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Main Forums => I Just Tested Poz => Topic started by: numbersguy82 on September 01, 2010, 08:24:14 pm

Title: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: numbersguy82 on September 01, 2010, 08:24:14 pm
Hey All,
Well I just got my first lab numbers. I haven't got my resistance test results yet, but that should be next week. My cd4 was 73, VL 300k, and 7%. Not great. I also have hypothyroidism which is currently the cause of most of my syptoms like hair loss, body aches and pains, chills etc. My doc started me on Prezista, Truvada, and Norvir. She hopes this combo would be less likely to have any restistance issues. She doesn't want to treat my hypothyroidism until another month so she can get an accurate gage on my HIV progress.  All in all I'm really excited to start treatment and to get my numbers back up. I'm so motivated, and from reading everyone's numbers here I know it can be done. I just wanted to say thanks for the support and the outlet that these forums have provided. It has been a Godsend. You guys rock :)

Oh and I'm kinda bummed about not being on Atripla... I was looking forward to the dreams lol
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: Matty the Damned on September 01, 2010, 08:28:08 pm
A good strong combo that one, with minimal sides.

Your numbers are at a level where starting treatment is the wisest course to take. You should expect your VL to decrease quite rapidly. Your CD4s will rise more slowly but they will rise. I'd recommend some Bactrim to ward off PCP until your CD4s reach 250 and stay at that level for about 3 months.

Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: peteb on September 01, 2010, 08:30:45 pm
I am glad u are on a great combo ur numbers will improve keep up that positive attitude
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: Assurbanipal on September 01, 2010, 09:02:31 pm
I've always been jealous of the Atripla dreams too. 

But Prezista is really strong and sometimes can work even if you are resistant -- also since it is newer  the chance of being resistant to it is smaller while you are waiting to find out.  Course, most people don't have any resistance at all.

Here's to better health!
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: newbieguy on September 01, 2010, 09:56:42 pm
Hey numbersguy, seems like you have a great attitude about all this which is definately key! Good luck on your meds, you will be ok. I just started Atripla a week ago and no real crazy dreams yet. Hang in there. Im sure your numbers will rebound quicker than you realize. Best wishes!

Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: Granny60 on September 01, 2010, 10:23:08 pm
Glad you are on track to kick those little buggers butt! Every time I see your smile it makes my day a little better. Good luck buddy!
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: kev on September 02, 2010, 03:21:49 am
Your awesome attitude inspires me. Looking forward to hearing when your numbers get better in the near future  :). I am so thankful that we took that first step to get  HIV tested and can then react and get treatment and monitored.
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: bmancanfly on September 02, 2010, 07:33:01 pm
Wise move to start now.  That should be a very effective combo too.  Best of luck.
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: phildinftlaudy on September 02, 2010, 07:40:44 pm
Hey Numbers -
I agree with others - you have a great attitude - that goes a long way.

Here, I will share the part of my last night's Atripla dream with you so you can live the Atripla experience vicariously:
I was at an outside campground - the President of the US was there (very friendly guy in my dream).  He was asking if I wanted a hamburger.

I then had to figure out a way to introduce him to the crowd.  I was at a loss for words.  His assistant was getting upset with me - but was also jealous because the President took a liking to me and was ignoring his assistant.

Just as I introduced the President - helicopters started flying overhead - we thought it was the press, but it was actually the secret service.... there was a potential assassin - a lady dangling from a cliff drop off located behind the President - she was covered in mud and tied to the cliff - tangled up.... she kept yelling that she didn't want to do it - but her boyfriend had talked her into it -

I managed to warn the President that she was behind him tangled up on the cliff and the secret service apprehended her - I was somewhat of a hero.

Then I woke up..... ;D
Title: Re: First Labs are in!!!!
Post by: Granny60 on September 02, 2010, 09:55:14 pm
Oh, and #'s,   You can come back a long way from those numbers. My CD4 was <20 and VL 500K.  I  have known people over 1 million that made undetectable.   A friend just  made 1100 CD4. :o . He has the happiest wife  on the planet! I never thought he would see 300.  Keep on smiling!