Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits > Lipodystrophy & Metabolic Problems
Medical Advice to Gain Weight
Lipodystrophy causes me to gain weight inside my abdominal cavity.
I've had more than one abdominal surgery and gaining weight causes abdominal pain for me.
Still, I can't count the number of hours in total I've spent both being told to gain weight and explaining why it's simply not going to happen.
I'd say I range from 15 to 10 pounds underweight - which is a big deal.
I know that in the event of a catastrophic illness, having that extra weight can be important.
The only alternative weight gain to fat is to bud muscle. No easy solutions it's just hard work and lots of it.
Jim Allen:
If you are looking for medical advice it's best to work with your Doctor, members can share their personal experiences though.
--- Quote from: Jim Allen on August 15, 2019, 04:55:11 pm ---Hiya,
If you are looking for medical advice it's best to work with your Doctor, members can share their personal experiences though.
--- End quote ---
Hey @Jim Allen
This just seemed like the right subforum to post my experience in:
POZ Community Forums » Meds, Mind, Body & Benefits » Lipodystrophy & Metabolic Problems
I agree that medical advice should be received only from my doctor. Was just wondering if I'm the only one who's had trouble with weight gain advice being difficult associated with lipodystrophy.