I know that generally hiv is not transmitted outside the body and not through cuts. But I wanted to ask about my specific situation.
I had nose surgery a few months ago, it has mostly healed I think. I worry about that being a route of transmission because yesterday I gave this guy a handjob (I know no risk) but he ejaculated on my face. Some of his semen went in to my mouth, nose and eyes. I wanted to ask whether this was a risk. My worry is that the tissues of my nose may be sensitive or not fully healed after a few months. I also have dry skin and my nose bleeds every now and then, so I assume I have cuts inside my nostrils.
Is this a risk? If not, can you please tell me why?
There have been cases if im not wrong of blood splashing on the face and infection occurring, is this different?
Does the volume of fluid matter? Does the amount of time a fluid is outside of the body matter?
Thank you again.
Jim Allen:
It's not an uncommon question about ejaculation on the face, cuts or on the skin, anyhow, what you posted isn't an HIV risk; it lacks direct route and exposure. You already answered the question yourself.
--- Quote ---There have been cases if im not wrong of blood splashing on the face and infection occurring, is this different? --- End quote ---
In short, no. You are talking about occupational blood exposure to the face. This would be theoretical with a larger volume of blood, and this would be the eyes with realistically only a rare suspected case remaining.
Outside of occupational situations, like jerking some guy off and getting a bit of cum or even blood on your face is hardly comparable and never has and doesn't result in acquiring HIV.
There are plenty of other easier-to-transmit STIs you could get this way, anyhow, please don't post about this again. Move on with your life.
Here's what you need to know to reduce your HIV risks: Use condoms for anal or vaginal intercourse correctly and consistently, with no exceptions. Consider talking to your healthcare provider about PrEP as an additional layer of protection against HIV
Keep in mind that some sexual practices described as safe in terms of acquiring HIV still pose a risk for other easier-acquired STIs. So please do get tested at least yearly for STIs, including but not limited to HIV, and more frequently if condomless intercourse occurs.
Also, note that it is possible to have an STI and show no signs or symptoms; testing is the only way to know.
Kind regards
Please Note. As a member of the "Do I have HIV" Forum, you are required to only post in this one thread no matter how long between visits or the subject matter. You can find this thread by going to your profile and selecting show own post, which will take you here. It helps us to help you when you keep all your thoughts or questions in one thread, and it helps other readers to follow the discussion. Any additional threads will be removed
Hi Jim and team,
Please accept my apologies, I was not sure whether I should start a new topic or continue this one.
My question is about PEP usage. I had an exposure where I had vaginal sex where I was the insertive partner. We had used a condom but it broke. I went to emergency and got pep a few hours later. The doctor prescribed Truvada for 30 days and I took one pill that same night. The next day I read online that pep is a combination of medications so I visited a sexual health clinic where they told me to take Tivicay in addition to Truvada for 28 days. They seemed concerned that only Truvada was prescribed. So essentially I started Truvada about 6 hours after exposure and then Truvada and Tivicay together the next day at around the same time.
Now I have continued to have protected sex a few times after that. The problem is that on more then one occasion I was drunk and cannot recall if the condom broke or I did something I cannot remember. I read that more risks after taking pep may cause it to fail. So my questions are:
If I had another risk I cant remember one week after starting pep, should I go back and ask for pep continuation for another week? So that means 28+7 days. Shall I treat this as a new incident and double the dose or anything else? I ask because I soon travel to a conservative country for a work assignment and I will no longer have access to hiv prevention and the topic is unfortunately taboo. I have a few days to sort this out and I wanted your guidance please.
Also I have been advised to test at 3 weeks after exposure and then 6 weeks after exposure. I understand your guidelines are different? Thank you.
Jim Allen:
You had a potential HIV exposure and started Truvada (TDF + FTC) six hours after the event and Tivicay (DTG) within 30 hours.
PEP is highly effective, so confirm your HIV status test six weeks after finishing PEP with a blood draw (lab) HIV antibody test. A non-reactive result at that time would rarely change, and retesting at three months is generally unnecessary.
Also, get an STI screening for far easier to acquire STIs. Talk to your healthcare provider about the HPV and Hepatitis A&B vaccine.
--- Quote ---if I had another risk I cant remember one week after starting pep, should I go back and ask for pep continuation for another week? --- End quote ---
No need. It would have been a slightly different answer if the exposure was at the end of the PEP course.
--- Quote --- The problem is that on more then one occasion I was drunk and cannot recall if the condom broke or I did something I cannot remember. I read that more risks after taking pep may cause it to fail. So my questions are:
If I had another risk I cant remember one week after starting pep --- End quote ---
Serious lapse in common sense and consideration.
As for drinking, this level of drinking is seriously harmful to your mental & physical health. Don't underestimate the impact alcohol has and I urge you to give some serious thought to the topic and to talk to your healthcare provider.
--- Quote ---double the dose or anything else? --- End quote ---
No, don't double the dose!
Hi Jim,
Today I noticed what looked like sores or tears in the skin on my penis. My last activity was protected vaginal intercourse two days ago. Is this a concern if these are herpes, syphilis sore or tears in the skin on the penis that were not covered by the condom or the condom riding slightly up? I saw no obvious breakage of the condom and it did not completely slip off. As mentioned before I just finished pep, should I extend? Thanks.