HIV Prevention and Testing > Do I Have HIV?

Please kindly help me

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So my 46 days after exposure 16/8 out of window test   all came back clear .
Blood drawn from the vain in Sexual clinic amd send to the lab 4th gen test I live in UK
Could I kindly ask if that’s all testing done for re HIV as I haven’t had any contact with anyone since 16/8
I spoke  with health adviser and she said that no more testing is required as in uk the window period is 45 days .
I just want to put all the subject to sleep and move on and start my daily prep .
However some organisations recommend 8 week window and it can be bit confusing 😩
I would really appreciate answer

If you read back your thread this has been already answered.

Anyhow, a nonreactive result on a blood drawn laboratory HIV antibody test six weeks post potential exposure is generally considered confirmed and retesting at three months is generally not necessary. Being in the UK doesn't change that.

You have tested six+ weeks post potential exposure, it's nonreactive, you don't have HIV, time to move on with your life.

Hi Jim
Thank you so much for your patience and reply truly .
Could you please offer advice !
Is there any advice or protocol to test past 6weeks/45 days period .
The reason I’m asking this is not because I’m still eaten with worry but for more medical reasons .
As you know from the previous posts my last exposure was in the 16th of August
And since that time I’m still very unwell .
I followed testing protocol with my sexual clinic with 4th Gen blood drawn tests
I tested on the 20/8 baseline test
None active
Then on the 2/09 finger blood collected and send  to the lab 4th Gen None Reactive
06/09  Blood drawn from vain at the sexual clinic none reactive 4th gen
Then 24/09 Bllod collected from the finger and sensed to Preventx lab
5th Gen Assay (Gives separately  results for Ab , p24 , and hiv subtypes .
None reactive
And finally 6 weeks post exposure final lab test in my sexual clinic all clear ,
However my Gp ordered some bloods as I’m still so unwell physically that hi really tries to find the cause
Not gonna go the route of symptoms but still got lympnode on my neck and behind  my ear , pretty much house and bed bound as I literally feel like I’m going through flu everyday with on and off fevers for past few weeks and pains all over my body
All labs came back normal
Liver , CRP , Kidneys , EBV negative as I had it in the past unless it reactivated itself 🤔
However and I know it’s nothing that is the one should look I get it but my WBC is down since my last blood work with my go  on 29/8 WBC 7,6 now they are 6,3 still in normal levels that are 4-11 but a drop indeed .
My question is there any advice to test over 45 days post exposure  as I know those tests are goddamn sensitive right .  And I had few if them but is there a possibility to have some viral illness that would affect my testing ?


--- Quote ---The symptoms have nothing to do with your HIV status,

--- End quote ---

You have been told by the health advisor, presumingly at the clinic that no further testing is required. I have also explained to you that you don't have HIV and that your symptoms have nothing to do with HIV.

Are on writing me whilst dying in hospital? 
Are you a long term IV drug user?
Are you currently undergoing chemotherapy?
Are you taking PEP or PrEP?

First Thank you very much for answering
And No I’m not in hospital bed
I don’t use drugs
I’m not on any chemo
And I’m not on pep , and haven’t restarted my prep yet as I don’t plan to have any sex anytime soon I’m to unwell for that,   nor I   had   any encounter with anybody since 16/08 
Yes that’s what they say but tbh in uk in sexual clinic you seeing health adviser nurse not a clinician so actually I found more information on this forum than from them
As last time when I asked what’s the best way to restart my prep after my 6 week clear all clear result the nurse had no clue and had to ask her colleague that is train on prep which didn’t made me very confident 
Anyway I just wanted kindly to get your input on guidance for testing out of window period that’s all . 


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