Off Topic Forum / Re: Teenagers
« Last post by em on Yesterday at 10:44:26 pm »this is from a few years back I got some groceries put them away and when I got up the next morning I thought this is going to be a good day I will have orange juice with breakfast that I had bought the day before . It was gone. So I said ot my oldest child " do not drink the juice in one day " So next grocery store trip I buy orange juice . The next morning it is still there , A few days later it is still there so I ask my oldest why he did not have any juice. He says you told me I could not have any juice ! I said "I told you not to drink the juice in one day " I guess sometimes people hear what they think someone said without hearing what was really said ? Or I thought He was just being passive aggressive and being over dramatic trying to make me out to be some kind of selfish monster not wanting to share . this was years ago He still talks to me so it is all good.