HIV Prevention and Testing > Do I Have HIV?

Please kindly help me

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Hi Jim
I’m not sure if I chosen wrong day to ask 😭 as reply is little harsh and I truly only wanted some advice .
Yes that’s the correct dates of encounters however I took prep 2h after sex instead before  (event dosing)     the that encounter ion the  4th and finished normally  the event dosing
So the issue only with that encounter is that I was 2 h late
 then  I was on prep from 12/08-16/08 as I decided to get back on daily pill but I stopped on the 17th as I started to feel ill and I didn’t wanted prep to delay anything etc probably stupid decision
So the encounters on the 13/08 and 16/08 were in the week I was taking prep
Self Sample send  to the lab pointless at 41 days ??
They use exactly same test assay that my sexual clinic uses the only difference is you take sample yourself not vain drawn
Elecsys HIV Duo is an immunoassay intended for the in vitro simultaneous qualitative detection and differentiation of HIV‑1 p24 antigen and antibodies to HIV, HIV‑1 (groups M and O) and HIV‑2 in human serum and plasma.
I only asked for some reassurance if 41 days is good indication???  as it’s only 4 days short
And yes of course I do go on the 30th when full 45 days is up to have blood drawn
I obviously know that other ISTi rapid test I took excessively are not to use for that situation but like everyone one or most I was panicking .
I’m sorry if I anyway sound stupid but I don’t think any question from Someone very worried is tupid

Thanks for the update.

At of this has been asked and answered. The symptoms have nothing to do with your HIV status, as for what your HIV status is test when due as recommend.

Regarding PrEP, on demand PrEP isn't working out for you and I strongly recommend you discuss switching to daily PrEP (or injectable PrEP if they have it).

So would you say 41 days after exposure 4th gen tests give good indication for 45 days one ? That’s all I asked essentially

Any nonreactive result is nice but the rapid and postal testing history is excessive and a waste of resources, it doesn't give you the result needed or peace of mind.

you again are posting about PrEP mishaps and lack of condom usage followed by excessive panic and stress.

It's not healthy, I don't want you to end up having HIV or to leave you to continue with an unhealthy cycle of fear, panic and pointless testing when correct consistent condom usage or at least correct PrEP usage and routine testing will do fine with perhaps some therapy.

Thank you Jim
I appreciate your comment
I’m 47 and never thought I will spiral sooch out of control with my mind and worry to literally point my life is on hold due to this
After this is all ruled out  of course I’m back religiously in my daily prep I can tell you this .
I agreed rapid testing was so excessive that I think I was mad to do this but it was driven by fear Jim not everyone can just sit and say to them self ok it was a risk I will test in clinic in appropriate time and chill till then .its just not how 45 days of waiting in fear works but I’m sure you heard it all again and again .
41 day test sensed to the lab they recived sample next day and tested day after with what they call 5th gen as it gives results separately for p24 , ab , and subtype of him etc
Anyway I just wanted to check with your experience of 41 day test like that is good sign but I guess it’s again just looking for reassurance
And just to say I admire what you do on here for people it’s an incredible work that must to take most of your time .


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