HIV Prevention and Testing > Do I Have HIV?

The risk of HIV transmission from precum on the fingers putting on a condom

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Hi. I am not very active gay man, but sometimes I have unprotected oral sex, and always protected anal sex. I had a situation last year that worries me a lot lately.The reason for that is because I've been ill 3 times for 7 months now.I know it's a flu season, but still...
Anyway, last summer, during my trip in Europe I wanted to have some fun. bad luck is that I was chewing gum and bite cheek few times.I saw some blood.I didn't want that to ruin my night, so I was kissing with a guy  (maybe one or 2 hours after I bit my cheek)
The next day (24 hours after) I gave a quick bj to a guy. I was aware that it's not smart to do that, so I quit. No ejaculation was involved.
What do you think what was the chance for the infection considering my wound in mouth? I have to say that wound was not bleeding before both incidents.
I know that people and experts in forum state that oral sex is no risk, or low risk...but I want to know if my situation is one that may increase the risk talking about oral sex.
Thank you

Andy Velez:
You are worrying needlessly about HIV in relation to those incidents.  Your saliva contains over a dozen elements and proteins which form a very effective barrier against the transmission of viable HIV.

The only confirmed risks for the sexual transmission of HIV are unprotected vaginal and anal intercourse. 

If you have persisten troubling symptoms you should discuss them with your doctor.  They have nothing to do with HIV and there is no need for testing.

Thank you very much.
You understand that I am scared mostly because that wound that I don't know if it was healed enough, and I engaged oral sex and kissing.

Andy Velez:
Yes, I understand the details of your concerns very well.  You were not at risk for HIV.


Hi. I recently had anal intercourse with 2 random guys on a vacation and here are some concerns.
1. I wanted to give a blowjob to the guy, but I felt a significant amount of precum so I spat it out immediately and stopped. Later we engaged in protected anal sex so I am worried that he might've had some precum on his fingers while putting the condom on (he masturbated before that) Also, he was checking if he was putting the condom on the right side, so the precum from his fingers or his penis could've ended up on the surface of the condom before he inserted it into my anus. The condom was properly used after and didn't break. We used water-based lube, but I haven't had anal sex for a long period so my anus could have been a bit torn. Also, we used his condom and I don't know the quality or if the date was expired.
2. The second we had oral and anal sex with my condom, he ejaculated inside my anus with the condom on. We checked the condom was not broken. Does ejaculation inside a condom put me at a higher risk than ejaculation outside the body? Was I a risk from all situations I mentioned above? Thank you for you answer


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