. What I mean is that you have not other choice if you want to have another chance to vindicate your life, because not taking medication means bye-bye. Comprendes?… wishing you the best, we are here for you and I hope and you quit thinking about killing yourself and look for help because life is good even living with HIV. Maybe in the future you will find someone else who will love you for who you are…abrazos

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2024, 01:10:53 pm »
I'm glad to hear your brother is supportive, as for self-healing, fine but I would urge you do this in addition to working with professionals. Keep going to the mental health group you mentioned, also seek one-to-one therapy and make sure your HIV specialists & therapist are both aware of how you are feeling and the suicidal thoughts.   

As bad as it sounds a main concern is she can move on and I cannot. She is a very attractive woman and always get attention.

Managing your spouse at work, there are so many good reasons why this is a terrible idea.

Can't be changed right now, so keep things professional at work, and don't do anything stupid. If you are working for a large corporation you might want to give HR a heads-up about this situation with your wife.

As for her moving on, it's not a competition between you and secondly what she does with her life and with whom she does it has nothing to do with you. Focus instead on getting better mentally for yourself and your daughter and work through the situation one day at a time, things will get better, but it will take time.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2024, 01:28:17 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2024, 07:20:31 pm »
I know she can do what she wants and none of my business. I just wont be able to go our local bars ect....I can not see it.
Im just acting like a baby and feel hard done by, women do say "take a toy away from a child and he will want it back, same goes for men"
In time we will see if I did love her as much as I thought but after all I did cheat so. My own fault.

I knew the answer, just needed to hear it.

Moving on, went on a hike today with my daughter in the forest so cleared my head.

All is ok at the moment with my mental heath, I know it will come in stages along the way. I just need to fill my time and get her out my head.

Work is no issue as the owner knows the truth as hes a friend of ours and is helping her, given her a pay-rise and told her she can take what she wants from work for the apartment. Even suggested he would buy some where for her to rent off him cheap.

Ill keep updating as it all unfolds..........

Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2024, 04:15:30 pm »
Well it's all been shit if I'm honest.
Ex Mrs got the contract for her apartment. Moves in on the first.
I spent yesterday ordering things for my daughter's new home.
Stuff I won't see her use.
Stuff for the kitchen and her bedroom.
My ex was excited about it all.
She won't let me buy stuff for her bedroom.
Iv setup a vpn to my house for them to still access my media library and streaming service.
Any little thing I can do to help but I really hate doing it knowing no more family movie nights.
Everything is set up for my daughter's second life.
My ex is well and truly over me.
She's not over the situation.

My health is ok and tablets are working so all good on that front but I feel i wont move on after this. I will have a new outlook on life and will try my best to fill my time and get a better understand what I have done and now dealing with.
I have a scar (HIV) as a reminder.

whilst is cheated i can not accept in this day and age the disease is still around. How are we all this unlucky in life. Whilst i accept things happend for a reason. Not this scar, that's too much.

I still hate the fact I got this. Why did I. I wasn't that person.

I know this is a forum for HIV but this is the mental side of it.
No matter how we get it, good or bad.

It leaves a scar.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2024, 06:00:55 pm »

                   ojo.            Hello there!!… I’m glad that you medication is working and that you are feeling well healthwise. Yes, HIV is scar that we had to learn to live with because it’s going to be there for a while. So, the only thing that I can tell you is to get used to it, try to keep yourself busy and if you think that it is too much for you to handle this scar, sick professional help. I can assure you that there is life after an HIV diagnosis, right now you are dealing with other issues besides your diagnosis and I think , that you have to take care of ish issue at a time, your wife, your daughter, no more family together, the shitting, it will take time to get used to a new normal for you. You are not alone, we are here for you and like I said, if you cannot handle, the mental issues sick professional help… Wishing you the best… Hugs

PS. after 29 years of living with HIV/aids, I and all of us, know what you are going through so just hang in there.

Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2024, 03:35:18 pm »
So another update. She's moved out…
She needs my help and I have been there for and my daughter.
We live as a family but at night we go to different homes.
Been furnichar shopping, setting up tvs and ikea stuff, cooking tea for each other, making her lunch for work. Lifts to and from places.
Picking up and dropping off to and from work. Even on my days off.
We still do most things together.
Video calls and texting all day and night.
Just don't live together.
My friends at work who don't know the truth apart from I cheated say I'm setting myself up for an epic fall.
She's gone to see her family and taken my daughter.
We speak all day for hours as if we are with each other..
I've been keeping myself busy when on my own at the family home but I find myself scatty. When I start in one room and if I find an item that belongs in another I walk it to the other room and stay there and forget I was sorting the room I came from.
I think things will change once she's settled.
I texted her at the airport to have a good time with her family and that I loved them both. The reply was.
No matter what, I will always love you.
Is she saying once she gets back it will change? My Head is a mess and I don't know how to read the situation.
I know she is scared of my blood as she said she can still get it via blood and i didnt know the answer. She understands u=u but…..

Does u=u include blood transfer?
Since i've started taking meds my testosterone levels are super high and I have a few spots under my pecs. I know high testosterone causes spots but Is this normal?

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2024, 03:55:10 pm »
Does u=u include blood transfer?

this is a prevention question, so ideally, not for this thread. https://forums.poz.com/index.php?board=28.0

But, yes, you can still pass on HIV if you are sharing syringes, or organ & blood donations. However, I doubt that is what you mean? Do you mean day-to-day & casual contact? So scrapes, cuts, toothbrushes etc, it's not an HIV risk and U=U is irrelevant.

My friends at work who don't know the truth apart from I cheated say I'm setting myself up for an epic fall.

I suspect they are right but it's your life.

« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 04:02:57 pm by Jim Allen »
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2024, 04:07:08 pm »
Yes I meant day to day things touch, cuts scrapes. Not syringes ect....

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2024, 04:11:07 pm »
Yes I meant day to day things touch, cuts scrapes. Not syringes ect....

Okay, it's not an HIV risk.

Since i've started taking meds my testosterone levels are super high and I have a few spots under my pecs. I know high testosterone causes spots but Is this normal?

What's super high, what did you doctor say and have you been taking anything like steroids? Do you know what the levels were 6 months, 12 months, 18 months ago?
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #15 on: May 08, 2024, 04:14:16 pm »
Not taking anything other than what they have subscribed. I just feel my energy levels are increasing rapidly, Iv been going on long walks on rough ground and not getting tired, I´m doing push ups as a release and sex drive has sky rocketed.

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2024, 04:33:20 pm »
Well that's all good, excellent 👍

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Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2024, 04:44:22 pm »
Look you had untreated HIV impacting your body & immune system and costing you energy, and now you started treatment your body isn't having to fight a loosing battle and a return of energy is a good sign, enjoy it.
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Offline leatherman

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2024, 07:29:00 pm »
now you started treatment
don't discount the related benefits of this point!

Treatment not only will improve your physical health by knocking HIV out of the way so your body can heal; but it helps you improve mentally and emotionally by just knowing you are fighting HIV, along with continuing to move through the upheaval in your life. Moving forward and knowing that you are getting healthier is a huge boost to your emotional and mental health. The benefits of those kinds of improvements should never be discounted because good emotional health and good mental health are almost as important as medication for a patient to make a recovery ;)
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"

Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2024, 04:00:57 pm »
So, A little update....
Things have been going well.
Me and the Mrs have been staying together at her new house most nights.
Now and then we have a night alone whilst the other has our daughter and it seems to be working well.
We are still 24/7 and do everything together.
Today she came with me to an appointment and asked a few questions and got a lot of pamphlets to read, its a lot for her to take in but she is trying.
The doctors told her she doesn't need prep or anything once they give the all clear which they hope with be by November. We have done foreplay but nothing more.

The new community she lives in has excepted as all and have gone out of their way to make us feel welcome. It feels like a new start and they have help make it possible (they do not know what I have only that this situation is temporary).

My history is....
Viral load.
18/03/2024 .... 730661
10/04/2024 .... 358
10/07/2024 .... 110
18/03/2024 .... 61
10/04/2024 .... 227
10/07/2024 .... 311

The doctors are happy with my health and I do feel fine with no side affects. I assume the numbers are looking good?


Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2024, 04:07:15 pm »
So you're back with your wife?
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2024, 04:16:33 pm »
We are "working things out" as she says.
I understand this could still all end badly but we are getting on great.
I do sometimes feel like I am stepping on egg shells but no more than before.

Offline Jim

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #22 on: July 19, 2024, 04:41:45 am »
Okay, well best of luck.
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Offline Ruined Life

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2024, 05:24:17 pm »
Just a little update and to say I'm still here......
My family life is the same as my last post
Not being intermate with my partner yet as she is still scared of what I have and our attempts at being intermate / foreplay have stopped, We have spoke about it.
I hope that in time it will come......
My history is....
Viral load.
18/03/2024 .... 730661
10/04/2024 .... 358
10/07/2024 .... 110
11/11/2024 .... 0
18/03/2024 .... 61
10/04/2024 .... 227
10/07/2024 .... 311
11/11/2024 .... 524

Hope everyone else is well. Just keep going, that's all we can do.

Offline Tonny2

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2024, 07:11:25 pm »

               ojo.           Hello there!… I’m sorry that you are still. unable to be intimate with your partner, I guess he would take some time for her to understand your new normal. Is she going with you to the doctor’s appointments?. Maybe if she gets educated by your doctor she will understand better here HIV situation.

Grade numbers, you are on your way to a full recovery and to go back to live your life again. I wish you the best and please keep us posted and yes, life goes on even for us Who are living with hiv…hugs

Offline leatherman

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Re: So I just messed my life up
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2024, 08:24:36 pm »
understand your new normal
keep in mind: if you stay adherent on your meds and your viral load is UD (<200) for 6 months, your HIV will be suppressed enough that you won't be able to transmit HIV. That's a really good outcome for you and your partner to look forward too.
leatherman (aka Michael)

We were standing all alone
You were leaning in to speak to me
Acting like a mover shaker
Dancing to Madonna then you kissed me
And I think about it all the time
- Darren Hayes, "Chained to You"


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